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  1. Today
  2. I've been getting curious about trying racing games again with an actual driver setup. This wheel and pedal set is usually 350 but I got it for 175. I figure I'll try it out and if I don't get into it, I can always just sell it on eBay. Apparently the driving community takes this stuff pretty seriously so there's always someone looking to buy used driving accessories.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Metaphor ReFantazio 117 hours later and man, great game. I don't have a lot specific to say, if you're familiar with the last few Persona games it mostly follows a similar structure, though in an industrial fantasy land instead of modern Japan. There are a few changes, like the "Personas" work differently, and everyone can switch now instead of just the MC, but for the most part if you like Persona I would definitely recommend checking this out. Grade: A+
  5. Last week
  6. Star Fox 64 As fun as I remember, also, I'm way better at it now than when I originally played it aeons ago lol, took me about an afternoon to get both endings. Grade: A+
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