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Knifington STRIKE

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About Knifington STRIKE

  • Birthday 06/08/1986

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    The Beach
  • Interests
    Gaming. Duh.

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. My butthole itches.

    1. Commander Shepard

      Commander Shepard

      It sounds like a major problem on the "whole." Teehee.

  2. I'm a relatively new father my self (9 months), and let me assure you that no one has the slightest idea of what they're doing when they first bring home a baby. It's normal to be scared, and I think it's a good sign that you'll be very attentive and careful with them. Just remember to focus on mom too, because carrying around another human being inside of you and having it come out is a traumatic experience on the body as well as the mind, and patience with your new family as a whole will ensure that you will not wake up to find your significant other hovering over your bed at night with a sharp knife contemplating your castration because they don't want another child. And yes, hormones stick around a while after the birth.
  3. Knifington And it's pronounced Knife-ington, not "niffington." Wtf is a niffington? That's just retarded. Also, add me on Raptr.
  4. Getting on the ol' 360. You should join me. Really.

    1. Commander Shepard

      Commander Shepard

      "ol' 360" you say? If that's old, I'm afraid I might break my hip. :oldman:

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLy5xIjA6Z8 I just bought a Kinect and got Dance Central and...that fitness game. Tired legs are tired.
  6. FYI: If you're looking forward to getting Kinect and have bad knees, invest in some cod liver oil or knee braces first.

  7. The planet Kirk n Spock are dumped on is close enough to see Vulcan get swallowed up that it should be a moon. But unless Enterprise was warping away in circles they took some time to get from escaping Vulcans collapse to dumping Kirk that theoretically should of put them lightyears away from the moon. Spock never goes into too much detail on the collapsing star which would of been nice to maybe pre-emptively sort out. Also the supernova was much more powerful than anything even remotely possible from a supernova. Also why if only one drop was needed was an entire vat of sun/planet destroying material put on spocks ship? Surely you'd only give him a few ml's and stored the rest on Vulcan? Still a good film, just a few things that bug me. I see. However, now that you have pointed that out, it's kind of ruined the movie for me. I guess I'm not that hardcore of a sci-fi fan. :/
  8. This thread brings back the painful memories of being the child of a trekkie, being dressed up in a tng red shirt uniform complete with captain's ranking pins and having sweaty geeks ooh and aah at the fact that a dork like my dad was able to reproduce twice, creating a small light of hope for themselves at the end of the dark tunnel that is their wasted existence. I did like the reboot movie though. Looking forward to the eventual sequels.
  9. D-K's birthday is today? HAPPY BIRFDAY MANG! Also, I was looking at other people's birthdays, and my son and DeanB share one. Crazy.

    1. D-K
    2. Showmeyomoves!


      Oh, you're right! Gefeliciteerd, jongen. :P

  10. Went home to visit my family in ohio. Came back to the beach. Worked. Got still. Still sick. Currently have TP tampons up my nostrils.

  11. My brother and I are trying to get some DOOM mp going some time and would like to get the 100 mp kills cheev legitimately.
  12. For all my Android brothers and sisters, download MicDroid. I haven't sent too many messages lately that I haven't auto-tuned.
  13. But I'm only active on this forum through my phone. D: If I post pics of my kyoot baby will you be more willing to look into it?...
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