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Everything posted by Zenia-chan
I got this, it's pretty funny. There are a lot of popular Internet memes and gaming/movie culture referenced in it, mostly some of the good ones from YouTube, or other games like Diablo and World of Warcraft. Also, for people who haven't played before, I would advise against casting Meteor Shower without a barrier up. (Shield + Mouse3/Cast Self) Direct hits from meteors do like 5k damage, and you can hurt yourself with it...lol it happened to me the first time I tried it. Ouch >_<
Thirded, since you not only try to look like a dork--you succeed at it! <3333 fellow dorks~
HUGE SUCCESS! +1 I like that video. XD
I'm still itching to play Tales of the Abyss. I've never played a Tales title before...I grew up on Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, and Pokemon (if that counts) plus I've played a few other good ones here and there, like Grandia 2 and Skies of Arcadia. I finished the TotA anime around Christmas 2010, but I want the game! XD JRPGs might be cliche, but there's also that nostalgia factor. Many of my best childhood memories were JRPG-related...I'll just say that.
Griefing, trolling and the nature of online games
Zenia-chan replied to HotChops's topic in General Gaming Chat
Shenanigans in general are fun. But I do agree that griefing just feels like a waste of time, it's not even that fun of a shenanigan when you think about it. When you grief, you're basically wasting your own time, to try to waste someone else's. Meanwhile they either mock you or express sheer annoyance with you or hurl insults at you. It doesn't even make you any more popular...haha even TROLLOLOLOLing will make you more popular than griefing will, because unlike griefing, trolling can actually imply that you have a sense of humor. Honestly, the only good things I've seen ruined by trolling are serious discussions. And personally I believe that especially in gaming, there isn't much of a need for serious discussions between players (LAWL SRS BZNS) with a few exceptions...for example, tournament-level players (when more is at stake than just the game itself: prize money, championship titles, fangirls, etc.) or between players and developers (to improve the games' features for the players.) To us casual gamers, gaming is really just for fun. And as for trolling, while it can be trite and annoying at times instead of funny, it still doesn't hurt casual discussions as much as serious ones. -
if you dont want your crates il ltake em from you :V I was tempted to toss mine especially if my inventory got too full, but I'll give them to you if you want.
Next up, they should invent a similar cleaning robot for the messes on the table caused by the Heinz Automato 4. It should be called...the Bounty QQPU Auto-Wipe! (QQPU is an acronym referring to the "Quilted Quicker Picker Upper" slogan in the Bounty paper towel commercials)
What's the best structure for MMOs?
Zenia-chan replied to Mister Jack's topic in General Gaming Chat
I voted for "Free to download, free to play, have a cash shop" but I'd like to elaborate on this a bit. Most MMORPGs out there aren't that highly developed, and I feel that only a few I've played are really worth paying a subscription for. Sometimes if I'm really bored, I'll download another F2P MMO and just start playing, but I usually don't play F2P MMOs for longer than a month at a time. Most F2P MMOs are rather imbalanced...cash shop items give a MAJOR edge to those who buy them, and the game quality is usually pretty low so I figure that in most cases, it isn't really worth it. If I do get any cash shop items, I do it through Offerpal or something, to "earn" the cash shop points so I don't have to pay real money (choosing the offers carefully to try to keep the spam in my inbox to an absolute minimum.) I would, however, vote "Buy it once, then pay for a subscription each month" for some rare cases where the MMOs are (or used to be) REALLY good. For example: World of Warcraft Ragnarok Online (Not now, but 4-6 years ago: When the game felt much more challenging and had a significantly larger number of players, and before most of the game's overall stability took its fall) Aion (I will note that this is a big MAYBE, since Chinese hackers seemed to constantly post fake pr0n links on the official forums, which led to a site with a fake flash player update that contained a keylogger which they used to harvest players' accounts. These hackers seemed to have a large foothold in the game during the time I played, and they always annoyed the living PISS out of everyone with their massive RMT spamming in town, but I'm mentioning it because I really liked the combat style and the graphics of the game.) I'm sure there are others in this category that I still haven't played. I would pay--and I have done so many times already--a subscription for the rare, exceptionally good MMORPGs, but since these aren't as "causal" to me as F2P games, I'm rather opposed to paying to play one with a cash shop that disturbs game balance (to my knowledge, WoW's cash shop only has collector's items, like non-combat pets and mounts, so it doesn't disturb game balance as far as I know.) I just don't see any reason to include a cash shop that would give a significant advantage to people who can afford to dump tons of money into the game, when they should be making plenty of money off of their subscriptions from all player types...from casuals to hardcores, to the absolute no-lifes! -
Bah that stupid physics teeter-totter part drove me nuts. A pox on your mailman, teeter-totter! I eventually got it, though :3 As for only using the grav gun in Ravenholm...ugh. I still need to get the sand one. But I got the Ravenholm one fairly easily...you can kill the zombies with traps, like the fire traps and the car-on-a-pulley traps, and it won't count against you since those are environment-triggered rather than weapon-triggered. I personally enjoyed lining them up in front of me and firing buzzsaws at them for multi-kills. XD There were only 2 parts that I remember being especially difficult for me...the part with the car traps (there were quite a few zombies and not many objects to fling at them, the car traps are kind of hard to squish them all with if your timing is off, and not many backup options) and the part near the end of the chapter where you had to wait for the lift to carry you from the top of a building over towards the cemetery, while fast zombies attack you and you have like nothing to throw at them. I think I ended up retreating a little bit and using things from inside the building to kill them off, haha. Then there was The One Free Bullet from HL2: Episode 1, where you have to finish the entire game firing only ONE bullet. But it wasn't actually that bad, since there were parts of the game where you HAD to use grenades and RPGs, and kills from those, as well as the crowbar and gravity gun, wouldn't count against you. Not to mention Alyx can fire as many bullets as she wants. I think the only tough parts were some of the parts with the "Zombines" (Hahaha, get it? Haha...yeah, k.) and the part at the end with the Strider, but I think that's tough whether you're going for the achievement or not.
I have a pet peeve with some games that you have to pay for, which also have a cash shop. In other words, games that you have to pay X amount just to play, but to win you have to pay X+Y amount (the Y amount is for the cash shop items that give you an often HUGE advantage over players who don't buy them) Examples: Ragnarok Online (MMORPG) - Especially 2-3 years ago before the official free-to-play server went live, and even then, the cash shop items were more expensive on the free server than on the subscription-based servers. Team Fortress 2 - Since this could be considered a more casual game, it's a bit of a lesser example (you can still win without paying extra depending on skill and teams, and you can get most of the same items just by playing or idling) but it still technically follows the X+Y formula. The main differences between this and Ragnarok are that the X part for TF2 isn't a recurring payment and is frequently discounted, and the Y part carries less significance (being mostly for lazy people and collectors rather than people playing to win.) I'm sure there are more out there like this, I haven't exactly played EVERY game out there.
By Visual Novels, I was referring to a Japanese-style game that's highly story-driven, usually with few, if any "action" scenes at all. More often than not, the only direct control you would have would be to scroll through the dialog between characters, or to the next scene, next chapter, etc. Usually the characters are drawn in anime style and may express different emotions, but usually (throughout dialogue scenes especially) the characters aren't fully animated. In many VNs, there are story "branches" where you might be presented with a choice. Certain options could change the flow of the story and ultimately yield different endings. This is a highly common element in the RPG gaming genre as well. Of course, because of the visual and interactive possibilities with a game structure like this, many hentai game developers use a Visual Novel structure for their games. The action going on typically isn't too overwhelming to the player (with the possible exception of "virgin eyes", but if you watch stuff like this, I'll bet your eyes are used to it by now) and the story flow is much more easily controlled in this type of game.
"You achieved Half-Life 2: Episode Two: #EP2_PUT_ITEMINROCKET_NAME." Oh, Steam, you and your achievement glitches. That was the Little Rocket Man achievement I just got today. That Hunter-Chopper was a pain, making me crouch under train cars and stuff. I took my frustration out by punting the gnome as far as I could with the gravity gun, thinking of the gnomes on WoW named "Puntmeplz" and laughing a little. XD
I think having regeneration can make some games easy, yet tedious. The duck-and-cover method works well, despite its slight cheapness. (I'm guilty of it too, haha.) I know 2 ways to reduce the effectiveness of this tactic: 1. Do a speed run. You won't have all the time in the world to regenerate when the clock is ticking against you. 2. Unlimited enemy spawns, that you can't hide from. If they keep coming, there's always the threat of more showing up to damage you. And if not, suppose they're easy enough to kill practically just by looking at them, you should probably increase the difficulty level.
Well hey, to be fair, the girls are rather pretty. And they have guns. I can't really blame the boys for trying to flirt, lol. Did I mention, girls with guns? BIG guns. Totes hawt. (OH YES I DID.) =^.^=
I think I'm around 5'9" or 5'10" tall...so yeah, about average for a guy. But it's kinda weird when I'm crossplaying a female character at an anime convention, and I tower over just about all the real girls. Plus since many con nerd girls are quite short, even compared to the average female...yeahh...it's crazy. Heh. Tall girls (over 6 feet) are hot, especially if they have nice boobs. I like what happens when I hug them.
This. I'm supposed to be trying to be a writer, but I spend most of my time playing video games or frittering it away on the internet. Must... better... self... That's not all bad, really...as long as you're playing games with good plots and storyline. I mean, if you think about it, it's almost like reading a more interactive version of a book. XD I might as well bring this up too: Visual Novels. (NOT just the hentai ones, you perverts!)
I like self-sufficient characters, especially if they have some overall coolness to them. Usually this ends up being a monk or a paladin type of character, something with a stable build that can heal or regenerate with little cost, while also fighting effectively. But I tend to take a liking to stealth classes or magic classes at times too (see "overall coolness" above.) I don't play tank or pure melee classes that much, though. Although, in games such as Aion where death tends to be costly, I might play a tank just because staying alive would count more for self-sufficiency. I've also made healer classes as alternate characters in games with good communities, for partying and such.
I agree with most of this, but I play games for fun. I don't really care so much about winning or losing. That being said, some games can be pretty frustrating when you just end up losing all the time, and others get pretty boring if it's easy to win every time. As for the means to the ends, I suppose I play somewhere in the middle. I'm not totally cheap, nor do I really see myself as a "scrub", but I sometimes do experiment with unconventional tactics in the hopes of discovering something effective. I don't really care if others use "cheap" tactics, as long as there's some way to counter it (and I'll probably figure that out too, eventually.)
I have one main resolution. Ironically, it would make a good custom license plate. LRN2DRV That means getting my license and taking care of all that crap. My other resolutions include: * Not talking too much * Wasting less time and focusing on important stuff * Maybe...just maybe...cutting back on trolling a little (this one's debatable)
Treasure Mathstorm was always fun. And who could possibly forget Mario is Missing?
I love this one! Nice Des. Hehe I'm glad you like it <3 So while we're at it, let's bring our friends over. I'm craving some multi-player action! (That one was a bit cheesier, sorry...heh)
I love how in some MMORPGs or other lesser-known games (usually free ones...Rising Force Online was a good example of this) they actually included a jump feature, but it does absolutely nothing other than look cool, like you're doing a little somersault in the air, making you feel as though you're jumping. Note that this game has no real "platform mechanics" and everything in the game is technically grounded to a surface. There were also a lot of glitches in that game, when people would somehow get onto surfaces they weren't supposed to get onto. You'd be surprised how much I jump in real life...lol. Being on a permanent sugar high will do that, I guess. Then again, I guess it's more of a "skip" than a jump, most of the time. I tend to imagine myself skipping along in games with the jump button like that, too. XD