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About Skoshuke

  • Birthday 11/23/1992

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  • Location
    POTaTO Land

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. New album from the Mountain Goats is out, and it's great!
  2. Websites that have a bar at the top, bottom, or in the worst case both ends of the window, that stay there as you scroll up and down the page. Tacky tacky tacky.
  3. So, as we near the end of this month of shameness, I thought I'd update you with news on the games I focused on finishing this month. I set out to finish three games by the thirty-first and have not held myself to that. For those of you who clearly care about this more then me I say: "... sorry?" Allow me to explain. Deus Ex: Human Revolution (PS3): I purchased this game at the start of the year. I began the game playing as a psuedo-pacifist stealthy dude (I would sneak about and try not to kill, but would if I was caught or surrounded) who dabbled in hacking. This was how I played until I lost interest and left it for a few months. Bad move. Upon picking it back up, I had forgotten most of the major and minor plot points, as well as the characters. This was not helped by having a newly acquired distaste for stealth gameplay, as I attempted to take a somewhat more traditional FPS approach to gameplay with a character who was not kitted out to do so. Needless to say, I grew tired within a few hours of play-time and abandoned it again. If I were to play this again, I'd start from scratch. At least that way I'd know what's going on. Half Life 2: Episode 1 (PC): I had gotten this game as a free achievement award during last year's (2011's) Steam winter sales. This game does not hold up. The objectives you're given for the first few chapters of the game are "Go here, talk to a dude for a while[rather, get talked to], go there." During my time playing this month, I played through the chapters Highway17 and some of Sandtraps, which are chapters substantially lacking in narrative, differing locations or anything remotely fun. Hell, that's pretty much a valid description of most of the game I played. I'm most certainly not going back to this game or the rest of it's series, even if the fabled 3 chapter/title-game comes out. Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery (iPhone): I'm unsure as to exactly when I picked up this game, but it was some time ago. Unlike the last two games, I really enjoy S:S&S. The only reason I have yet to finish it is that it literately takes an entire lunar month to play. Two of the items-of-high-import in this game can only be collected during the dark phase and light phase of the moon, which coincidentally line up with the middle and end of this month, respectively. Yes, I know I can just set my phone's date to match, but come on, this lines up way too well to 'cheat.' Since I've yet to finish it, and plan to in a couple of days, I'll reserve judgement.
  4. Now I'm low on money to spend. Just going to have to wait out the next few days, and hope some awesomely cheap diamond(s) show up.
  5. Websites where lengthy articles are dissected into separate pages. I can see why one would add pages from a design perspective, but something about them just annoys me the tiniest amount. It feels as though you've decided you want to exploit me for ad revenue, though I hope that's not true. Also, within this peeve, articles where the last page is just one or two paragraphs, because it's an automated process. So icky.
  6. I do have quite a few unfinished games on my plate. The games I've wanted to finish for a while are Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery on iOS, Deus Ex: Human Revolution on PS3, and Half-Life 2: Episode 1 on PC (I know, I know, I'm a monster) so I'll be doing those first. After those I believe it's a case of getting the ones that are closest to completion done soonest, which I'll update with as they come. My steam list also has a bunch of un-started games, mostly from bundles, which I'll just ignore for now. Perhaps I'll get around to them once I've finished the unfinished, but that's unlikely.
  7. Finally finished my first play through of Dark Souls. \o/

  8. As everyone else probably feels, I hope that gunfight was the exception rather than the norm. If it has a Deus Ex approach, the option to use your stalker-like powers to get out of there and assassinate the target with said powers, that'd be, to steal from EA's showing, 'rad'. [EDIT] Huh, apparently my stream cut out at the worst moment, and I missed the part where you crash the target's car. I had just presumed it transitioned straight into all out gunning. My bad.
  9. Finally, I've now got a decent laptop and can play video games!

  10. I'm rockin' a WiFi Vita with a 4GB stick (cheapo!). I've currently got Touch My Katamari and Frobisher Says! I was kinda forced into getting Little Deviants, as it was part of a bundle here. Looking to get Escape plan ASAP, and I might get UMvC3 at some point. If anyone can point me at some must-have PSP games, that'd be cool! For those who haven't added me, I'm Skoshuke1
  11. Skoshuke


    Portal 2 70's style movie poster
  12. It's a combination of Sko and Shuke. Now, go look those up on urban dictionary. ... my most sincere apologies to those who looked. In truth, it was made in an attempt to think of a cool name for my group in a quiz. It was the product of combining the three things my fifteen years young self thought to be 'the most awesome things EVER!' (Skins, Smosh and Sasuke) Since then, that phase has passed, and I tend to just make up a combination to shrug the question off (as seen above) However, the word itself was so odd and unique I decided to use it as my alias, and like a bastard son, disregarded its roots.
  13. Apparently, this is a thing that exists in this country. Does not compute. http://www.taytocrisps.ie/park/

    1. excel_excel


      HOLY SHIT THAT IS AWESOME. Meath ain't too far away from Kilkenny woo!

    2. excel_excel


      oh wait it looks a bit shit

  14. Skoshuke1 WipEout HD(Fury), Dead Nation, AssCreed: BroHood, Uncharted 2 and GT5 are what I'm willing to play with others.
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