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Everything posted by Akuam4n

  1. Bioshock Infinite was fantastic.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      the kettle calling the african american black. Or so that saying goes.

    3. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      One day Dee is going to flip her shit and be everywhere always. The Ubiquitor.

    4. Dee


      I still come on here and I still do not make posts. What has changed? haaww


  2. Anyone here play League?

    1. VicariousShaner


      Me and Harri do. My username is VicariousShaner, but it may be a while before I can play again.

    2. Akuam4n


      If you post Harri's tag here too, I'll add you guys. I need more people to play with. D;

  3. GR: Future would be so much better if the guns felt like they had this thing called recoil.

    1. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      They haven't had realistic recoil since the first game.

    2. Akuam4n


      I just remember Graw 2 being better. Oh well. It's not bad, just not as good as I hoped.

  4. I need like, a second job so I can get my new rig faster. I hate waiting.


    1. Battra92


      Where are we?

    2. Dee


      Whaaaaat the hell?

      Is goooooooin' ON.

  6. Oh, USAF. So overrated.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Yantelope V2

      Yantelope V2

      Underrated Albino Slovakian Ferrets?

    3. Baconrath


      USAS-12 with frag rounds

    4. Battra92


      My great uncle was in the Air Force. He said it was at least better than the army.

  7. Drunk Mexicans FTL.

  8. Dead Island half off? Yes.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. peteer01


      Wait...a sale did what now? Seriously, how did sales stack, and was it right after the counter refreshed? Any chance that window will open for anything else?

    3. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      Beginning of the sale*


      I doubt it'll happen again anytime soon. Dead Island was the daily deal before the holiday sale started, so when it did, both discounts were applied for a small window.

    4. deanb


      I'd go with a no on that aquaman. (Especially as on our end it's £15. £5 less n you can have DXHR)

  9. BOOM. I'm back, for like the 600th time. I tried to find the most ridiculous FB photo I could, for a more sane one, hurr: /Shameless mirror photos.
  10. The curl of the burl, by Mastodon. Their new album came out yesterday, and it's amazingggg.
  11. I think it should be lighthearted, short of just a chill podcast. If people like the cast, then they listen. I listened to Bungie's podcasts for so long just because they were entertaining, and only about 10% of the hour was actual news. I'm down to help if need be. Should be fun.
  12. 10/4/15. Great game of LoL today.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Harri


      Hm. What champ did you play as? @pirandello you can play with me =D

    3. Pirandello


      Harri, I sent ya a message! Check your inbox!

    4. Akuam4n


      Shaco! :D


      I'll play with you guys sometime too if you'd like. We always have a few people wanting to group up on the weekends.

  13. Made some guy rage quit. I feel accomplished.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      Did the same in RO2 a few days ago. SO GOOD!

    3. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      If you rage quit in RAGE, what is it called?

    4. Luftwaffles
  14. Back with a PC, finally, hurr hurr. I LOVE IT.

  15. Back from BMT. Kekeke.

    1. SixTwoSixFour


      Keep the faith, brotha'. I been there, it's rough. Gratz on perserverin'.

    2. Akuam4n


      BMT wasn't too bad, I thought. Thanks though.

  16. Ladies, Gentlemen, I'm off to basic. I'll be back in three months. Adieu.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      Break a leg!


      That's the thing you're supposed to say, right?

    2. excel_excel
  17. Whoever invited me to a chat last night on steam, sorry, I wasn't there (obviously)/ I have a notoriously bad habit of forgetting to set my status's on everything to away when I'm gone.

  18. My account got hacked on WoW for a whopping two days; and whoever hacked it never changed any of the login info at all. Wat.

  19. Crecente's new PC is reallly nice. I'm impressed, Origin. If I didn't despise Windows 7, I might buy one of your pcs.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Why do you "hate" it? Seems like a pretty strong word to use in this situation.

    3. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Win 7 is awesomesauce... on a stick. I don't see what there is to hate about it other than that the open/close/minimise buttons are on the top right of the window as opposed to the top left...

    4. Akuam4n


      I just don't like Windows as much as OSX in general. I guess I don't hate it, but I just really don't like it. I'd been using a Mac sine I was a kid, while we had to use PC's in school.

  20. Indeed. I know you can use fraps, etc on the pc; I just mean that was the first game that shipped with the tools to render videos of your games and such, that I played.
  21. The first game I played with a playback feature for making montages, taking screenshots etc, etc, was Halo 3. Not sure if it was the first though. In my opinion, every shooter should have one of those by now. It is a really cool feature, and it needs to be a standard. How the easy the dev for the game makes browsing all those files is quite iffy though.
  22. This is what I'm actually most interested in. You could ask them what the most realistic FPS or Third Person shooter they have played is. I'm curious is he would say Socom, or Arma.
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