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Everything posted by hatch

  1. was gonna just post a video with the piece but it turns out this specific video is just hypnotic that piece along w/ this song are p much the only things that can make me smile without fail 100% of the time regardless of sobriety
  2. peak hours seem to start around 7-8 eastern. as for me I may be on tomorrow, idk really, I'm trying to spend a lot of time out of my apartment because I really need to smooch a girl but I might be on friday
  3. go stars. nhl 11 is clearly a "better" game than nhl 10 but I got through about five seasons of be a gm in 10 and one half of one in 11, so. go stars.
  4. xkcd is cool only because it spawned the obviously nsfw goatkcd
  5. haile satan

    1. Baguette


      eh Hailey is ok I guess

    2. D-K


      he saved the world from Cell, you know..

  6. what about quake arena? 1200 is a lot for a game I still have one dreamcast with mouse and keyboard and everything but if enuff ppl get it I may be convinced
  7. I'm not, I don't really play games on the pc that much because I don't have a convenient way to play them
  8. yeah I have no intention of moving to pc
  9. hahaha yeah, when I saw him brother ali was the big draw. I actually was going to see talib kweli again at my university a couple years ago since he was going to perform on campus for basically what is the spring/end of year celebration, but he ended up not being able to make it at the last second and there were literally riots that night. almost as cool as when the republican national convention was here and zack de la rocha freestyled downtown
  10. almost every girl I've ever talked to likes cloud cult, too
  11. hatchc2 I might get online tonight I don't know~
  12. Speaking of, I'm currently listening to: nice. I saw talib with brother ali here a few years ago. idk how big brother ali is outside of minneapolis but I see and hear about him all the time around here and it seems like just about everyone in the cities likes him
  13. yeah I'm personally a big fan of maddux-glavine-smoltz myself also lmbo that two of the three guys to get a bigger contract as a starter than cliff lee are barry zito and....................mike hampton
  14. In A Mood again so while "on when I feel like it" is an accurate description I don't know how often I'll feel like it, a week from now I'm spending ten days in texas so it's possible you won't see me back online till 2011. idk
  15. you know how, when a baby is first born, it just cries at the sheer horror of being alive

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. StrifeROKs


      It's because the baby drank to much the night before

    3. mintycrys


      silly strife. babies don't get hangovers.

    4. StrifeROKs


      minty I miss you so much...

  16. the last few times I've played we've actually had more than six it seems, making it difficult to get a game started since the clock won't count down until all parties are basically guaranteed to stick together. but if we have enough people playing we could always just private match I guess
  17. I guess I'm ok with that...like I said I think assassin should be able to take down everyone but tank and maybe gunner esp on a backstab
  18. even level 3 backstab? that seems op since I'm assuming stock tank has silver armor
  19. thanks but I don't know english
  20. it was for a "rock history" class intended for freshmen I took my senior year to get rid of a lib ed credit and basically we had one paper where we could write about whatever and I did a critical analysis of the video for telephone and eventually I juxtaposed the imagery there with m.i.a.'s "paper planes" and t.swift's "you belong with me" and came to the conclusion of "m.i.a. and gaga are progressive feminists" and that taylor swift profits off promoting outdated gender roles and stereotypes
  21. I like that dutch is close enough to german that I can usually get the gist of it if I just say it out loud
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