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Everything posted by CrowKnow

  1. Okay... I'm looking to get rid of some games before I completely forget about them. Edit: Looking to give these away Gish (Steam Key) Machinarium (Steam Key) Eufloria (Steam Key) Crayon Physics Deluxe (Steam Key) Anomaly: Warzone Earth (Steam Key) Sanctum (Steam Gift) There's also these but, I can't remember if I've used these keys yet and don't really have a method of checking whether they work without claiming them in the process. Puzzle Agent (Steam Key) Jolly Rover (Steam Key)
  2. From what I've heard it may be worthwhile for kotor fans to go through some of the better class' story content. Apparently Imperial Agent and Jedi Knight have the best storylines. Also a chart with differences between subscription and f2p players. http://www.swtor.com/free/features
  3. I've got invites for a guild wars 2 free trial thing this weekend if anyone is interested
  4. Finally got around to beating Mass Effect 1 and 2...Rather enjoyed it, kotor with guns? Recently bought ME3 during a sale so will probably play that soon.
  5. http://getloadedgo.com/ Pick 2 for 15$ Binary Domain, Arkham City Goty, Men of War Assault Squad Goty, Warhammer 40k: Space Marine, Stronghold 3: Gold Edition, and Civ 5. Everything except Arkham City appear to be Steam Keys while Arkham City seems to be GFWL/SecuROM. Never bought from getgamesgo though but, Web of Trust is showing yellow for the link. Binary Domain activated fine on steam though so /shrug
  6. GMG has Borderlands 2 for $37.50, it's already 16% off and you can apply the 25% coupon on top of it. "GMG25-1BW0K-K1A3G". Cheaper than the steam 4 pack. http://www.greenmangaming.com/s/ca/en/pc/games/rpgs/borderlands-2-na/
  7. I'd be interested in the 4th spot if you still haven't found anyone.
  8. Hmm... anyone else interested in the Renegade Ops 4 pack or a Hero Academy 2 Pack?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CrowKnow


      Seems so, or 2.25$

    3. deanb


      Hmmm. Maybe. My only issue atm is my inability to play hefty pc games (anything requiring gpu = hefty)

    4. toxicitizen


      Hero Academy looks pretty cool, might be interested in that.

  9. GDC Talk about the Bastion's Audio. Even if you kinda glaze over the technical details there's some pretty great anecdotes tucked in there. http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/175296/Video_Creating_the_audio_for_Bastion.php
  10. For anyone else bored of D3, Path of Exile is having an open beta this weekend, F2P dungeon crawler that's been in closed beta for a while now. Only a few hours into the game, ID scrolls are the game's currency, global chat is pretty thriving... even devs talking quite a bit with the players, skills are basically gems that are socketed into items... usingg them levels them up. Maps are actually random, and you can manually make them reset. Also has switchable weapon/shield slots like LoD. Some downsides so far are relatively small inventory and shared loot in parties... also there's no real tutorial so global chat is filledddd with "HOW DO I X" questions. http://www.pathofexile.com/ That skill tree... http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/
  11. Not if he gifts you all the DLC
  12. I thought everyone owned PvZ by now.. Got Gifted these Gifted this as a thank you...
  13. Total war Complete is on sale at gamersgate for $24.90 http://www.gamersgate.com/DDB-TWCC/total-war-complete-collection-bundle
  14. Seems someone recently had the same problem and made a mod for it. http://retro-hack.bl...reen-on-pc.html
  15. Beat Alpha Protocol, that game sure is... janky. Stealth gradually became useless while the pistol eventually let you 1-shot anyone from any range. Dialogue stuff was interesting though kinda a pain, some of the timers felt fairly short barely giving me enough time to read before going on and some of the wording felt incredibly vague, resulting in stuff completely opposite of what I intended. I did enjoy the story though, and the interrogation/recap thing was an way to reflect on your choices.
  16. Pre-ordered this Also debating on whether or not to preorder D3...
  17. I've got 2 copies of Sanctum, Gish, X3 Goldbox and 3 guest passes for nuclear dawn that I might as well give away since they've just been lying around for the past few months
  18. This seems the closest and most recent thing to a hardware thread without invading someone's build thread.. So I've been looking to buy an ssd for a while now, was planning on buying a small and cheap one and use it for the OS and maybe some games. Been kinda weary though since I keep seeing reviews/comments about having issues on the firmware? side of things. I'm also have pretty limited experience in installing hardware... with an ssd would I simply be connecting the SATA cable and placing it in the hard drive slot/mounting it to some kind of bracket? I'm also wondering if there's anything I should know about installing OS's on blank hard drives... as I've never done it before. Current Rig ignoring the graphics card Currently I'm looking at these 2 hard drives though I haven't done that much research, any advice/suggestions would be welcome Patriot Torqx 2 Solid State Drive - 64GB, 2.5", SATA - 60$ This ones in the price range I wanted, has favourable reviews although I'm not a big fan of Mail in rebates. SanDisk 120GB Solid State Drive - 120GB, SATA 6 Gb/s, 2.5" This one would probably give me more leeway for putting non-essentials on the ssd, it shares "roughly" the same gb per $ and seems to be faster. Also has no MiR. OCZ Agility 3 120GB SATA3 6GB/s, Read: 525MB/s, Write: 500MB/s I think I've settled on this one Thanks in advance.
  19. Dungeons and Dragons Anthology for £5.08 or ~$8. Seems cheaper than the 2 for 1 on gog plus that 15% discount from ign still applies http://www.gamersgate.co.uk/DDB-DBAMC/dungeons-and-dragons-anthology-the-master-collection
  20. Lazy Newb Pack hasn't updated but, some of its core components have been. Dwarf Therapist and Phoebus' Graphic pack have been updated for the newest version. http://www.bay12foru...p?topic=57557.0 http://www.bay12foru...p?topic=66525.0
  21. Works with trial memberships, I had the same problem but, that was because I had multiple accounts tied to a single email. I suggest trying to make a new account with a different email.
  22. Lifetime 15% discount on Gamersgate with a code from IGN Prime (which you can signup for a free trial). http://login.ign.com...mos/gamersgate/ http://www.gamersgate.com/ign Some caveats though... if you've got multiple accounts on the same address (for example on fileplanet and ign.com) it's likely going to mess up the code redeeming part so you're better off making a new account from scratch. IGN Prime's free trial has autorenew for the subscription turned on by default. Turn it off here https://s.ign.com/prime-manage "The 15% off discount doesn’t seem to have any restrictions, it works on preorders, new releases and special offers. It doesn’t even expire after you’ve used it once, all the marketing material suggests that this discount applies for “life”."
  23. Blocks that Matter, Bioshock 2/Minerva's Den, Cave Story+. Orcs Must Die!, Deus Ex:HR/Missing Link and Jamestown. Also Shank just now Blacks the matter was kinda interesting... by the end it was kinda frustrating since I understood most of the puzzles but, felt like I was fighting with the controls. Minerva's Den was pretty satisfying... although still feel bad that I paid more for it than the actual game . Exp/Weapon mechanic really messed with my OCD... not having everything maxed out made me want to grind/risk dying. Orc must Die was solid fun, a bit disappointed how powerful the dlc items/traps. Deus Ex, went non-lethal/stealth... boss fights were a pain and at didn't even get the achievement at the end because it counts the tutorial ... otherwise good fun. Jamestown is a great coop game, gameplay was solid although after beating it multiple times I have no idea what the story is about.
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