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About Gyaruson

  • Birthday 01/18/1985

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Funny, because I think I would be happier if I was less fat.
  2. Two Chipotle burritos. Soooo delicious.
  3. Finally accepted my Google Music Beta invite and got it all set up: how the hell has nothing like this ever existed prior to now? Seriously, this may just be the best damn thing I've ever seen.

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      What are you talking about? Stuff like this has existed before.

    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Also not to blow your mind even more, but search for "AudioGalaxy" or "SubSonic"

    3. deanb
  4. I play drums. Have for about 10 years now. I don't own anything fancy, because I don't see it as a viable money-making opportunity, but I am pretty damn good. At least I like to think so.
  5. This. My guess is $299.
  6. No word yet. I actually assumed it would be native when Geoff Keighly was interviewing Reggie, because Reggie kept saying "it's 1080p" rather than just "it's HD", but it could just be ad jargon. I'm also surprised Keighly didn't address how many controllers this system would be able to use simultaneously. I also imagine Reggie would've deflected had he asked. Perhaps they didn't get specific because it's something that will likely change in the upcoming months. Honestly, the less info the nail do early on the better. That way there is always room to grow and expand a little bit.
  7. Have you ever voice chatted on that thing? It sounds like your microphone is in a blender half the time. Although, that may just be the VOIP codec they use. Perhaps headset-to-console could be clearer...
  8. Yeah, to everyone saying that what the Wii U does can be achieved with a PS3/Vita: while it's possible, that would require a $250 drop on the handheld, another drop on the game, and then the cost of the PS3. At least $600. The Wii U requires no repurchasing of games, and you can bet your ass it will be less than $400 - my guess is $299. Plus, developers would have to develop PS3/Vita specific control functions for Sony, while Nintendo versions could have it be mandatory, thus cutting your work in half. I dunno, I think Sony will do something to counter this news (they kind of have a history of it), but I don't think it will take off like the Wii U will. That's my $0.02.
  9. If you are limited to only one of these controllers on the system, then Nintendo will have done something wrong. I know the amount of processing power it would take to push four unique HD streams to the controllers, but if you can't do it for all the players, don't do it at all.
  10. The bird demo was alright, not great. I can't decide if it was the stream I was seeing, or just being underwhelmed. Although, the AC: Revelations pre-rendered trailer looked amazing, and it was from the same stream. @Cave: Everyone who has gone hands-on with the controller has already said that it is surprisingly comfortable to hold, also.
  11. They've always had a good working relationship with IBM. I'd honestly be surprised if they ever went any other direction.
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