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Everything posted by Gyaruson

  1. Man, every time I bring up how much Fable blows, all I get is backlash from Fable-enthusiasts. It's not a bro game, but it's definitely more liked than it is disliked. That makes it overrated, by definition.
  2. 10. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 9. Minecraft 8. Mass Effect 2 Fable 2 7. Morrowind 6. Ninja Gaiden 5. StarCraft II 4. Uncharted 2 3. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 2. God of War 1. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm No, no no no. Mass Effect doesn't belong to be anywhere near this list. All the Fables are overrated pieces of shit, but Fable 2 was just Godawful. I could really just copy my comment from the "Fable" thread and paste it here.
  3. Urban Chaos. The only reason I know that is because of Urban Chaos: Riot Response, the amazing sequel from Rocksteady Studios. -----EDIT------ I guess after further review, Riot Response wasn't a full-blown sequel. More like a reboot, seeing as how it was a different perspective and developer. But, they were both published by Eidos so I think my initial thinking was merited.
  4. You just wanted to post a picture of you with that hot girl. (still waiting on picture of hot girl)
  5. Its Japanese name is not the same as its American name, though.
  6. Hey now, I own UN Squadron too! But yes, I never in a million years would've thought of that game. Nice call.
  7. Yante, you slimy bastard. I would really be surprised if anyone gets that. And I thought I was being dickish with Jumper...
  8. But are you like an onion? Do you have, you know, layers? More like a cake.
  9. Nah, you can hit on her. I know she's hot. What amazes is me is that no one has told her that I'm an ogre. I mean, she's gotta figure it out eventually, right? Once she does though, I'll be a sad panda.
  10. Yeah, Oblivion was the game I had over 100+ hours into when my first Xbox red-ringed. I had hardly touched the story - just was doing Guild stuff - and I lost everything because of a corrupt HDD file that destroyed some system files. Awesome. So, when I got my new box, I went back to Oblivion and did everything over, plus beat the game with all 1000 cheevos. And it didn't bother me at all. I was almost happy to get a chance to respec my guy.
  11. I assume she did well then. Smooth, man. Smooth.
  12. Mile High Club is one of my proudest achievements. I was so happy when I finally got that. Beating Mass Effect 2 on Insanity also ranks up there. Fuck those Scions. Fuck them hard. ------------ Also, beating COD: WAW on Veteran ranks up there too. Not because it was particularly hard, but just because of how ridiculously cheap it was. 7 grenades in your lap from 250 yards away, enemies that would rather shoot you at 100 yards than your teammates at ten feet, infinite enemy closets, etc. I don't think I've raged more during a game than during World at War on Veteran.
  13. Okay, that's kind of weird. You're screenname is the same name as my wife, and you actually look a lot like her too. For a second I thought that she found my bookmarks and decided to make an account of her own.
  14. You just described my perfect evening.
  15. Ah, another one on the forums who doesn't drink. My night will be filled with Dance Central, and me remembering what the other idiots I will be around are doing - even if they don't.
  16. Okay, you all get up in mah grill for not playing fast enough, but a full day later and no one else has made a move yet? Canoes, man. Y'all are canoes.
  17. doesn't everybody? short girls definitely have a bonus to their hawt factor. NO. Short girls can suck, and I'll tell you why. I'm 6' 6'' (otherwise known as 1.98 metres) and my wife is 5' 6'' (1.67 metres). That's a foot difference between us. In our regular lives, that foot means nothing. I get stuff from the top shelf, she gets stuff on the bottom. We balance each other out. But when it comes to.... "other things", the foot difference is the worst. Lets suffice it to say that we can only do about two or three positions before we run into complications.
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