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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Skelmersdale, England

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Dayvie's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Contributing. Some fun-facts about me & my face: I can't grow anything that resembles a beard to save mine or anyone else's life; the person who invented the sizings in jeans disliked me very much.
  2. Have you heard the Christina Aguilera track 'My Girls' feat. Peaches. It was produced by Le Tigre. Not a massive Aguilera fan, but you can totally hear the Le Tigre influence.
  3. I've got a gay relation question I've been wondering about: does the negative use of homosexual words generally offend gay people? For example, if one was to call something/someone they dislike or a bad situation 'gay'.
  4. Dayvie


    Say hello to Murphy and his "why are you doing this to me??" face:
  5. Hello! I'm David but I mostly go by the name of Dayvie. I'm a computing degree student living in the UK, and I love peanut butter (smooth, not crunchy).
  6. Fuck everything about this snow.

    1. Bouchart


      It hasn't snowed here out in New York but it's expected to today.

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