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Everything posted by Baconrath

  1. I havent gone online much cause Im still a bit self conscious of my wifi connection but this has been pretty fun so far... ...but good grief are my inputs bad
  2. I've been playing (HBS) Battletech with the Advanced 3062 mod(s) and it has 100% increased my enjoyment of the game. It now has a ton of more obscure mechs and weapons and you can take 2 lances of 4 mechs and 4 vehicles if you have all the drop upgrades. One of the changes I've been enjoying is that they took away the arbitrary ammo count on flamers that was there for "balance" so now I can absolutely cook mechs and they cant do much about it >:^)
  3. So far the only major technical issue from Cyberpunk I've had so far is the last couple bits of the robot taxi questline arbitrarily failing. Its annoying but I can tell the situation has improved somewhat compared to watching someone try to stream it at launch and the game just melting. Also I have a penchant for wandering into higher leveled areas and wondering why I die so much. RIP John V Cyberpunk :_:)7
  4. KoF 15 giving me that "I'm hype for a game will be terrible at" energy

  5. more games should follow Chessplosion's example and add a hot dog stand color option

  6. Round 2 :v I think I should be set now until Windjammers 2 and KoF15
  7. Double dipping on CS 3 & 4 cause all my previous progress is trapped on the hard drive of the PS4 that got cooked and Sony won't let me just swap drives.
  8. SMT 5 has been really good so far. It does not hesitate to sweep the leg and kick you while you're down, though. I think it all makes up for Atlus not putting this guy in the game: (add Terminator, cowards)
  9. I think I got to like right before the final boss in Dread but I got frustrated by speed boost puzzles so I dusted off Gundam Breaker 3 again I made a gundam that is covered in as many gatling guns as the game would let me lol
  10. I kinda went a little crazy this month ;_; And then this comes on Tuesday:
  11. It always warms my heart to see Granzella out doin' things So far I haven't been able to get past the fourth level (and that's on the second to lowest difficulty "Kids") because there's so much on screen to avoid. It does still have a bit of the Kickstarter Funk™- in the screen where you can unlock ships there's a few that require a password (I'm assuming for kickstarter backers?) that on the steam version you have to use your mouse to exit instead of like hitting B on the gamepad etc but I think that could easily be patched.
  12. first Age of Empires game since that online one that died lets gooo

  13. It finally went on sale. Still miffed they didn't offer an upgrade option. I also copy pasted some lines into an ini file so it looks a bit better.
  14. I haven't got too far into Yakuza but on account of this being so fucking relaxing: cool bird facts/10
  15. wow that Cold Steel 3 ending was a bit of a gut punch At least now I can immediately go into CS4. I can't imagine having to stew in that cliffhanger for months.
  16. uh oh I've been slacking on Cold Steel III and IV comes out on Tuesday ?

    1. Mal


      I've been slacking on Zero and Ao/Azure. I don't want to continue my CS3 run until I do. Biggest thing right now is waiting for the completed Ao/Azure fan localization.


      So lots of things in my way to CSIV. Maybe all the stars will align once Hajimari is out/localized. 

  17. Xbox but it's now got arcsys naming conventions


    Xbox XXAC+R #Reload Overture

  18. I never had any more crashes during the last third of the game or so I'm not sure if its cause the temp fix to make it large address aware helped or they silently patched it or its because that last stretch is made of really short days or something else. Still wondering why it was 32-bit but I guess that's the price to pay for freeing something from its Vita shackles. A very monkey's paw port indeed haha I think i got just about everything I could on the first playthrough thanks to a guide except I only had like 85% of the compendium because I ran out of money Also, I think I used up all my luck when got a fusion accident trying to create Odin and got Metatron instead
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