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Everything posted by Baguette

  1. Having at least 5 is too much considering everyone just kept repeating themselves.
  2. Baguette


    Sindo, turns out we can hotlink them for our avs.
  3. oh yeah, post notification would be nice.
  4. It's in the top right corner under the search bar called "View new content"
  5. I didn't really enjoy the dragged out ending though. Otherwise it was freaking great.
  6. Yes, I am waiting for the next Egdeworth game. HURRY CAPCOM
  7. So what exactly are they able to get from getting our gawker accounts? I thought putting an email in was optional.
  8. Times like these makes me glad I use different passwords for all accounts that is important. Except for my kotaku account which is some 123 bullshit I don't remember.
  9. I'm liking where this might lead.
  10. Baguette


    I'd like a bigger av limit. It's how I compensate for something else.
  11. What's with the random black bar on your neck.
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