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About LucasReis

  • Birthday 05/15/1983

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    São Paulo, Brazil
  • Interests
    Games, chatting, music, heavy metal, books, culture, history, etc.

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    Don't have it
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  1. Hello, I'm Lucas Reis, from Brazil. I actually didn't know about this incarnation of the forum, but Excel Excel just told me about it. Sweet! lol
  2. I feel bad about Sega. I mean, they were a huge part of my childhood and they don't even get one vote? Sure, I didn't vote for them because nowadays it goes against my platform-less preference mentality, but at the same time it would be good to see them getting a little more recognition.
  3. OK, I currently own: Atari 2600 Atari Clone Master System Portable Master System Mega Drive (Genesis) Sega Nomad (portable Genesis) Sega Saturn Dreamcast NES SNES Nintendo 64 Gameboy Wii Nintendo DS Lite Xbox Xbox 360 Playstation 1 (PSone and classic) PS2 PS3 PSP 3000
  4. JRPG's. I mean... I don't hate them, not one bit, but I just can't get into them. I tried several times with different games but none of them had lasting appeal to me. I got bored quickly and wanted more action. I guess I'm too ADD for them.
  5. I really don't have a side nowadays. After I discovered that having every platform available in the market is the best thing ever I just can't prefer one brand (my avatar actually represents this, there are four colors and each one represents a different side). I have favorite genres of gaming, though (impossible not to have them). But I stopped being a fanboy because it didn't bring anything good to me. I was a mindless Sega fanboy when I was really young and then, for a good chunk of the PS2 era, I was a stupid Sony fanboy and I badmouthed the Gamecube and talked a lot of shit about the Xbox controller. After the 7th generation I started seeing all the good and the bad things in every platform. For example, my favorite controller from this era is 360, and also the favorite interface (with online and stuff). My favorite platformers are on Wii and my favorite console to play fighters is the PS3. Currently my favorite motion "controller" is Kinect (because of it's novelty and stuff), but I also have Move and the Wii (I have a lot of Wii games but only one Move game, gotta get more). So, nowadays I would say I really can't choose, but back in the day I was a Sega fanboy and they were responsible for making me love games (I started with Atari though). Sony was responsible for making me like more mature kinds of games, the PC was responsible for making me like FPS's, Microsoft was responsible for making me love online gaming and Nintendo was responsible for making me a Mario maniac (after being a Sega fanboy, go figure) and open my mind and start seeing that every platform has it's charm (and its faults). I'm still a strong fan of Sega (not fanboy) and I like the fact that they are still releasing games for every platform (after the DC's demise, it's better than nothing, I guess). Sorry Dean, but I can't really choose one
  6. Pro Evo (Winning Eleven) and Fifa Soccer. It's what the damn casual gamers play here in Brazil. I literally know of people who only bought the PS3 to play Pro Evo. It pisses me off. It's also kind of funny because I live in Brazil but I hate soccer with a passion.
  7. I agree that Sackboy has the charm, the charisma, and he is the best candidate. Therefore, he should be whored to hell, just like Mario. However, part of me would like to see Parappa as being their mascot. But, while I love his games and all, he would be very limited as a mascot for the platform.
  8. Interesting thread. I'm not a native English speaker, but I use English way more than my own language for writing and even speaking (my job is heavily English-based because most of my clients are foreign). It's funny because I only started speaking English when I was 16, and I learned it by myself because I had a lot of interest in it (blame my interest for American and British music, and English-sung music in general and also the fact that I used to read a lot of GamePro, EGM and other US magazines). And also blame pop culture in general, because my accent is very American oriented. I really like to spot the differences between British, American and other accents such as Jamaican (a really fun version of English to my ears). I admit I had a hard time when I went to England for the first time, because I'm really used to the American accent, but after like 1 hour I was already used to it. It's cool to notice the different expressions used in both "versions" of the language. The same things happens with authentic Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese. That said, one of the things I like the most about the British is their sense of humor and the expressions they use for cursing, which are really funny!
  9. I'm 5.9 (just learned that, because I use the metric system). I don't feel short compared to the rest of the population here but I'm also not tall. I would say it's average. I'm happy with it.
  10. Well, about piracy, I won't lie. I pirated a lot during my life, especially during the PS1 and a good chunk of the PS2 era as well. I didn't have a job and I live in a place where games are really expensive. Nowadays, I just prefer to focus on quality and buy my original games (I have a lot of methods including grey market, websites, trips, etc). Every month I buy at least one or two games, and accessories, etc. However, I won't lie, I have a lot of mame roms in my mame machine. I mean, I don't see any problem with it especially because I have Street Fighter in every possible available retail version in original copies, so I just play the roms of these arcade games and I have no guilt about it whatsoever. I play older console roms too (I have a modest collection of old cartridges - NES, Snes, Master System, Mega Drive, Atari, etc), but I do play roms too. A rom I really like to play is Street Fighter Rainbow Edition, and I wouldn't be able to get that on any system besides Mame, because the rom is already counterfeit. Don't get me wrong, the game sucks balls, but it's really fun to play with friends!! About pirating current stuff, I understand why people do that, but I have some friends who are downright hypocrites. I mean, they have jobs, they earn good money, but they still pirate because they prefer to spend on other stuff. I would understand if they didn't have any money or anything, but that's not the case, these guys spend big money on other stuff but they refuse to pay for games. So, essencially, I like to have my games in a legal way, I even buy a lot of games through digital distribution because I can avoid the high taxes in Brazil. But these current pirates are sad... they pirate a lot of games and never finish a lot of them, they have an enormous backlog and can't play online or even buy smaller indie games from Live and PSN (which are a very important part of this generation). It doesn't pay off to be a pirate nowadays and a lot of people don't understand it. However, for retro stuff, I like to emulate stuff on Mame, openly.
  11. Def Leppard's Fooling is now playing on my head, after a night full of Rock Band 3!!
  12. Hey Mr. Jack. I gave the Kinect to my wife (well, one of those shared gifts, you know). So far, we're playing with it since last Friday and it rocks. It really made the Xmas party way more fun. I only have the Adventures game (the boat is really cool to play co-op), the device is really responsive and all. My cousing brought Joyride and Sports for us to play. Joyride isn't really good, I encountered a lot of problems to control the cars, but Sports is really cool, especially bowling, soccer and boxing. I really enjoyed playing those, but the one I still want is Dance Central! I'm really curious about seeing it in action...
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