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Everything posted by ChewyChavezIII

  1. Here I am.I change shirts often. Most of them are sports related. I usually never wear anything on my hands or wrists, but the wrist bands seem appropriate considering the basketball jersey. The Elvis glasses have been on since I set up my first avatar. My prop is the heli from Crackdown 2. It was the only thing that I really got out of that game.
  2. Ive been having a blast with this game. Unfortunately I only have one person on my friends list playing this game. The result is that I am the only one on my speedwall for the majority of the races. It would be fun to compete if anyone wants to send me an add. My XBL GT is the same as my screen name.
  3. I wasn't going to acknowledge you if the preference was crunchy. You passed your first test. I was just going to jump on here and say "Hey", but then I was greeted by Ubaldo's smiling face. I love the Rockies!!! I am adding you to my friends list...but I wont tell you what kind of peanut butter I like, we wouldnt agree I am ChewyChavezIII or CC3. I am a regular user at Kotaku, and was registered on the old forum. I really hope this forum takes off. Kotaku has a great community and it is awesome to have a place to congregate away from the main sites comment sections. I am an Xbox 360 user and I love games of all types. I love RPG, FPS and racing games. I am also a big fan of sports games with Baseball being my favorite sport. NCAA Football 11 is currently my sports game of choice. I am also currently playing a lot of Black Ops and NFS:Hot Pursuit. I have Assassins Creed Brotherhood waiting on the shelf for the hollidays to pass. So far the AC series is one of my favorite of the generation. Anyways, enough about me. I am always available if anyone wants to join me for a game.
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