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About berieber

  • Birthday 06/26/1992

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Nr. Birmingham, England
  • Interests
    -Aston Villa
    -Boise State Broncos
    Internets (although I dread using that word)

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. So yeah, I am planning on starting this up, but on Facebook. If anybody wants to give it a go, then the link is here: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_112142312201246&ap=1 Look along the right for the roles, it's not as complicated as on here and it'd be cool to have a nice large game going. Cheers, beru.
  2. Bit of a late response, but have you seen 'Super Pokemon Eevee Edition' because that basically uses that. Here's a link if you like: http://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=224449
  3. Colosseum before XD let us not forget.
  4. It's always an awkward situation, you'd have it in 3D from now on or the models just won't look right and it'd just be waste to me. Even so, I wouldn't buy the first proper 3D game, but I would spend time looking at the models.
  5. ah Gold/Silver. I got both for my birthday, along with Pokemon: The Video Game of the Trading Card Game of the Video Game (Well that's what I call it now =p). And lo and behold, I decided to play Pokemon:TVGOTTCGOTVG first =p But yeah, everything was perfect about GS when I was younger. Honestly though, I don't think there has ever been a Video Game of a Trading Card Game of a Video Game for any other series. That's quite impressive I must say.
  6. In terms of commercial songs, THUG2 and Fallout 3 are always close to my heart. Something about them just felt right with me.
  7. I still hammer X all the time, in the hopes that it will respond and let me carry on =p
  8. It's so slight that it doesn't pop back on the Sixaxis, which is the problem, but it's slight enough to register. Probably about 2mm or so movement max.
  9. Any of the criterion PS3 games really. You're racing for your life and then you catch a wheel or hit a wall, and it slows it down, changes the camera angle, and let's you watch your failure in cinematic glory. Yes thank you Criterion, now please. LET ME CARRY ON
  10. Heh, well I use a launch day Sixaxis, the thing is so old now that the left analog stick has a tendency to wander upwards ever so slightly that when I get to a main menu, it registers as up and scrolls through the menu. Now that is a pain in the ass.
  11. Penny Arcade was a laugh... annoying when I had to go back through the game again though to get the trophy for staring at a Rhino's testicles 'with intent'. Turns out, just looking once wasn't enough...
  12. No demo on PSN yet, and no, slated for Q1 2011... MY guess is to get two or three episodes out on PC so that they can bundle it all up and the people don't get agitated when they pay for 5 episodes and only 3 are done... but I dunno, I can wait. As long as I avoid all spoilers I'll be fine.
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