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  1. Dragon Quest XI. Dragon Quest XI. Dragon Quest XI. For the platform combination of: PS4, 3DS, Nintendo NX. I don't give a damn. I will buy it 3 times.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. toxicitizen


      Hopefully the fact that they're bothering with a higher fidelity PS4 version means that they'll finally get their head out of their ass and start pushing the series in the West again.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Eurogamer asked and they basically said "we'll consider it like we always do".

    4. toxicitizen


      Well, I don't expect them to actually say anything about it this early, mostly because Square-Enix gonna Square-Enix.


      But isn't the PS4 (well, consoles in general, really) kinda not doing so hot in Japan? A completely separate and higher fidelity PS4 version makes more sense if they're intending to release it outside of Japan, where the PS4 is crazy successful.

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