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Everything posted by FMW

  1. Link is wearing blue and has a moody Assassin's Creed type hood. Assassin's Creed Hyrule? I dunno, I guess I would be fine with it.
  2. Holy Crap. DmC is kinda... great? I always wanted to like old DMC, but it was always so hard and demanding. I never got over the hump. This game though... I can play this. And I love playing it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Yeah, Nu-DmC is kinda wonderful in so many ways.

    3. toxicitizen


      Hell, in a few ways I honestly think it surpasses the old games. The art direction in particular is some of the best I've seen last gen.


      And this is coming from someone who has DMC3 among their all-time favorite games.

    4. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Yeah, I never got into old DMC stuff, but I played the demo for that and really enjoyed it.

  3. I just finished round 2 of SMT IV - Neutral Path this time. I wasn't a huge fan, honestly. There's more content in the Neutral path, but a lot of it is dumb content. The story sequencing and justification didn't make a lot of sense and even got a little bit maudlin which I never ever ever want to say about a SMT game again. I kinda found the Law ending where I more direct and satisfying. The good part though is that the Neutral ending pushed me to discover a TON of content that I had never known existed. Jesus Christ I missed a lot my first time through. I never gained the ability to fly, I never unlocked most of the sidequests, I never even discovered that the side character Nozomi even exists much less finished her story arc, I never found any optional bosses from backtracking... there are entire areas I never came across my first time through the game. That's a good thing - it's great that there's that much detail and content tucked away. Sure the game had to force me into a super annoying "now go do all the sidequests before you can progress" kind of stalling tactic to get me to discover this stuff, but at least I finally did. I'm not sure I like this game enough to go back for round 3 and aim for a Chaos ending. I've seen the vast majority of what there is to see and there's a (presumably improved) sequel around the corner. I'll probably just do some light Etrian Odyssey progression while I wait for Xenoblade X. That's the next RPG I actually care about.
  4. Woooooh! SMT IV has led to... a sequel to SMT IV! Now we know where all the SMT creative leads went! It's releasing in a mere five months in Japan, and the localization wait on SMT IV wasn't bad. I'm optimistic about this one. The title is SMT IV Final. That's dumb. In an era of HD remakes and special editions and FES versions and Golden versions and whatever, that's not clearly communicating "This is a sequel to that cool game we made a few years back". The story premise is: A dude in demon infested post apocalyptic Tokyo gets killed. He's plucked out of the afterlife and given another chance at life on the condition that he fulfills the mission of the demon that has resurrected him. That demon's mission: Kill the gods. All of them. And... that's all I know. You know what? I'm in! That's all I need to know! I am totally up for more SMT IV! That game is mega fun! Things that I hope are changed/updated in this sequel: I hope the world map is easier to navigate. The SMT IV overworld is just a nightmare. It's so hard to find anything and the encounter rate is SO high even when back tracking. I hope that there are more than three endings. I like when SMT has a bunch of weird alignments with which to align myself such as Devil Survivor or Nocturne.
  5. SMT IV 2. I repeat, SMT IV 2. This is not a drill.

    1. deanb


      Well no, it's Shin Megami Tensi 4 2, you've said twice. Of course it's not a drill. Black & Decker is a drill.

    2. TCP


      I will refer to it as SMT IV: The After Years.

  6. Has anyone here played Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light? Is it worth making a thread? I have words to share.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. toxicitizen


      Have you finished it? If so, Games You Beat thread.


      Otherwise, there's the What Are You Currently Playing thread.

    3. TCP


      Do we not have an all purpose Final Fantasy thread?

    4. deanb
  7. Thank you FDS. That is EXACTLY it. Pirates of the Carribean is good goofy rollicking pirate adventuring fun, but the movies are always weighed down by these needlessly convoluted plots that distract from the simple pleasure of watching Johnny Depp do his drunk pirate thing while the theme song plays. There is a cut of the first movie that is 25 minutes shorter that is a classic. Movies 2 and 3 are so bloated that they should have been only one movie, and that one movie should have been shorter than either of them (Pirates 3 was TWO HOURS AND FORTY NINE MINUTES). Even then that movie wouldn't be a classic, but it would be watchable. I refuse to rewatch either of those movies as is. Movie 4... actually doesn't have a ton of fat. It's the shortest movie in the franchise and it benefits. Still could stand to lose about 10 minutes, but that's SO much better than what came before.
  8. So after going to sleep I woke up and IMMEDIATELY two giant plot holes jumped out at me. It was honestly pretty weird. It's like my sub conscious was working on that and woke me up to report once it's findings were complete. So... yeah. Update: Makes zero logical sense. Still enjoyed it.
  9. I just watched Pirates of the Carribean 4: On Stranger Tides. This movie got hammered by critics when it came out. It came out right at the time when everyone was turning on the "Hollywood infinite sequel machine" as it became apparent that this was not just a passing fad, but actually resulting in an awful lot of cinematic stagnation. But you know what? The critics were WRONG. This movie is fantastic. What were the two biggest problems with the Pirates of the Carribean franchise? 1. Kiera Knightly and Orlando Bloom and 2. Getting all convoluted and making so much intricate plot that there's no time left for rollicking pirate adventure with Johnny Depp doing his drunk pirate routine. This movie solves both those problems. The new male/female leads are way less lame than "rich white people playing pirates" Bloom and Knightly, and the premise (everybody race to the fountain of youth first one to arrive wins) keeps everything moving at a fun speedy clip. Great movie, highly recommended. So the good news: These movies are still fun and there's a fifth one coming out even. The bad news: They're bringing back Bloom and Knightly. Oh well, maybe they'll come across less like rich suburban white kids hanging out with a bad crowd to piss off their parents this time.
  10. Yessssssss That FF III upgraded menu is exactly what I want. Perfect. I will wait 3 months and then run a google search for "Final Fantasy V Steam Interface Mod". If I find a good one, then I will get the game and be in business!
  11. Thank you for your assistance. Everyone agrees that I should not be concerned about the sprites. Looking at the screenshots FLD put up, I quite agree. I'm not thrilled about that interface though. Do these games tend to get mods? If yes, I'll wait for a "not designed for smartphones" battle interface.
  12. Okay, Final Fantasy question. FF V is releasing on PC. I have never played FF V. I think I will like FF V a lot. I think this because I adore FF III and Dragon Quest games. Less story more Dungeon/town/overworld/new town formula is my jam. By reputation, this is the what FF V is like. BUT: there might be a problem. I keep reading internet commenters complaining that the redone sprites that will be in the PC version are bad. Is this something I should worry about/take into consideration before buying this game? Or is this just people on the internet bitching because that's what people on the internet do? I need a knowledgeable person to tell me if this is a real problem or a whiny entitled internet problem.
  13. Well, the second game looks... Okay? On one hand, Bravely Default had a crappy story and this game looks like it's throwing in the few anime tropes that the first one didn't get to. So it will probably be bad, but not worse. It would be hard to be worse. The ART looks amazing though. It's that perfect fusion of fantastical and anime. It doesn't look like FF IX, but it evokes the same happy feelings. The important thing that I don't know yet: Will this game allow actual character customization? BD pretended to offer customization, but it actually didn't. Every character had access to the same skills and the same classes and the same equipment. You don't even get any control over stats. This is my wish for BD 2. I can trade bad story for fun grinding as long as I'm getting to make my party unique and distinct and even maybe incorrectly. BD 1's "all characters will eventually end up in the same place no matter what" is no good.
  14. No, I did not buy the Gen 3 Pokemon remakes. I kinda like that region as far as a place to explore, but it's just SO hard to go back to Pokemon pre Gen V. The wild Pokemon in the old games just were not appropriately leveled. Trying to raise levels outside of one time use trainer fights was slow and miserable. Trying to grind up to beat a boss with level 30 Pokemon? Have fun fighting level 15-20 enemies over and over to get there! I'm cool with grinding, but low level foes in the old games prolonged the process needlessly.
  15. The last 3 great action movies: Mad Max Fury Road, John Wick, James Bond Casino Royale. Missing anything more recent that was classic?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Ip Man is another great, post Casino Royale, Kung Fu / Action Film.

    3. Chewblaha


      The Raid: Redemption, The Raid 2: Berendal, Dredd (Which is like The Raid), and........ That's all I got.

    4. SomTervo


      I really didn't like The Raid 2 that much (it was fine, but not a classic like The Raid 1). Watched it last night.

  16. I just saw Mad Max: Fury Road. Holy SHIT what a movie. It's like... what if someone actually understood how to construct a good action scene with rising stakes and heavy kinetic impact to the special effects and then spent an entire movie doing nothing but that.
  17. Dragon Quest XI. Dragon Quest XI. Dragon Quest XI. For the platform combination of: PS4, 3DS, Nintendo NX. I don't give a damn. I will buy it 3 times.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. toxicitizen


      Hopefully the fact that they're bothering with a higher fidelity PS4 version means that they'll finally get their head out of their ass and start pushing the series in the West again.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Eurogamer asked and they basically said "we'll consider it like we always do".

    4. toxicitizen


      Well, I don't expect them to actually say anything about it this early, mostly because Square-Enix gonna Square-Enix.


      But isn't the PS4 (well, consoles in general, really) kinda not doing so hot in Japan? A completely separate and higher fidelity PS4 version makes more sense if they're intending to release it outside of Japan, where the PS4 is crazy successful.

  18. I dunno. I feel like it's too late for these games. I would have cared about Shenmue and FF VII and Last Gaurdian way way more three years ago.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vecha


      They said it won't be a straight up copy...and that they'll be altering bits of the story. So that might be interesting to see.


      If not just for the outrage of fans.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I will find it hilarious if people bitch about changes. They're not erasing the original game.

    4. Vecha


      I can almost guarantee some people will flip the fuck out. Lol


      There's already people hoping Squareenix doesn't "bow down" to Pc culture when it comes to barret and tifa.

  19. Guess who just got his hands on an instant classic RPG sequel that will devour dozens of hours? THAT'S RIGHT IT'S FF XIII-2 TIME BABY.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      I don't remember any bad bosses in XIII-2. Who do you mean?

    3. toxicitizen


      Me? I was only talking about the final form of the last boss. Jet Bahamut or whatever?


      I guess I might have been underleveled (or had weak gear) because when I went back after side-questing a bit it was much easier. But I had like 4 classes at 99 the first time, so that's kinda weird. Just seemed like a very sudden difficulty spike considering how much easier everything preceding it was.

    4. Eleven


      I just really liked the time jumping thing in XIII-2. Going into different pasts/futures, seeing how worlds change and all that. It's a bit limited, as you only really see 1 town in a specific timeline, but I found it really cool.


      I also thought the battle system was better, I can't remember now, it's been years since I played it, but it was a lot easier to do stuff this time around, or maybe I just got used to it.

  20. Every time there's an Nvidia driver update I think "maybe this is the one to make my graphics card not crash all the time" and every time it isn't.

    1. deanb


      This is first time in a while it's been a game ready driver for a game I actually have.

    2. FMW


      I never have the games, I just download them all so that I'm always up to date for whatever my come my way.

  21. Confession: I've played through Paper Mario 2 twice. All the way. Side quests, random exploring, I've wrung the blood out of it. And got stuck on the final boss and gave up. Twice.

    1. Pojodin


      Seriously though, the final bosses in the first few Paper Mario games were tough.

  22. Hey, did anyone here ever play Mega Man Battle Network? Kinda think I want to. Is there a single best installment?

    1. Alex Heat

      Alex Heat

      If you care about the story at all, start with the 1st. If you want the gameplay, go with Battle Network 3 or 6.


      Avoid 4. It's awful.

    2. Baconrath


      The only one I played was Battle Network 5 Colonel :/

  23. My reaction from the Nintendo Direct - I'm pretty done with Japanese pop songs in RPGs. Can that be a trend that ends now?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      J-pop has really grown on me in the last year or so.

    3. toxicitizen


      @Ethan: And how much of that is thanks to P4G? :P

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Actually it happened mostly before P4G, cause my wife and I had started watching a lot of anime for no apparent reason.

  24. The REAL question is what SMT titles are Atlus working on right now? There's the Persona division that's making the massive Persona 5 project and supervising all the spinoffs, and the Etrian Odyssey crew have been keeping themselves busy with the two "Untold" remakes, Etrian Odyssey V, Persona Q, and the Mystery Dungeon crossover (which looks sick and I must have). But as far as SMT literally the only thing going on is the expanded rerelease of Devil Survivor 2. From the sounds of it Devil Survivor 2 Break Record has had a fair bit more work done on it than most remakes/reissues so it's not like that's nothing, but there's still a hole there. Normally when Atlus makes a big new SMT game they populate the world with spinoffs based on the assets and engine. SMT 3 gave us all the PS2 SMT games. The two Devil Survivor games ripped 100% of their combat assets from Strange Journey. SMT IV has led to... nothing at all. That doesn't seem right. Atlus looooves the 3DS RPG market and the SMT creative leads aren't attached to any currently announced projects. So what the hell are they up to?
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