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Everything posted by SkyGriever

  1. Ok guys, my new Gamertag is BadEng1neer. Feel free to add me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pojodin


      I presume it was a joke. Otherwise he will have to do battle with SixTwoSixFour and ThreeSixThreeFive. And if that's the case, I fear he's outnumbered.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Who's ThreeSixThreeFive?

    4. Pojodin


      The newest member at the moment.

  2. Ok guys, I need a Gamertag cuz I got an Xbox 360, so suggestions??

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. VicariousShaner


      I already made that joke!

    3. fuchikoma


      How long can they be?

      ...how about IpswitchWhiskWitch?

    4. Pojodin


      TheCowboyPoet knows how it is.

  3. Early Borderlands 2 impressions: FUCKING AWESOME. Anyone got it for PS3?

    1. Luftwaffles


      I think Atomsk is getting it for PS3.

    2. CorgiShinobi


      Yes, I have it on PS3. The only other person I see one my Friend List is this guy from Kotaku who didn't stay here long.

    3. SkyGriever


      Hahaha, yea you added me. Fcuk man, I don't know what to do. I started a Zer0, a Maya and an Axton. All just lvl 5. I think I'll go with Maya though... That Phaselock is fcuking tempting.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mal


      I should play this since I am wrecking shit with older games.

    3. Mal


      Then there is the thing with the Vyse in Valkyria Chronicles. He tore up the battlefield. So I got to pay my respects to him.

    4. excel_excel


      Ahh, yes been waiting for this to get a rerelease!


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      I saw it in 3D because when done well (ie not Clash of the Titans) 3D is AWESOME!

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I thought about it more and realized I lied, I didn't see Avengers in 3D. The rest of my statement is true, though. And I did see Captain America in 3D and thought it was good.

    4. danielpholt


      Was it that much better than the 2d version? I find 3D makes the image darker and for the most part, isn't even that noticeable. I'd rather spend the extra £4 on a drink.

  5. I paid it off today for PS3, so if anyone's interested just hit me up on chat or add me on PSN so we can play when it's released. Btw, anyone know if it's a midnight release?
  6. Guess who just ordered Ni No Kuni's Wizard's Edition. THIS GUY!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vecha


      I so want this game!

    3. Pojodin


      As do I Vecha, as do I.

    4. deanb


      It's on my rental list.

  7. I hope I can finish either ME3, Gravity Rush or Catherine. Those are my top priorities right now.
  8. Got a Vita finally. Are there any good games?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TCP


      Yes, PSP games are often better on the Vita, so it's good to play some PSP games you might have missed (though, it'd be AWESOME if these games got trophies...).

      I'm super stoked for FFX too, but something tells me it is years away.

    3. Eleven


      It's supposed to be for it's 10 year anniversary! I'm expecting it to be released in the fall! Now where did I get that information i don't know but I'm sure i read it somewhere...

    4. SkyGriever


      What I wanna know is when the fuck are the PSone classics going to be available for download on the Vita... I've got a few just waiting for download. Also, keep the recommendations coming, include PSP games too since there's more of them.

  9. I wish I could have my Talis back...

  10. Woah... Where are we?

  11. So, uh... I'm preparing for Rapture, anyone willing to join me get some ADAM before the Splicers come?

  12. Meh, you all playing Portal 2. Not me, i'm rocking the OG one!

  13. So... got Magicka Complete Pack, now off to GOG to debate whether to get BG 1, 2, or Icewind Dale. I should stop buying games and build an actual decent PC...

    1. BrainHurtBoy...2


      Have you played BG1? If so, get BG2. If not, get BG1. Don't even consider Icewind Dale if you haven't played either Baldur's Gate. Also, if not BG, get Planescape: Torment.

    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Get BG1 and BG2, use the handy Baldur's Gate Trilogy mod to play BG1 in BG2's Engine. Then buy IWD and IWD 2. The IWD are pure dungeon crawlers, but I loves building my own party so much. Theme parties are a kick, too.

    3. MasterDex


      Yeah, go for BG1 and BG2 before you go for IWD. If you jump straight into IWD, you won't really know what to do whereas BG1 and BG2 help ease you into things. You'll love them all anyway....unless you don't in which case you're dead to me. ;)

  14. Bought the Humble Frozenbyte Bundle!
  15. Forever alone... :'(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kovach_


      I'm rather fond of some friends from Mexico. They have a cactus farm you know.

    3. Pirandello


      Screw that. Man the fuck up, get a healthy damn dose of VDP and ENJOY FREAKING LIFE!

    4. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      Buy a tamagochi.

  16. Couple of pics from earlier tonight... great food, great company... specially when you score a numer
  17. Woah there Six. I kind of imagined you... older
  18. My first was Squirtle... didn't name him. On the other hand, when G/S came out i renamed my starter with its japanese name, hinoarashi for cyndaquil and waninoko for totodile.
  19. Good God, I've bought a lot recently... DS Lite Dragon Quest 9 The World Ends With You Pokemon Black and SoulSilver Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Kagemusha Seven Samurai Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist (don't joke please hahaha) And yes, that's a Dreamcast peeking from behind...
  20. I have to admit it... I loved that movie. Prolly ordering it later this week from Amazon.
  21. Hahahah... Kotaku's TAY reusing images again. How the mighty have fallen indeed...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deanb


      Nah, there's is the official "forum". teeheehee

    3. SkyGriever


      This TAY easily way better than that TAY... Eats its lunch, takes its money and sleeps with its woman.

    4. Baconrath
  22. Looks like you came out of Fallout.
  23. YES! Steam account Re...wait-for-it...stored!

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