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Newbie (1/14)

  1. R__

    The Bucket List

    Create a classic videogame museum. Become a more competent programmer, so I can make emulators better. Get filthy rich (getting there faster than you think... ). Plant an arboretum, with beautiful gardens surrounding/inside it. Finish my work with the healing plants in the Amazon. Be instrumental in the legalization of marijuana. Make contact with extraterrestrials (hopefully not of the deadly microbial variety!)
  2. Apparently I'm an INTJ. When I did this as a teenager I was INFP. How life changes people. Now that I'm an asshole with no sympathy for people, it changes my Myers-Briggs result. INTJ is listed as being good at Computer Programming and being an Information Systems Specialist. Looks like I'm doing the right job. But honestly I think these tests are bullshit. I'm actually an extrovert in reality.
  3. R__


  4. R__


    Yeah, I'm mostly referring to IE, and the "embrace, extend, extinguish" mentality. Yes, what I say is bleak. That doesn't mean it won't happen. Businesses exist to make money, not protect your freedom.
  5. R__


    Apple is currently the biggest threat to online freedom, so I don't support any of their products. It used to be Microsoft, but now that Microsoft has been made irrelevant by VMware on the server side, plus the shift to mobile devices on the consumer side, they just don't have the level of control they used to. It used to be Microsoft that wanted only their own products to work online, and for a time they were successful. Now Apple has taken over that role. Apple wants to hide what used to be free behind paid apps. Everything will be monetized, and micropayments will be the norm. Nothing will be free anymore. Browsing will be made obsolete, and the app mentality will take hold on the desktop PC. This is Apple's goal. Of course, there will always be some push back, by the 1% of the population that actually cares. Hopefully it will be strong enough to ensure the internet stays relatively free.
  6. R__


    BMI is bullshit. It's only good for non-athletes. I am considered obese based on it, but actually it's pure muscle, so you would never look at me and think I'm "obese". Most bodybuilders are overweight or obese according to BMI.
  7. R__


    Obesity is a topic everyone loves. The way I see it, you are one of these types of people: Obese and loving it. Obese and hating it. Fat, striving towards obesity. Fat, striving away from obesity before it's too late. Skinny, and understanding of heavier folk. Skinny, and not understanding of heavier folk. *Feel free to add more categories* Which one are you? Contrary to reason, there are some people who want to get fatter. Such as Weird Al: Then there is a website I came across awhile ago: http://fantasyfeeder.com/cms/index.php A lot of obese people claim it's a health problem. A really amazing hacker I knew was probably 500+lbs, and almost 7 feet tall. A big boy to say the least. He had a massive scar near his thyroid gland, which gives us a possible explanation. Wait a second, did I say health PROBLEM? Maybe it's not a problem. Maybe being fat is a good thing, because it lets us survive famine. But either way, a disproportionate amount of fat people seem to have a "health problem". Do 31% of Americans (and a similar percentage of Canadians and Brits) have a health problem, or a diet problem? You be the judge. Some guys love a fat chick. Maybe they're skinny and want to counter their own genes and make a more balanced baby. Personally I love a big ass, but only a big ass, so I only partially understand. What are the causes of obesity? Well, there are health problems, the most commonly associated with obesity being diabetes and thyroid issues. Diabetes tends to be the result of obesity though, not the cause, and some diabetics that lose weight can lose the symptoms (of course, diabetes is much more complex than this, and there are many other causes). Then there is that fact that so many people live on different varieties of processed corn. High Fructose Corn Syrup (used in pop) is a major culprit behind obesity... it is extremely hard to burn off. Then there is the fact that prosperity leads to overconsumption of meat. Meat contains a lot of protein, but more fat. Look at the labels on your food. Dairy products are a better source of protein, as is seafood, as are eggs. Anything fried will also make you fat. If you're eating a lot of processed foods, and fast food, and you are wondering why you're fat... this is your answer! Stop eating that shit (unless you're a fantasy feeder, in which case eat more)! How do you lose weight? Cardio. That's the only (healthy) way. You could also do drugs or become anorexic, but I don't recommend those methods. It will take an average person 30 minutes on an elliptical to burn off a chocolate bar. Think before eating the chocolate bar. Choose fats that are liquid at room temperature when cooking, rather than butter or margarine. I recommend olive oil because it's full of antioxidants, and also destroys acne and other skin problems (which are usually the result of unhealthy fats to begin with). Count your calories. A woman needs 2200 per day, a man needs 2500 (athletes need significantly more). Stop drinking pop, replace it with fruit juice, water, or milk. The fats in milk are easy to burn off, and the sugar in fruit juice is not nearly as hard to burn off as HFCS. Instead of chips, eat some oranges, or some raw vegetables. And most importantly, up your fiber intake. Fiber will clean the system out, and you will spend a lot of time on the toilet for the first little while, but your skin will clear up, and you will feel healthier in general in about a week. Fiber is especially good at removing fats and bad cholesterol from the system. Note: I'm a bodybuilder. I know a fuckload about metabolism, diet, and exercise. Lifestyle = body (in 99% of cases). If anyone wants actual, working fat loss tips I have lots more of them.
  8. R__

    Windows 8

    I like the fact that Opera is there, but Firefox and Chrome are not. I guess Opera is no longer seen as a threat . It's kind of funny how everything is going "app store" suddenly. Linux distros have had these forever. It's about damn time you didn't have to hunt for software on the web when you're on Windows.
  9. Let me tell you my story. I had a roommate who I grew up with, and we were basically best friends. We lived in the same apartment for 4 years, and everything went well (or so I believed) during that time. This guy had a hard childhood, and some emotional problems, but doesn't everyone? Unfortunately, his ended up manifesting in a VERY VERY ugly way. He decided to become a drug dealer in the summer of 2009. I wasn't very comfortable with the idea for obvious reasons. Then really sketchy people started showing up, and overstaying their welcome. Deals were constantly being made. I was putting myself through college at the time, and had no way out of the situation that wouldn't threaten my graduation, since I come from a "have not" family. Dirty girls started sleeping over, and doing coke all day. After we had a talk, it stopped. Then November hit, and I got a bill for 7 months of rent. The property management company wasn't doing their job, and didn't follow up when people missed rent payments. My roommate was fucking irresponsible, and never had the money in his account for automatic withdrawal. So he was dealing drugs, and still didn't pay rent. He borrowed money from his grandma to cover enough of the cost for us not to get evicted. End of December hits, and he abandons the place to live with a FAT CHICK, and do drugs all day with her. He dropped out of University as well. I was stuck in the abandoned apartment, trying to put myself through school, with no way out of the situation. I literally went without food most of the time. I moved out of there in April for a summer job, but the property management company still wanted a fuckload of money, all of which I had to pay to save my credit. All of the money I made that summer went to those bills, and I had nothing to show for it, with a semester of college left to complete. I barely made it through this mess. The roommate now lives on skid row, and smokes crack with money he makes doing odd jobs (drywalling, other menial physical jobs, etc). The fat chick is doing coke now, and is unaware that her oh-so-loving boyfriend is a crackhead. Fucking losers. I'm glad to be out of that situation, working in a proper job, making real money. Only now am I starting to recover from that damage. edit: forgot to add that 2 years into the apartment, he forged my signature to try to take out a car loan with me as the co-signer. I only found out when I got my credit report a few months ago. Luckily the request was denied.
  10. I've always loved the artwork on Magic cards. As a child I wanted to start playing this game, but there weren't enough other nerds in my small rural town, so I was deprived of both these, and Dungeons and Dragons. Now my nerdhood will never be complete .
  11. If you're easily offended, don't read the rest of this post. Fucking stupid FPS players destroyed both PC and console gaming. "Gamers" these days only seem to care about Call of Duty, and other such worthless franchises. I got over that kind of gameplay back in 1999, when Quake 3 was released. For fuck's sake, stop playing the same game over and over and over with new graphics and sound effects, deterring game companies from releasing anything else. And then there's WoW. Nobody seems to give a fuck about single player RPGs anymore, except Bethesda, and who knows, maybe Skyrim will be their last game like that. Look at what happened to Final Fantasy, previously one of the most respected RPG franchises. Now the brand has been tarnished forever. MMO-everything has destroyed gaming. On top of that, it has gotten to the point that graphics are so good on consoles that we don't really demand more. The current generation of consoles is lasting longer as a result... the graphics are getting to the point of being "good enough", and we don't really demand more. The PC version is always going to be better, but the costs are significantly higher (from a development perspective as well as a consumer perspective). PC games also suffer with DRM that console versions don't necessarily have. Then there are "social games". Farmville, etc. I don't play them because I have a girlfriend, and therefore a sex life. I got out of gaming a long time ago, mostly for these reasons. I got bored of the same old shit. I'll build a new gaming PC when Skyrim comes out, but even that is the same old shit (but it's shit I still enjoy). note: have your sense of humour handy when reading my posts.
  12. R__

    Windows 8

    I'm not too excited by new Windows releases. They're going to rehash the same Windows 95 GUI with some new lipstick. They're going to lock it down further, and probably go subscription based at some point. They're going to hide the internals from you further. Yay, exciting. ARM support just means a slower Windows experience (which is already slow enough). Long-term we'll probably move further and further away from Intel, so this is a good move, but it just doesn't have me too excited. Although I am interested to hear how they plan to maintain x86 compatibility on the ARM platform.
  13. R__


    Samsung is the only brand you should consider. I've gone with other brands before, and they never match up to the Samsung quality. You might pay $20 more for Samsung over "comparable" models, but it's worth it. This is something you will be staring at for hours, so spend the extra money and get the best quality.
  14. R__

    Music players

    MOC (http://moc.daper.net/) Best music player ever. Once you learn to use it, it's more efficient than any other player... and it runs in a terminal window, so you can have it nice and transparent and borderless.
  15. R__

    Browser Security

    Using SSL increases the workload on both ends of the connection. If a site is even a little bit popular, the extra CPU load could mean additional servers are required to keep up with the traffic. Plus certificates are a pain...
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