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About Johnny

  • Birthday 06/14/1990

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  • Interests
    Video games
    Board games.
    Whatever else.

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  1. I'm leaving. There's nothing left for me here. If I've deleted you from steam/g+/facebook/etc: it's probably nothing personal. The people towards whom it is personal probably know who they are.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      Au revoir! Adios! Sayonara! Auf wiedersehen! Bye-bye! I wish you the best in your future endeavors, farewell Johnny, thanks for everything.

    3. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      May you never miss a jump on Green Hill Zone.

    4. SomTervo


      Sad faces. Bye, J.

  2. Johnny vs. Duke Set 1 Johnny wins 5-0
  3. And as I recall, finding a crack that fixed the anti-piracy "bugs" was a task accomplished in a few minutes.
  4. Message me on steam any time and I'll be up for playing, Dex. I'm interested to see how good you are.
  5. That leaks sometimes happen doesn't make it any smarter to delay EU release for three days, surely?
  6. I'm not sure what you're saying?
  7. That said, I have to admit the main reason I didn't pirate is that I'm planning to buy the game anyway and don't feel like starting over once I get it on steam.
  8. This is what I'm doing. But I have several friends who decided not to wait. The point is that if the goal of modern DRM is to reduce zero-day and first-day piracy, launching games in Europe two to three days later is shooting themselves in the foot. To put it simply, any time you're making the pirated version more attractive to a consumer compared to the version they pay money for, either by making your DRM too restrictive, having heaps of retailer-exclusive pre-order DLC, or anything else, you're encouraging piracy. And if you're trying to make money off of selling games, that is probably a dumb idea.
  9. Nothing stopping them from putting the brick and mortar release on the same day worldwide...
  10. I would just like to note that I'm currently in a position where if I buy XCom or Dishonored, I can't play them for over two days. But if I pirate them I could play them immediately. These companies talk so much about preventing zero-day and first-day piracy. And then stuff like this happens where a large region can't buy the game for several days while there are pirate copies on the net. Seems like smart business...
  11. Guild Wars 2... Most of the things that get in my way when playing that game is mentalities I've developed playing other MMOs. For example, I feel bad jumping into structured PvP on a not max level character. There is no reason why I should feel bad about that. And I'd enjoy the game more if I could get over it.
  12. ##pxod freenode

    1. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」


    2. Johnny


      I DON'T KNOW! D:

  13. The popular deck builders (NOTE: This is different from Collectible Card Games where you build a deck outside of the game and then play with that deck!) include: Eminent Domain Puzzle Strike Dominion Thunderstone Advance Nightfall Ascension
  14. I think you're talking about "Mr. Card Game"? Doesn't look very interesting to me. Deck building games are simply the current flavour of the month and this one doesn't seem to be doing anything to differentiate itself from current offerings.
  15. I'll join. Parries with a d-pad and EU to US connection? Let's do this!
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