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  1. Yes, weirdwolf. I haven't played it, but apparently you use the D-pad to control a character on the top screen and the stylus to control another character on the bottom screen at the same time. Thanks, I've given it a try and managed somehow to get to the 3rd day?(Turning on the lights) So far I am really enjoying it despite not being much of an RPG-er. I really should try to learn something other than pressing R or L repeatedly for the top screen though.
  2. A pikachu called Watt,(which I still have), I had pokemon yellow as part of a bundle with my bright yellow gameboy colour.I had no idea what the hell was going on, Brock kicked my arse all over the place the first time and then I evolved a caterpie into a butterfree and it was plain sailing from there. I seem to be unusual in naming my pokemon, I tend to use either puns,(for example I named a roselia Gypsy last night)OK really bad puns, or the names of something associated with them, such as gardeners for grass types. So if you see a trainer called Ted offering a pokemon in the GTS with a name that makes you groan you know who to blame!
  3. BAH! I can't believe that Little Kings Story hasn't been mentioned more, a sweet little game with a great sense of humour. I have a soft spot for Battalion Wars, very silly and at the time it was released one of the better attempts at using the wii controls.
  4. I picked up a copy of this a while ago but a friend told me that I might have trouble playing it with my dodgy hands and it got bumped down the list until my arthritis is bit better. Was she right about the unusual controls?
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