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  • Birthday 06/19/1989

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    The Leaky Geologist

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  1. Despite my buying habits, maybe should probably start gaming again.

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    2. Mal


      Holy crap, has it really been over a year since I last touched Trails SC? I got to save Joshua like right now, for Estelle!

      I should also mention that I do like all these games but you know that funk that you get every so often? It just really been murdering most of my progress.

    3. toxicitizen


      Oh God, don't remind me of God Eater. I paid like 30 bucks for it during the Christmas sale and I've barely touched it. I get what you mean, though. It was kind of a relief to find out that Cold Steel is coming to PC because now I have a valid reason to ignore the Vita version of Cold Steel 2. My original plan was to get back to it before 3rd's release but now I don't have to worry about it. Having such a massive JRPG instantly scratched off my backlog is such a damn relief.

      Now that leaves me with only DQVII and the second half of SMT IV. The latter should probably take priority... Yeah, that's what I'll play if that SEGA countdown doesn't lead to a Bayonetta PC release.

    4. Mal


      After a couple hours of SC and a hour of Hollow Knight, I'm not sure why I stopped playing either.

      It took me a bit to relearn SC's gameplay and what I was doing but once I did it was like going back home. The world is so comfy and so lived in. To think I won't be gone from this world for too long after maybe beating it next weekend is kind of nice. SC, 3rd (May 3rd) and ToCS (June-Aug) back-to-back. It might burn me out but I'm going to enjoy it.

      Hollow Knight is just plain well made. From gameplay, art to music. Loving the lush green area. I think I stopped because my attention didn't get grabbed by the boss I just happened to avoid before I stopped. If I had fought the boss I would've been hooked. The boss was literally the corridor above where I saved.

      As for Bayonetta PC,  hopefully I get Nier Automata done before that comes out (I'm almost certain it is happening). It's probably just Bayonetta but if 2 ever comes out from its Wii U graveyard I will be floored. With the Switch out, maybe Nintendo is willing to part with it.


      Thank god for auto save. The forums really been choppy but the auto save feature seems more robust than the old one.

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