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  • Birthday 06/19/1989

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    The Leaky Geologist

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  1. Back during the Origin sale, I got myself BF3 for PC, physical copy. Bad idea? They're slow to ship and/or notify me it shipped... anyone else have some prior experience with them?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. toxicitizen


      Keep in mind, I'm in Canada and I assume they shipped from the States. So it might not take as long to reach you once it ships. Also, Canadian customs are infamous for being pretty damn slow.


      So, assuming you're also in the US, I guess give it a few more days to see if you get a shipping notice?

    3. Mal


      I'll decide by Friday if I don't get any email from them. I'll let them go for last weekend since it was Turkey Day Weekend and nothing should be shipping then but this week is normal. Even a dysfunctional warehouse system should be able to get something out by this weekend and I'm being very generous. Hell, it should of been packed and ready to go today.

    4. Luftwaffles


      I've got 2 friends that bought the same deal and went for the physical copy as well. I'm sure they'll tell me when their copies show up, and they haven't mentioned any shipping issues. Might be worth checking into.

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