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  • Birthday 06/19/1989

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    The Leaky Geologist

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  1. Ugh, CPU is going GRRRRRRRR. A few knocks will shut it up but it'll come back... looks like either I have to clean it or replace it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. fuchikoma


      I've seen a lot of cheap power supplies get the growl... it never stays away permanently once it starts to become regular. On the bright side, for such an intimidating looking part (to most) it's actually very easy to replace, just as long as you remember the 4-wire 12 volt plug on many PCs.

    3. fuchikoma


      Actually if you mean the 120mm fan just behind the CPU... I bet you'll be fine without it for now, but you can get "SpeedFan" to keep an eye on it all. I actually have a low speed CPU fan and fanless power supply and when I stop my front intake fan it's my hard drives that heat up the worst. 120mm fans are quite replaceable though.

    4. Mal


      Well, I disabled that fan and one thing led to the next and well bad news first.

      Bad news... its one of my GPUs.

      Good news is that it is still under warrenty.


      How Newegg and/or Sapphire do this will determine if I will ever get a Sapphire product again...

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