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  • Birthday 06/19/1989

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    The Leaky Geologist

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  1. Its kind of funny how a Water Board works... the joys of learning about erosion control and water quality which are two very closely related thing by the way. Not a lot of people get that and sooner or later I will have to work with those folks.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mal


      As in if this applies to all farmers, no matter how they irrigate? Yup. If you grow something and sell it, this applies to you. A discharger as defined in this order has these choice words: "have the

      potential". Well, anything you do have a potential to discharge some water to a stream or groundwater basin. The crop doesn't use up all the water give to it and not all dries up. The rest will slowly migrate, speeding up during winter months.


      Actually, let me talk t...

    3. Mal


      Let me talk to my professor. I am quite sure I am correct with my statement since I can see a auditor/someone at court shooting that out. My professor has been at this for 20-30 years. If he don't know, he will find out and think about it. He hasn't seen the entire thing before but he has been consulted during the formation phase.


      Shoot me anymore questions if you have them so I can ask him. Also I am curious now that I have taken a deeper look at this.

    4. TheRevanchist


      Water rights have become major issues in the last 5/6 years. This plays right into that field. I could see this having some rather good debates. I used to attend some subcommittee meetings for the local town. Some of the farmers were out there. Some were reasonable. When there was a hot button debate, man that room packed up quickly. So, I wish you luck, sir.

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