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About Mal

  • Birthday 06/19/1989

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    The Leaky Geologist

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  1. I am sore and aching but I am alive. If you folks ride a bike, wear a sodding helmet because even a minor mistake sent me head first into the pavement. Good thing no car was on my ass...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mal


      I was looking to my left to see if it was clear to merge onto the straight bike lane. The next moment when I was looking back forward I launch into the air. What I think happened was when I looked to my left, I must have had turned/leaned the front wheel as well. So that stopped the front wheel so I went flying.


      Seriously though... I honestly have no idea how I did it but I did it. It was on smooth pavement too. I do this maneuver a few times a day. So I've been thinking on the...

    3. fuchikoma


      Ouch... I jackknifed down a hill once: Grabbed a water bottle and started drinking, but something surprised me and I squeezed the brakes - didn't account for my weight shifting forward, and I ended up leaning on the bar, cranking it sideways and launching. Fractured my elbow... by landing on my hands (luckily gloved).


      I don't see how you'd accidentally turn that hard shoulder checking - might you have braked with one hand?

    4. Mal


      I was slowly braking, so maybe since the left lever is the front breaks.

      Eh. It just happened so fast.

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