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Everything posted by Mal

  1. 80's styled cyberpunk music. In the future, there are only flashy light in multi-leveled city walkways crammed between massive skyscrapers...
  2. If BF4 works fine now then I suppose I can get it to play with my friend. I'll murder someone if they announce BF5 this year though.
  3. From Software's Project Beast. PS4 exclusive... could be real, could not be.

    1. Pojodin


      Looks intriguing though.

    2. TCP


      I'd be into it.

    3. toxicitizen


      Kinda looks like a non-medieval Souls-ish game. Hope it's real because I am all over that.

  4. Was Jon ever that close to Bran? My memories seems to recall their relationship were more like Jon with Sansa. He was a true Stark to Robb and Arya but seemed more distant to Sansa. This change is quite a thing. Hell, Hordor got stabbed in the leg. That got to have an effect later on. Overall, I'm happy with the changes since I'm not a purist. For example, imagine how ridiculous would it be if Darrio had his three-pronged, blue beard and golden mustache?
  5. What the fuck. Theories shattering last scenes. Oh man. This is the beginning of the dropping of information due to GRRM's slowness.
  6. I got to say, weather related disasters are far worst than geologic ones due to their frequency. I want to get off this tornado filled ride.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      Weather related disasters don't tend to cause destruction on quite the same scale though.

    2. Mal


      Geologic ones tend to come from a mile away. Weather related ones like a tornado is kind of similar but they're a bit more selective based on chance.

  7. I never actually beat any of the games since it'll require me to lose an entire weekend like what it has done to Wally. My time commitment isn't there anymore but I still buy the games since they're good games. Overall they are very solidly made and are fair (enough). You'll know why you died. It is also very enjoyable to finally take down that bitch boss or two. On a different note, I do love to watch people play these games. I can't say I love watching the netcode in action though... god damn did that account for a lot of deaths during invasions in DSII.
  8. Mal

    KITTEH <3

    And that is how my childhood self thought dogs and cats were the same animal but just different genders. Dogs were male and cats were female.
  9. Mal

    World Politics

    She's a cunt for suing the family but from what I've read the boy didn't have much in the way of illumination or bright and reflective clothing. They are a must on even drizzly weather during the day, let alone on a drizzly early morning (1:30 AM).
  10. Why Don't You Play In Hell? I don't get Japanese movies that much so that is why it is posted here. Overall its a fun movie. A lot of times I find myself laughing and going "WTF!?" on just how ridiculous it is. Its all in a good way. They totally dropped the ball on one part though... no gamey first person view during a part towards the end. So close.
  11. Akira TETSUOOOOOOOOOO Okay, that was kind of badass. The underlying stuff is kind of weird but what happens is easy to follow. Gorgeous too. Okay, the characters may look ugly at times but their movements had so much character.
  12. Amazon Prime will soon have some HBO content. It would certainly make them more competitive with Netflix.

  13. For most of my produce scraps, I compost them. Only exceptions are garlic, onions and citrus. If I ever get a Bokashi composter going, then I can even do those with even meat and bread. Kind of need a traditional compost pile though to "cook" the Bokashi'd material to finish it off. For food waste... the only major lost recently was a week ago with me leaving the stove on with a pot of white sauce with veggies. God, I'm still pissed. That was about 4 days of dinner. The only other case of food waste that I recall is a package of Trader's Joe green beans that molded. I can't say that I trust packaged veggies now. Still kind of miffed about that.
  14. I can accept Jaime being in King's Landing during the last few episodes but this is quite the change. The dynamics between him and Cersei is changed so how Jamie acts will change accordingly. I just can't really understand the rational behind this change.
  15. Stop fucking with Jaime! Otherwise, good episode. Good one Daario.
  16. Mal

    English vs English

    I think Farmers Market ones might be an exception. I haven't asked them though but considering the eggs are fine being left outside during the market and sometimes the eggs appear slighty dirty, I would assume that they are unwashed. Great eggs nonetheless... I should eventually keep backyard chickens.
  17. Lost it and blew my mind. Now that is thinking in 3D with an alcohol powered imagination. At best I can do is one or two beds/strata.
  18. Boobies. Done. Enjoy your waifu. Spoiler because... boobies and waifu. I actually used a reference for the basic anatomy. I'm not 100% convinced on some stuff (e.g. the hand) but it works. I also missed two lines that I should of gotten rid of... eh. I also found out that tracing paper is awesome for figuring out what the body should wear. No need to murder your good draft. Strangelove, you're next, you odd man.
  19. Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki AKA Wolf Children I had this download for ages and I finally went in not knowing what to expect since I forgotten why I even downloaded it in the first place. Well, I found out with this feeling in my heart. I also witness the best mom. She made many mistakes and blunders on her part but she tries and give it her all. From my observations, that is what makes a good parent since hell, isn't everybody winging it? I recommend it if you want a heartwarming story. And no, not furry fantasy but I think it is time to go back to the usual...
  20. Perhaps you guys have heard of Knights of Sidonia before. With the anime out now, this is a good time as any to start reading it. The first 5-10 chapters may be a bit confusing but by chapter 15, things will get cleared up. At that point you'll for sure get a bearing on who is who since it can get confusing. If anything, do it for the bear. I still have no idea why there is a talking, sentient bear but here we are. A manga with a talking bear.
  21. It's just tits. Being an ass man, I'm sure if I had man tits I would be very aware of how they act. For everything else, there are guilds like the one you posted. Edit: I should draw something... give me a request.
  22. Tokyo Jungle for 99 cents. Had to add $5 to my PSN though. They should do a sale of the DLC too but I guess that is the main reason why they lowered the price so much. Hopefully someday they'll do a sale of the DLC.
  23. Drink up. It's Friday. Also I can't really pin down Latin since I haven't heard much of it. Strange language.
  24. I see Joffery and Ramsay to be similar characters. They're both sick bastards (Ramsay more than Joffery) but only Joffery is a cunt for this reason: His cruel actions have no reason behind it or at least not something that sounds reasonable (Pretty much everything besides "Just because"). The only time I recall seeing a good reason for one of Joffery's actions was him ordering... (Not sure if the show went over it) He tried to impress or gain some acknowledgement from Robert. Everything else was him being a cunt. Contrast this with Ramsay actions. His reasons are mostly, oddly enough, similar to Joffery's only reasonable action... to gain the approval of his dad (Roose). However, that is not the reason I think that people like him more than Joffery. Its Theon. Theon the backstabbing son of a bitch, who's actions to, oh hey, gain the acceptance of his dad and family caused Winterfell to burn and in ways caused Robb's campaign to go to shit which led to the Red Wedding. Most show watchers (Hell, book readers too) would wish more than death to Theon and well, they got it and then some with Ramsay dealing Theon. Theon isn't even Theon anymore. He's Reek and that rhymes with meek. Hopefully soon we'll see more of Ramsay depravity and then maybe show watchers can say "I want off of this revenge train...".
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