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About Nexus

  • Birthday 08/16/1989

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  1. Been playing a lot of Fallout 4. Not advanced the plot very much since arriving at Diamond City, but having loads of fun just choosing a side quest line and following it through to completion.
  2. I bought it to take on holiday with me, and am looking forward to reading it.
  3. Are you interested? Yup What Platform are you on? PS4 When can you do this? Most evenings and weekends (GMT) Format? Round robin > knockout.
  4. Overwhelmed by the sheer amount of content, and concerned about being overlevelled for quests - is being overlevelled just going to make everything really easy? I'm only level 7, but there are at least five secondary quests, a witcher contract, plus two separate main quests I can go on, and they're all around my level - trying to strike a balance between sidequesting and following the main quests is quite tricky, particularly when a lot of the side quests are so bloody big.
  5. £49.99 and I get to see humping rabbits. Totally worth it.
  6. Mad Max was great. My girlfriend was concerned that the plot wasn't great, but I didn't give a fuck. It was amazing. Loved all the action, and the soundtrack.
  7. I skip most cut scenes and a lot of the dialogue in games. I don't have the attention span. Fuck you Destiny for being unskippable.
  8. The step up from level 4 to 5 is horrific. Screw you Bismarck.
  9. PS4 guys - how you fixed for next weekend?
  10. I'm in the UK so at GMT. Not around this weekend, though!
  11. Can we set up a PXOD crew on GTAV?

  12. I play on the PS4 - haven't got any friends to play with at the minute...
  13. I just saw this - I know the guy who designed Goblin Quest. pdfs came out last week - waiting for my hardcopy. I need to find people to play it with.
  14. Saw an advert for Child 44 (film) on TV. Started reading Child 44. Enjoying it so far. Also finished the Mistborn Trilogy last week, and read Haruki Murakami's 'After Dark' - didn't enjoy it as much as Norwegian Wood or Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage, but thought it was slightly better than 1Q84.
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