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Everything posted by Maritan

  1. So, apparently there is a bug in CSGO that prevents people from playing with friends in a party. What the fuck, Valve?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Luftwaffles


      Can always do it the old-fashioned way of joining the same server, but I agree, that's pretty lame.

    3. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot


    4. Luftwaffles



  2. PVP would suffer from that. My video proves it. Btw, It's not particularly difficult to set up a game with friends.
  3. Then its not a straightforward system.
  4. Cooperation with strangers is just another layer of challenge. Here's how Dark Souls looks when I play it with friends: Challenging as fuck, I know. I think the system is not straightforward because otherwise bastards like me would abuse it(Its still abusable as it is, though). Without it the game loses it's atmosphere.
  5. First review from IGN. http://youtu.be/zbfTO2W2rUU The best part is from 2:45 to 2:55. Probably the most accurate depiction of CoD community. There's VTOL Jet sequence in SP.
  6. Been invited to Crysis 3 alpha. Sounds interesting.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. deanb


      That's an actual prototype though.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I know. Just sayin.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Actually, what it really is is a much more refined version of the actual prototype. They completely forked the code and did a lot of dev work to get the prototype playable, but it's not going in to the main branch of the code.

  7. That's horrible. The trailer to blops 1 was much better. Well, Downey Jr., Jack Black and... *ugh* FPSRussia. Don't know the rest.
  8. You seem to not understand my point of view. I am fine with that. Wha...? *sigh* That is why I mostly stay the fuck away from such topics on "traditional" internet forums. After seeing such remarks I am pretty confident in futility of this discussion.
  9. That wasn't sarcasm. Also, I totally agree with everything Cyber has written about stealth mechanics.
  10. Too easy, and AI is dumb. It actually gets better in the end, and I can say that I enjoyed the game, but again, this game is made for "halo/cod generation".
  11. You know, after playing Halo 4 I wonder why people say that call of duty is a bad game that doesn't change. After 10 years it's the same as the first one, and the first one was a shitty UT clone for console peasants. Oh yes, and campaign will be the same as in previous games(except ODST, which I find to be the best halo game because of that): you kill covenant(yep, the same little silly aliens who are accompanied by a bunch of bigger ones, original content, do not steal), then TOTALLY SUDDENLY AND FUCKING UNEXPECTEDLY that retarded pop-corn comes out and you kill it too. Oh, this time there will be "prometheans", that's a good one. Seriously, when I see people admiring halo I sometimes suspect that it's all a big bad joke that I can't understand. It looks and plays like some hungarian half-life 1 mod, only with bad controls and idiotic crosshair positioning. More impressions on campaign to follow. Probably.
  12. Playing this game made me realize that Hitman is the only hope for stealth games nowadays. The art is incredible, though. What a shame.
  13. And now I'm proud owner of *Sigh* I don't know what to do anymore. The rest of the ghetto says hello, btw.
  14. You won't like Dark Souls. And speaking of threshers: it's nothing compared to this thing
  15. Rented BF3 server because I'm bored.

    1. Luftwaffles


      Mine expired a couple days ago. Hadn't played on it in months.

  16. Aaaaand, I got Civ 5 and Serious Sam HD: the first encounter, ready to give them away. Update: only Serious Sam HD left.
  17. "Apparently the blue tint makes BF3 unique. Honestly ? It sounds like parents taking about their disabled child. Sure it's unique."

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Maritan


      BF3 is good technology-wise, but not even ultra settings save it's art direction. Here's comparison with alpha test screenshots, btw: http://cdn.overclock.net/9/94/9496f5d0_bf3-alpha47.jpeg

    3. Luftwaffles


      It's a matter of color saturation. They went completely overboard with blues and grays, giving the entire game this weird cold and washed out feeling.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      @Maritan: The left looks more realistic but I don't think it looks better.

  18. True vault hunter mode is a lot of fun. Killing supreme badass varkid that was 2 levels above us was awesome. Gave us about 7000 xp.
  19. Recorded this few hours ago. A bit too late, but that was hilarious.
  20. I don't know about other people, but when you're older and all have jobs and responsibilities, it can be much harder to coordinate co-op. In my case, I have a friend who seems to like playing alone and also was off 'sick' from work, so he levelled ahead of me. While another friend barely finds any time to play, so he's nine levels below me. I did 'escort' him past Captain Flynt the other night, but it buffed the enemies beyond his skill range, unfortunately. I was his bodyguard (but he didn't call me Betty, so I didn't call him Al). The level system can be annoying in that way. Guess I'm lucky to have steam friends who are willing to always play together and don't play separately from the group.
  21. That's why you play this game in coop. Do you guys play BL2 alone?
  22. I fucking love PhysX in this game. Looks so good.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Nice hotlinking. Care to upload someplace we can see it?


      Anyways, did you just get in? Cuz I got my invite email today/last night.

    3. Luftwaffles
    4. Maritan


      yeah, I just got in, but I'm pretty sure I won't stay there for long. Don't like MMO, don't like F2P.

  23. Has someone made a PC mod that does that yet? Nope. Press q to see the whole skill tree. But you can't see skill descriptions that way. Also, for those on PC: go here: steam\steamapps\common\Borderlands 2\DLC\POPremierClub\Lic Open WillowDLC.ini And add these lines [PromotionalUnlocks] +UnlockId=1 +UnlockId=2 +UnlockId=3 +UnlockId=4 Activates special edition content.
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