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About Harri

  • Birthday 07/08/1997

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  1. I would like to see the ramifications of that rushed pairing. Maybe Korra and Mako realize that they weren't REALLY meant for each other and split apart. Some Bolin characterization would be nice in the second season as well, as he essentially got pushed off to the sidelines after the midway point.
  2. So, I've been to midtown comics recently and picked up some marvel comics. I'll give my thoughts on them now. First up is The Superior Spider-man. It was surprisingly good, considering what happened in Amazing Spider-man 700 where It's a breath of fresh air from the typical Spider-man story, and I'm interested where Dan Slott takes the new Spider-man next. Avengers Arena is the next comic I purchased. It's essentially Battle Royale/Hunger Games(take your pick) WITH SUPERPOWERED TEENAGERS. It's a bit rehashed(it even gets a mention by the main villain), but it does have a lot of character focused parts, so I'm on board with it. The fact that it has characters from the Runaways makes me a bit happier as well, even if they'll possibly die. The best for last. Hawkeye is my favorite comic coming out from Marvel currently. Matt Fraction is a great writer, with his work on Iron Man and Iron Fist being absolutely amazing. David Aja provides the art, and it's exceptional. It's has a much smaller scale than the Avengers, which Hawkeye is usually on, and it helps the storytelling and pacing. Definitely pick it up if you have the chance.
  3. I am so bad at this game. Bought it used for 20 bucks, and I see the previous owner has a S rank file. Makes me sad, man.
  4. Alright, I'm in. Sorry about last time where there were some issues that happened that I unfortunately could not give a gift during the deadline.
  5. 70mph winds is nice. So's not going to school for 2 days.

    1. UnstableArk



      My family's ready to brave the elements. Come at me, nature.

  6. Waffletopia would be a great name for ANY city.
  7. School Starts in 6 days =(

  8. http://www.videogamecoupons.org/exclusive/videogamecoupons-org-exclusive-get-60-off-over-80-popular-games/ A lot of games on the Origin store are on sale, including mass effect 3 and BF3.
  9. http://puu.sh/w7SC Useful information for anyone who's semi new to tribes ascend. As for the canceling of the demos, that really does stunt the growth of the T:A competitive scene, and I highly doubt that people will pick up Tribes as an E-Sport if they did really can demos. Hi-rez has been promising it since the beta, and not delivering it hurts the dev-consumer relationship.
  10. I thought that the gunplay is a "oops I messed up" concept to get you out of a sticky situation. I appreciate that it's there, but I wonder if there are any situations that don't give you all those options and force you through a mandatory gunfight in the beginning, which seems more than likely.
  11. http://i.imgur.com/wvrde.jpg God Save the Queen.
    1. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      Now we need something like Black Ops Zombies, but with the Queen and other presidential women.

    2. fuchikoma


      Closest thing I know is Metal Wolf Chaos... or the Oneechanbara. OH GOD. I would much rather see the Queen in a mech than a bikini.

  12. Call Of Duty:Black Ops 2. It seems to be a mix of old school manshoot we come to hate/love plus Battlefield 2142. It supposedly has pilotable vehicles and branching, non-linear storyline. I'm honestly intrigued on where Treyarch takes the plot and the multiplayer of BO2, as I quite enjoyed the single player of Black Ops and the multiplayer of BO wasn't as terrible as MW2.
  13. Alright Shaner, I'm new to this scene, but better than you, I'm a rapping machine. Spreading Communist lies, McCarthy Style, you really gotta go the extra mile. In reality, your rhymes are just incredibly green. Now you think I'm obese? There's a mirror on the wall. I think your chromosomes just dropped the ball. Face it, the doctor didn't look at your face, because your looks gave your family disgrace. If you're a late bloomer, sorry, you missed your call. I am the very model of a modern major Asian Hitting the streets of NYC blazing, Acing every school subject, 90 GPA, I'm even a member of the god damn PLA. Better than just an awkward, nerdy, Caucasian. I'm rich as ShiHuangDi, I'm famous, you gotta work in a strip club you ignoramus. And your brain, god damn, don't get me started, not much to say, other than "retarded." I think you should go crying back to Uncle Amos. What's this rumor about my tiny ass dick? It's the one that gets all the white chicks. If I'm poor in size then yours is just a joke. Go get a loan man, you're just downright broke. So now, you Las Vegas whitey, it's your turn. Prick.
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