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Everything posted by Pirandello

  1. Youth these days have absolutely no sense of urgency.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. McBeeferton


      I had to beg like a fucking champ to get a gameboy of my own.


      Now you, Mr. 9-year-old with an iphone... you make me sick

    3. Enervation


      Not so much the sense of urgency, rather it is the ease with which the youth do things nowadays that annoys most of us.

    4. Mr W Phallus

      Mr W Phallus

      @Ethan: Not really. Subjectivity and all that.

  2. From the info compendium: Brink takes place on the Ark. Built in the near-future as part of a contemporary green vision, the Ark was a model for sustainable living. The massive man-made floating city became a home to the scientists and thinkers focused on making the vision a reality, while its wealthy patrons built a recreational paradise. But soon the threat of a global environmental crisis became real: glaciers melted, sea levels rose, and the very survival of humanity was threatened. Thousands from around the globe fled to the Ark as a last hope. Refugees clung to survival however they could, while the original founders and their descendants struggled to maintain the island. Now, existing in 2045, A whole generation has grown up on the Ark, and while it was originally supposed to house around 5,000 people, it now houses around 50,000. Now, the Ark has lost contact with what remained of the mainland and exists in total isolation. As the Ark's supposedly renewable resources dwindle, the balance of power threatens to unravel and throw competing social factions into a horrific conflict. With tensions growing, Security and Resistance forces are locked in a heated battle for control of the Ark. Which side will you choose? There are RPG elements as you can level up and unlock new abilities and upgrades for your character. Weapon attachments can be unlocked through completing the various challenge missions (separate from the actual game). Uh, what do you mean by that?
  3. I think I'd actually go watch that movie. I remember an event sometime in the past (I think it was on a holiday), where everyone in the world posted a single picture of what they were doing that night and posted it to a worldwide image database, who put them into a randomized slideshow; distinctly remember it because (I think it was on Kotaku, actually), an editor submitted an over-the-shoulder shot of him playing Mass Effect 2 at home on the 360. It was a nice contrast to all the other pictures people submitted; dragon dance festivals in China, fireworks in Miami, etc.
  4. What a strange premise for a movie. EDIT: Link was broken.
  5. Someone already has some of videos of the actual game out already: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tMsMXcgypg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDbfaxwiLmo Perks and abilities video to arrive tomorrow. EDIT: Dang. Bethesda took them down.
  6. Betting on bad roommates is like Russian roulette with a 2-chamber revolver with 1 bullet. You rarely have the chance of getting a bad one. Hell, maybe even 3 or 4 chambers, since in this day and age, you tend to have the option of narrowing down the type of roommate you have with likes/dislikes that you can let the dorms know. Betting on bad hallmates is like Russian roulette with a fully-loaded 6-chamber. Guaranteed there will always be dicks, and dorms tend to house them in huge concentrations.
  7. Make sure you make your point clear when dealing with the issue. Lots of people like to "hope they got the point" by beating around the bush with it in conversation in hopes that the other person will "get it". I don't like playing games, so I'm fairly direct about things when I don't like it. Consequently, it makes me look like an asshole; doubly consequently, I don't give a crap; it's my property, treat it properly or you'll find yourself on the wrong end of my respect. EDIT: No, seriously. I absolutely HATE IT when people don't get to the point; it's probably the only thing that literally switches my rant mode on.
    1. SomTervo


      At first I was like "What. Fuck off."


      Then after a few moments I was like "Hey! Shit yeah!"


      Still, the problem with sentience and self-awareness is that it comes with self-doubt and overconsideration. That's where peoples woe's come from.

    2. Johnny


      I agree!

      Unfortunately my subconscious keeps butting in and going "HEY! REMEMBER ALL THOSE WORRIES!"

  8. Post a piece of paper with no name on it that says this: "I CAN BE PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE ON PAPER TOO YOU KNOW" Get her (your GF) out of there, ASAP. Hopefully there's some better housing nearby. Usually there's more than just one option for picking living spaces. And this just reinforces my dislike with living with people in general. You'd be overreacting if she was the most perfect and nicest person in the whole world. But she's not. So you are not.
  9. Ah, the pinnacle of a Asian student with tiger parents. Learn all these magnificent talents, only for the highlight of it all to be... a YouTube video. Glorious. I can see why my parents didn't put me through it.
  10. Probably best on PC, mate. With any indication of how your roommates have been acting, probably the best option. Well, that makes sense. Probably gonna be expecting them on launch day.
  11. Not many of us do. It's fairly daunting to newbies (like me), so we usually tend to shy away from it.
  12. ONE. MORE. WEEK. Also, how does the pre-order stuff work? Do they email you a code or something, or does it come with the CD key or some other thing with the game? I'm just wondering because I pre-ordered 3 copies from Walmart.com (Spec Ops pack) and I'm curious how me and my brothers will access the content.
  13. Aaaaaaaaaaaand here we go again. So, what's happened? 1. More egregious genital name-shouting. 2. Even more loud talking in the middle of the night. 3. Even more louder slamming/drumming on doors in the middle of the night. 4. Me wishing I had a cerebral bore from Turok to use on them. Again. Computer science major here. Most of the times these occur is when I'm trying to work. Usually late at night, because I find it better to work at night, and mostly because my shit-for-brains hallmates never give me the privilege of going to sleep before 12 AM. Words and warnings are lost on people in this day and age. Makes me wonder why corporal punishment went out of existence. I suppose it might have something to do with my upbringing, but I see absolutely no point in this sort of behavior. If you have time to play and whine for more than 99% of the time you're awake, then you have time to study and work.
  14. Dark corridors and faint noises. Which is pretty obvious as a creep-out in itself.
  15. I'd imagine America didn't care much for it and just liked pulling strings in the Middle East. Oh, and toying with gas prices.
  16. Pre-ordered Brink. ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Pre-order a game for the first time ever.
  17. Talking politics on Good Old Games forums? Well, there's your problem! Forumgoers at GOG are also conspiracy theorists? Well, I'll be tickled pink!
  18. That's pretty much it. Everywhere I hear people talking about this, they speak of it as if something productive had actually happened. Nothing has. I doubt that killing a spokesman for a terrorist organization really does much in the first place. Also, obligatory:
  19. How my otaku friends on FB work: Make excited post pertaining about anime. Be the only one that comments on it. Repeatedly.

  20. It's probably due to the lack of server traffic compared to their original amounts of pagehits.
  21. I heard GoG is bringing Witcher 1 to the site and that they'll be having a $5 sale on it from the 10th to the 24th. A problem, since: 1. The Witcher 2 releases in a relatively close timespan to it. 2. It starts on the same day Brink launches. I think I've spent more on games in the past 3 months alone than I have in my entire life. The parents are not going to like this, and I'm gonna have a hell of a time explaining it to them.
  22. The art looks nice, but I want to hear more on the game.
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