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Everything posted by Pirandello

  1. Yeah, I got one question: Has it occurred to him that his opinions could work better in print than in video? Note that the only thing I know of Pachter besides his role as an "analyst" is his show on GameTrailers.
  2. Please refer to my post about Katanagatari:
  3. I agree, it's weird, Saturnine. Oh, and a GTX 260 is just a souped-up 9800 GTX. Yeah.
  4. Here is a massive information compendium put together on the Brink forums. Brink Info Compendium V2
  5. Training for Spy? I suppose that'll help me some. Also, coaching system is good, too.
  6. Crytek has a Cinema edition of their engine.
  7. I see the Games for Windows logo in that trailer and I facepalmed.
  8. Try it. Seriously. http://i.imgur.com/QgV1t.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Battra92


      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender goes to Male which goes to sex but redirected to Gender. Infinite loop FAIL!
    3. McBeeferton


      Huh. Took a long time, but Pokemon does it. xD

    4. Mr W Phallus

      Mr W Phallus

      What happens if you start from philosophy?

  9. Another post to show everyone what my new spectacular desktop is.
  10. Your post has flown over my head. I demand clarification!
  11. Finally finished Katanagatari. This is what I think: tl;dr: It looks pretty. That's about it.
  12. Boo, Vampire Knight. Everyone in that show looked so pretty, it got boring. I mean, drama and pretty people go hand in hand, right? That's why it bored me.
  13. Pirandello


    Yeah... I'm a non-athlete.
  14. Bioshock sale! *jumps on top*

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mr W Phallus

      Mr W Phallus

      Sigh. Another one for the unplayed Steam-sale games pile.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Bioshock 2: one the the most mediocre games of 2010.

    4. McBeeferton


      Someone should gift me those games.



  15. TWGOK season 2 is finally out. And the primary heroine for this beginning arc is the martial arts team captain, my favorite. Booya.
  16. Pirandello


    I'm big-boned, and I'm portly. The two do not make a good combination. From what I understand of my BMI, I'm between "normal" and "overweight"; literally on the threshold between both. Case in point: Even if I did lose all the blubber I had on my person, my face would not become any less wider for it. Seriously. It's all skeleton bone in that wideness.
  17. Ha, Clerks. Love that show. Still, though, I do agree with Atomsk, Dex, and Phallus. I have two separate categories that I differentiate between "cartoon" and anime". Just depends on how I see it.
  18. It's nice having a lot of space on the HDD. Anyways, I've been crawling 4walled, and there are a lot of bad ones, some good ones, and some really good ones which warrant a save, but they're few and far in between. Very random, though I don't really mind that.
  19. Damn you, PCG, and your gaming contest requiring that I turn off my Facebook privacy settings so I can have a chance to win. Now people who were never aware of me now know I exist! *hiss*

    1. deanb


      Is this the US only one?

    2. Saturnine Tenshi
    3. Saturnine Tenshi
  20. I see megs, and I see F:\, but I don't know what I'm looking at! Unless that's your stash of OreImo stuff of questionable content. I raise you my entire collection: Yeah, it's called the "Stuff" folder and is blatantly in sight; also, ignore the third tab in my Chrome.
  21. Sorry to double post, but just needed to bump this up. In a manner very unfitting of today's games, Brink's release date has actually been pushed forward by a week. BethSoft Blog Post That is all.
  22. I recognize the first and third pictures in that album. >_> Even worse, I have them on my computer.
  23. I steadfastly believe that Battlefield 2 is what brought the "modern" setting to FPSs.

  25. I think everything new coming out sucks until TWGOK season 2 gets released on the 12th, so I'm going back and watching the rest of Katanagatari while I'm waiting.
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