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Everything posted by Pirandello

  1. So the transfer has been completed! Let the perusal commence.

  2. Hmm, let's see. It went down last night for me, what happened for me was: Went to sleep Woke up Ate breakfast Read my usual interwebz sites Learned LulzSec coincidentally "retired" after a run in with an actual hacker group Created some pretty awesome stuff in Minecraft Won some pretty awesome battles in Chaos Rising Various minute things that number too greatly to count, but mostly boring
  3. I'm fine with it going free-to-play. At least the servers themselves aren't owned or operated by Valve (compared to, like, every other F2P shooter in existence), so I assume that hacking, trolling, and griefing will be kept to a minimum.
  4. Started a hardcore run through New Vegas. So far, it isn't as bad as they say, but now I'm paranoid to hell about everything being able to kill me in less than three hits.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Baconrath


      It's more like Hassle Mode really. The hardest part is making sure your companions don't kill themselves or piss off a deathclaw that you were trying to sneak past.

    3. Connorrrr


      It's pretty much not that difficult at all.

    4. Johnny


      It's annoying, not challenging.

  5. Oops, my bad. Damn abbreviations and all that. Yes, I did mean HanaIro.
  6. So I just watched the latest episode of AnoHana. Also, in TWGOK, I am also hot for teacher. But I haven't seen the end of the arc yet, but will do so today. Sometime today.
  7. I use HorribleSubs for HanaIro, UTW for Hidan no Aria and AnoHana. Speaking of which, in my epic quest to put a bullet between every Legion, Fiend, and Raider's eyes in New Vegas, I seem to have forgotten to watch HanaIro. I shall do so tomorrow and report back post-haste.
  8. I thank my internet outage for getting me reacquainted with New Vegas. Now I can't stop playing it again. Even got the DLC (though Dead Money wasn't as great as I thought it would be).

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pirandello


      ce sniper).


      Sorry, it cut off at the end.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      The Ghost people aren't immortal... I'm playing an NCR sniper, too, and she did okay. You also just need to slow down and listen, I guess. :)


    4. Baconrath


      I just wish there wasnt a game save corrupting bug every time they release a new DLC

  9. Latest episode of AnoHana was... everything I had been expecting.
  10. Yeah, it's amazing, we can drive around checkpoints! You know it's the sign of quality of the game where you're forced to do that if you want to have any chance of remaining stealthy, but in return, you get to spend plenty of real life time traveling to the next objective as you drive the oft-times long and grueling "alternate" route through large areas of emptiness and lots of rocks. And if you're lucky, you won't have an army of jeeps on your ass. Otherwise, you get to arrive with an army of jeeps hot on your ass and the gunfire of newly-attracted guards... which in turn will bring more jeeps. Fantastic. Mark of quality, I say! Unless I wanted a nice prolonged firefight that would delay my mission by about... I dunno, minimum 20 minutes, as I will most likely end up in a ditch somewhere and have to fight off the jeeps, and then move on. In which I shall attract yet another army of jeeps by the time I actually reach my damn objective. I'd wager and go as far as saying that you only have to do so much as turn around and they've already respawned. This happens a lot more often than you'd think. In fact, almost all the time, since if you go off-road, the jeeps will literally road-block you from getting anywhere to your objective. If you're lucky, your jeep won't blow up. Deny it all you want, but driving anywhere unscathed with a group of jeeps firing at your ass isn't as great as you'd think it to be. Especially when it blows up your ride. Sure, you can take their jeeps off of their cold, dead hands, but this process is as rinse-and-repeat as it gets.
  11. That would be nice if I didn't have to drive through the checkpoints because of the army of jeeps chasing me.
  12. My god. No internet for a whole day is utterly horrific!

    1. Yantelope


      Toilet cherrybombed while dropping a deuce again?

    2. Pirandello


      Nope, forget to pay the bills and couldn't do anything on the internet.

  13. So, after an internet outage, I furthered my progress into Witcher 2. Among other things, here's what happened:
  14. But... did you find the forks?
  15. I am absolutely ecstatic that Spiral Knights is finally picking up more publicity, much in thanks due to Steam. Other than that, there are a number of F2P MMOs, though most tend to cater towards group-grinding and not really social grouping. Also, free-to-play shooters tend to be very bad in general anyways, so it's most likely for the best if we stay clear of those.
  16. I don't get it. Unless this is talking about the console versions and not the PC version.
  17. I have returned home! And finally got a good night's sleep.

  18. The last part I assume is something that some of us have problems with. Most of the time, if the discussion is reasonable and respectful, I genuinely try to listen to the other side. Most times, if being the jerkiness stays on a casual level, I try to shrug it off with humor. Bring out the high horse, though, and you'll find me eagerly awaiting the chance to see how much you react when I pull your chains. I do find myself reveling in fights with people with holier-than-thou attitudes. They rage on and on, and at the end they're all like "Well, I don't care anyways lol." Well, your 15 rage-filled comments beforehand sure proved you right! I like to see how long I can draw them out for before they realize that I'm just screwing with them on purpose. Longer explanation another time, though.
  19. The Vita looks pretty awesome. As a first-time modern-generation handheld buyer, would it be best to wait a bit until they release a new version before buying after launch? I've often heard that the first-generation devices usually come with problems.
  20. Well, I'd say "Good show, FEC! That's a right proper insult done right! +1 my good sir!" A proper insult? I'd say that's too direct and soft by internet standards. You need to be more annoying in your insults to the point where it enrages people. Kind of like Kotaku's writing. And besides, this is the Internet. Insults are standard around here. Then again, there are people who get mad about that sort of thing, and try to pass it off as everyone else being mad about it except them.
  21. My first thought to that is: "Oh, boy! Maybe they'll make a stable engine this time!" Followed by: "They'll still find some way to break it, anyways." The latter will be a given. Somehow.
  22. New episode of AnoHana got put up. My initial thought from the beginning of the series was "Menma's a ghost capable of manipulating physical objects. Why the hell you haven't done this until episode 8 is making my common sense go haywire." It only took them EIGHT whole episodes before they used that as a plot device. Either I have too much common sense or they made the characters dense on purpose as a plot point. Thank goodness people like that don't exist in real life... is what I'd like to say, but I've met my fair share of people who are actually that dense who aren't actors.
  23. Oh, my god, they totally butchered Brothers in Arms!

  24. This is what it looks like on the bottom:
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