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Everything posted by Enervation

  1. So I acquired a PS3 at Christmas, but I've been out of the loop for a while, so I'll just drop my PSN ID here. Overwatch42
  2. I played the demo for this multiple times, and by the end of it me and my little brother could figure out three different ways to kill the griffon. I think my record for killing the griffon was under 55 seconds.
  3. Whew, what a hell of a year! My me-time got crushed for a few months. How's everyone doing?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Luftwaffles


      Oh, and Cowboy no longer lives in Canada and doesn't like hockey anymore.

    3. TCP


      I'm all about water polo now.

    4. Enervation
  4. I would've recommended C++, since C is rather archaic and C++ builds on a lot of C (mainly enhancing object-oriented programming). I'm really biased toward C++ though.
  5. I'm going to be jumping back into the original Guild Wars to try to get 30/50 on the Hall of Monuments. I don't have anything else to do, heh. I've gotten bored recently.
  6. It feels like a WASD control Diablo to me. :l I never really was able to get into Diablo. Something with the loot carrying that always made me feel annoyed. Amalur is no different.
  7. So uh, I just finished it. I'm not sure what to say. I'm pretty sure what I will eventually say will be negative, though. The combat system was fun but everything else sort of brought it down.
  8. I always prefered Sid Meier's Civilization to GalCiv. Didn't really sit well with me how there were no natural boundaries to block off other nations.

  9. A lot of people say its similar to the way Dark Age of Camelot did their PvP. I've never played DAoC so can anyone explain?
  10. Sometimes I wonder how people misallocate money. Then I realize that its people that are doing the allocation. Curse you, rent.

  11. Somehow I find it highly unlikely the WiiU will be considered for a MMO of all things, since Nintendo at this point has the throne of casual console gaming. As for the others, only time will tell - the fact that ArenaNet has not said a thing about console ports is a pretty good indicator that at this point its just an idea floating around. I think with the d-pad mechanic hotkeys would technically be doable, and you can switch between them on the fly. Naturally PC players have a natural advantage in this field, but its still possible for console gamers. I think the aiming mechanics might need tweaking though, particularly since the skill videos I've watched of GW2 so far require manual placing of AoE fields and whatnot. Not sure how that will work out on consoles.
  12. Whoa. How's that going to work? Is it going to be split servers or will everyone be able to play on the same server regardless of platform? I wouldn't mind playing it on my brand new PS3, haha.
  13. I am aware that there is fast travel. That being said, I was rather intrigued by the absence of fast travel markers for fairly important locations (ie. upper Rathir. I don't want to walk from the front door dangit) while they placed markers for totally trivial and unimportant things (an overturned wagon? really?).
  14. Not a single bit of talk about this? How odd. I think I'm about halfway through the game right now. I personally don't have any problems with the game, other than the fact that it needs some sort of movement boosting. Travelling and seeing the sights is fun and all, but when I have to run through the same area twice-dozen times to kill monsters, farm items, and be everyone's errand boy it kind of makes me feel... slow. Usually the travelling in RPGs is what kills it for me, but at the very least Amalur has smaller zones compared to a lot of MMOs. The combat is great. It's pretty much the defining part of the game for me, though getting staggered by something as pitiful as an arrow (in full plated armor?) has me scratching my head.
  15. It gave me quite a scare when I loaded this page since the ad was at 200% volume. Really irritating. I'm just wondering how it got past the adblocker, but I don't think adblockers do flash. I appreciate you posting a link to it though.
  16. Eurgh. Your little app thingy that you posted autoplays an ad when you load this page, Gerbil.
  17. So I tried the Jagged Alliance: Back in Action demo. I don't know if its better or worse than its predecessors, because I just sniper spammed the enemy to death. The AI is rather lacking...

    1. Chewblaha


      So uh. When does he stop going down stairs?

    2. Enervation


      That's the fun of it. The differences between each floor are very subtle... heh.

  18. There is no wrong, only right! And maybe left.
  19. So did anyone else see that gameplay video for Operation: Raccoon City, the one with Hunk in it? The general reception its received has been pretty poor.

  20. So, uh. I started playing League of Legends. Unlocked Mordekaiser 'cause he seems like a bro I'd hang with. I don't know what to do now, too chicken to try PvP.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chewblaha


      For once...I agree with Johnny. Enervation what's your handle and I'll lane with you and stuff.

    3. Enervation


      My handle is Durenthal.


      I just finished a co-op vs. AI game, to test out their AI. It's very interesting, they gank and everything.


      Also, another thing to note. I have not tried PvP yet. I am not ignorant to the point where I understand that the PvP is a whole 'nother ballgame, so I'm browsing around for an experienced player to help me into the game.

    4. VicariousShaner


      Me and Harri play LoL quite frequently. You can add me "VicariousShaner" and Harri "Noseer" if you ever want somebody to play with.

  21. So some guys just told me he justifies his gaming purchases based on the "1 hour for every $1" scale... meaning that for every dollar he uses he expects that much gaming time out of a game. That's a pretty dumb system, I'd say.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FMW


      I don't purchase based on that statistic, but I keep track of it loosely. So far my best value per hour of entertainment is Final Fantasy X. I'm down under 1 cent per hour of fun :)

    3. Enervation


      I understand if people want to get the most bang for their buck, but using that as their *only* indicator for purchasing a game is something that baffles me. I'm certain that most if not all of us buy games for enjoyment, not to nitpick-calculate the hours you spend vs. the money you spend.


      Anyways, he shut up after I told him TF2 was free-to-play. He's an avid TF2 player, but apparently he didn't know TF2 went F2P... suspicious.

    4. RockyRan


      Yeah, I never use it as my only indicator of purchasing, but in certain situations it does come up. I wouldn't buy a $60 game that's ~8 hours long, and if a game keeps me entertained for at least as much as I paid for it I'd consider it a good purchase.


      It's not really how long it'll last me, it's more like how long it'll keep me engaged.

  22. It's a MMORPG. If there is a way to cause distress to another player with impunity, it WILL happen.
  23. So I bought Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 a few weeks ago. I was doing well until Chapter 5... I feel sorry for Momiji, having a terrible player like me. All I do is mash buttons. :(

  24. I got the demo the day it released. I've never played a Final Fantasy game before, so the combat system was pretty fun to me.
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