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Everything posted by Enervation

  1. I thought they pushed back the Minecraft release date to the 18th.
  2. So uh, do free players get weapon drops in TF2? I got an Equalize and a Battalion's Backup, but I'm not sure where they came from...

    1. Chewblaha


      Yeah, you get weapon drops. I don't know how, but you do.

    2. Enervation


      I've been playing for a couple hours and still haven't gotten another one yet.

    3. Johnny


      The weapon drops are luck, plain and simple. If you get one or not is luck. If you get anything you need or something you already have, is also luck.

  3. As a lot of people put it, "it's an anime for people who don't watch anime." I've actually never watched the entirety of Cowboy Bebop myself.
  4. You only get the Omega boss-fight if you pre-order. From a single retailer. In one territory. Well fuck you. Well, at least it's Amazon.
  5. That's actually a pretty good thought process to follow, at least in the original Guild Wars. If you're fresh into Guild Wars, sticking with a single character is best since the skills you unlock on one character transfer to all other characters, but only for heroes. Your other characters will still have to relearn/rebuy all the skills in the game, but for your NPC heroes all the skills will be unlocked, which is a massive advantage to your alternate characters.
  6. Protip: MMOs allow more than one character on your account. /s
  7. The blisters on my feet are killing me. Damn shoes.

    1. Enervation



  8. Mostly people post on reddit to voice their complaints (since he frequents it a lot). A huge flaw people are noticing about Mojang are their absolutely abysmal support services. Most people have to resort to posting on reddit to get any feedback at all; I think if Notch wants to take it a step further he should start with that.
  9. I just moved into my new apartment complex. Everyone in the building is all under a single IP. God help me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RockyRan


      You know what that means, torrent the SHIT out of the internet!

    3. VicariousShaner


      I would occasionally check 4Chan to see if your IP is banned, then be incredibly suspicous of everyone in your building.

    4. Enervation


      The only thing I know for certain is that everyone shares a single connection, not sure about IP, although the various messages I've come across on the web seem to indicate otherwise...


      also, my roommates all have the same IP as me, even though we all have our own ports.

  10. Maybe... just maybe, if they tweak it a bit. One helicopter for all the players. The helicopter only has so much gas, and they will need to repeatedly land to refuel the chopper. Their goal is to either A) kill all the zombies (which they will need to do on the move, since ammo is scarce and they will need to scavenge it) or B) escape (which must be accomplished by doing certain tasks, which should be harder than killing zombies, but takes less time). Of course, for it to happen at all would require a world generation algorithm that BF3 simply cannot do, since such a map would have to be on a massive scale.
  11. Got my university job back. I'm only working two hours less than I did last year (I wanted less) but I decided "eh, it's money."

    1. FMW


      Yeah, that really isn't something most college students can pass up. What job are you doing?

    2. Enervation


      I work a multitude of tasks, since my position grants me a lot of flexibility.


      I work at a moving coffee truck (mostly as a cashier, but my training allows me to take on nearly any task), but due to the way it works I get a lot of time in other facilities as well, which led to me getting familiar with the supervisors of basically all the nearby university owned restaurants. Really cool, since it also means that all the supervisors are open to me taking positions at other locations.

  12. Yea, just to remember. There is no armor in this game. Everyone takes the same amount of damage to your health (the only thing that really changed is how much damage you can take). I actually died quite often as a level 37 while helping out a level 15 with his campaign.
  13. Probably not, and frankly I'd be very afraid if it was. Every country has their own damn problems to deal with, and America is no different. It is, actually. Not so much because of how many people died as for the events that it in turn caused. Besides, I think you're both underestimating how much american culture the rest of the western world imports. You do have a point there. Sometimes I forget that America is a lot more diverse than I really think it is.
  14. I got absurdly bored doing Vibora Bay (that coupled with the internet connection problems I was experiencing back when I played), and I quit the game very soon after (I had a level 40 archer hero). I think at this point in time, though, I'm content with just Guild Wars for the time being.
  15. Probably not, and frankly I'd be very afraid if it was. Every country has their own damn problems to deal with, and America is no different.
  16. Doing an article on a MMO is fairly difficult. Obviously, as a RPG, it will take a fair amount of time just to even get to the end game content, and that's excluding PvP, any sort of crafting system, etc. However, I think as Cyber did... interviews with more experienced players will cover a fair amount of some content missed. I think the problem lies mostly in contact these players, but there are always a few open to talk. I'm starting to miss playing Champions Online, even. I will probably get GW2, and if I think I can I might do a first impressions EP article on it, along with any PXOD writers who want to take a hack at it.
  17. I actually remember September 11th, 2001 fairly well. I was nine years old at the time, and it was way early in the morning. I got up to start watching cartoons. Everyone else in the house was still asleep, so I thought it'd be nice before I got some cartoons in, since in a couple of hours I'd be heading to school. I turned on the TV at around 8 in the morning. It was on CNN; I contemplated reaching for the remote to change the channel, being simplistic in my drive to watch Buzz Lightyear that day, but after several seconds I decided against it. There was a burning skyscraper on the TV. Now, I thought to myself. Skyscrapers? A BIG one, on fire? That cannot be good. I sat and watched it all happen as my parents started to get up. They also saw what happened on the TV, but made no effort to shield me from it (which I am fairly thankful for). I asked my parents what happened, and they replied truthfully that they don't know. I listened intently to the newscaster as smoke billowed from the windows of the WTC. All I knew that day was that something big happened, and people died. School still happened. Most of the other kids in my grade did not hear about it as school started. I thought about telling the other students about it, but the principal beat me to the punch as he conducted a school-wide assembly to inform my school of the incident.
  18. To be honest, I didn't really feel any emotional attachment at all to any of the characters in the story. I didn't even feel any attachment to my character (I played Logan), because I was fairly certain that with his attitude he'd be fine. The only thing that surprised me was that Logan is actually fair-tempered and a gentleman, more so than Sam B.
  19. Yea, that's what I thought. I knew I was confusing it for something.
  20. Just finished the game. It's incredibly evident in the last part of the story that the developers had to rush it a bit (empty rooms, very heavily reused textures, random placement of enemies, repeated hallways). Other than that (and the incredibly annoying boss fight where they give you no direction as to what to do to kill the boss, since he's invulnerable unless you trigger a certain sequence) it's a nice game. If they manage to finish it off and improve on some of the dialogue (I noticed that the actors actually misspelled an acronym, saying it one way in one line, but another in the next), as well as buffing certain skills and weapons, the game will definitely appeal to a larger audience (the nitpicky one).
  21. Short Circuit mod every machete. Pride Gun mod every gun. Scorching mod every blunt weapon. EVERYTHING MUST BE MODIFIED!
  22. Eh, I got it on PC and it's working fine for me. I recently got a hold of several firearms and I am actually quite surprised. They work very smoothly and the animations are up to par. Don't expect to be killing a lot with them though, They actually do less damage than melee weapons and are, personally, only good against suiciders.
  23. Just so everyone playing knows, kick bodies. Kicking is widely regarded on the Steam forums as incredibly overpowered, and I plan to abuse it. Which I do. No need to deteriorate your weapon durability when you can just kick them to be sure, right? Also Jesus, that healing item you'd be looking for would be a medical kit. You can purchase them from merchants at safe zones, but they are incredibly expensive. I'd just suggest looking around for energy drinks to top off your health (which makes inland a huge problem, since there are very little energy drinks to come by, as opposed to the shore).
  24. I like it so far. Some of the quests have me running scared though, so I haven't been able to finish them. A long as hell blood trail leading into the hotel, then into a darkened bathroom? No freaking thanks, man.
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