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Everything posted by superfrogsavestokyo

  1. When I finally decide the play the series, I was surprised that a bunch of people hated the game. I really enjoyed it even though I had to play as Raiden. I hated the Rose conversations at first, I was kind of impressed how it went from totally fake to real. Fission Mailed... So pissed at the time because I stopped to take a break. :bun-cry:Taught me never to play the MGS series while sleepy. I also liked Final Fantasy XII. I wish that the main character could've been Basch instead of Vaan, but to each their own.
  2. Even though I like the game, it's dull at times. Sometimes I think about going over to the dark side to spice things. Then I find a semi-interesting quest, and end up finding an alchemical ingredient that I haven't used before, and the game is interesting again. I have my dark elf as an adventurer because I couldn't decide which class to go with, and was too lazy to make up my own class. Next time around, I may go with a battlemage or pure mage build (I never played as a pure mage in any game before so it should be interesting). Took me long to get used to horse riding though. Then I noticed that I could mako it up a mountain. Hate the fact that you have to level up by sleeping, though.
  3. This has been the first time I've played Assassin's Creed to while not sleepy. Big difference in my game play.
  4. Rogues and fighters tend to be my thing, especially if I can throw in a bit of offensive magic spells. My favorite rogue character was in DA:O. Poisoning my weapons and then going in for the critical back stab was highly satisfying.
  5. My goals for 2011: - Go out more - Exercise - Complete a couple of projects - Apply for internships I'm actually going to work harder than I did in 2011.
  6. Thank you, Amazon, for letting me buy a textbook for a fraction of the price it is everywhere else.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bouchart


      Doubt it. I have some old textbooks that will sell for less than a dollar.

    3. superfrogsavestokyo


      Actually it depends if you have an active buying/selling between students on campus. I was able to sell my other textbooks to others for the past year.

    4. Baguette


      You're lucky, every time I try to sell mine they say they are now using a new textbook.

  7. Usually we do, but our work, school, or kid schedules do not sync up. The other person I play with prefers that we play each other online otherwise his girlfriend gets uncomfortable. (We dated for a couple of years.) I usually just pop on and play a couple of matches, and then go back to (insert RPG). Do miss the group though.
  8. This, plus the fact that whenever I dare to venture into MNC, it feels like I can't keep up with everything going on. Or I'm overstimulated by it, and it's hard for me to concentrate on what I need to do. I love playing fighting games online because it's boring playing the computer all the time. The first weekend I had my 360 hooked up to the internet, I played more than 150 ranked matches in two days. My sore, sore thumbs.
  9. You're a brave soul, Ethan. I tend to pretend that I don't have a backlog, but there are only a couple of games that I want to finish before the New Year: Epic Mickey, P3P, Fallout 3, and ME 2. Hopefully I'll be able to finish a couple of more before LBP 2.
  10. 2010 will go down as the year I actually finished more than one game. -Bayonetta -Heavy Rain -Alan Wake -SSIV (Hey, if I made it to the ending scene in Arcade mode with at least 2 characters, it counts. ) Games that I'm one step away from completing: -Mass Effect 2 (I wasn't smart enough to install the game so a fucked up disc is keeping me from completing the it . ) -Fallout 3 - P3P
  11. SSIV Tourney? I'm tired of getting my butt kicked by random strangers.
  12. 1st day of exercise and I feel good. :)

    1. Mudkip3DS


      Just don't be like Oprah and start binging down the cakes again, and you'll be fine. /lowpunch

    2. superfrogsavestokyo


      not exercising for weight loss, just keeping my heart on it's toes.


    3. Mudkip3DS


      Wait, really? Crap, now I feel bad for trying to make a joke about your health in the first place. :(

  13. Playing Oblivion and Super Meat Boy atm. Felt great about finishing the first boss level ... until I started the hospital stage . I really need to hook up this Wii, so I could get started on Epic Mickey.
  14. Nothing like a simple breakfast to keep you from hurting people!

  15. My first username superfrogsavestokyo is a short story by Haruki Murakami. I think it came from the collection After the Quake . It was a somewhat depressing story and decided to make a new one.... Then I decided to get one from another short story by Murakami. This one Sharpie_Cakes came from the story "The Rise and Fall of Sharpie Cakes". Runners up included Dabchick, Shinagawa Monkey, and Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman. I can't remember a time where I generated my own username.
  16. Be away from the forum for a day and so many changes XD

  17. I have to work Saturday and Sunday, but they are only half days. Then I'm going to read (books, newspapers, etc). I might play games this weekend, too. If so probably Oblivion or Super Meat Boy. A really laid back weekend.
  18. You could never know. I used to get double the amount when I bought a big bag. I didn't need to buy my own jar of nacho cheese from the store for an additional $3. It was always fresh and delicious.
  19. I love nachos and Chipotle. Back in junior high, I used to go to this corner store. If you bought a bag of fritos (doesn't matter what size) and paid 25 cents, you could get hot nacho cheese pumped into your bag. I wish all corner stores did that.
  20. COD (My reflexes aren't that great anymore, and I get bored easier in a fps.) Uncharted 2 & 3 (I really liked the first game, but I just don't feel like playing the newer ones.That probably stems from having too many games that I really wanted to play on my plate.) Red Dead Redemption (I like westerns, but I don't feel like playing the game. I actually was interested in the game when it came out, but I was playing a bunch of games at the same time.) Minecraft (I like to play games in spurts and don't know if I'll like it) Tekken (I like fighting games, but this one doesn't really appeal to me anymore.) WoW (It just seemed incredibly boring to me. Tried it once and didn't like it. Watched my higher level friends play it; still didn't like it. I had more fun playing City of Heroes/ Villains. Maybe I'm a customization whore. ) There's probably more, but I tend to ignore game news about them.
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