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Saturnine Tenshi

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About Saturnine Tenshi

  • Birthday 04/30/1986

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  1. Probably didn't help that they had him in some cheesy af singing scene right off the bat.
  2. That sounds waaaaaaaaaaaay too good to be true.
  3. I think Capaldi was one of my favorites if not my favorite Doctor.
  4. Man, remember when we used to do GOTY posts. How the lame have fallen.
  5. Neat. Love the change. Think she's a good fit long as it doesn't get preachy, which falls under potential missteps I suppose.
  6. NieR: Automata, because it's too good a game to be likened to anything by Kojima.
  7. Finished the first White March DLC for Pillars of Eternity. Although I'm having trouble with this dragon. It's strange, because the game was all YOU'RE OVERLEVELED, which seems to be the case, but this dragon is still one-shotting everyone in my party but Eder.
  8. 9,000 or so, yeah. The only really glaring connection is one side character, but that's it.
  9. You don't need to have played the prequels at all for Automata. I don't remember the exact video, but @FLD has one of some dude with an obnoxious voice going over what transpired before Automata anyway.
  10. Atelier Sophie. Would buy more, but Valve decided to be a bunch of fucking cunts when it comes to gifting.
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