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Everything posted by excel_excel

  1. I was just about to type 'Why not just shoe-horn this into the multiplayer modes'. Then I realised, Dead Space 3 has no competitive multiplayer modes. It won't stop me buying the game eventually, and when I do buy the game, I never will use this but...this is just terrible. If the game were free or at a reduced price, it would be acceptable. Can we at least have an option that appears when you start a game saying 'I don't want to be offered micro transactions in this game run' or whatever.
  2. Devil May Cry 4 for like €2.50 on Green Man Gaming, came with a Steam key and MASS EFFECT 3 as well on GMG for €6.44! Came with an Origin key! Have to convert my Mass Effect 2 xbox save file, but I might get 1 and 2 on PC and replay them instead....maybe I received from my girlfriend ANNNND Also bought A Valley Without Wind 1 & 2 on Steam! And received Walking Dean from Sky on Steam, SECRET SANTA YEAAAAH
  4. Bethesda Collection for less than 20 quid on Gamersgate. http://www.gamersgate.co.uk/DDB-BETHESDANYC/bethesda-new-year-collection-bundle includes SKYRIM AND DISHONORED!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. deanb


      Hoping it'll still be on when I get up. The Far cry sale/cock-up happened on my way back and was sorted by time I got home.

    3. Vecha


      Looks like it was a typo on their end.


      Did they honor that price?


      Man...I'd hate to be the guy who got yelled at for that slip up.

    4. Eleven


      It looks like they're honoring it, since they ran out of keys. Which means people didn't cancel their orders. It's up to $320 now.

  5. Here shows some game footage and a lot of talk about gods and all that shit that I'm sure must be absolutely enthralling for XIII fans.
  6. Not the first time clearly unfinished games have landed on Steam without the store page saying so. Towns is in alpha but there's absolutely no indication of that on its Steam page.
  7. Yet the Steam page lists 'Up to 100 Players per Game Server' as one of its features. That's completely false advertising, it was released on Steam on the 17th of December, and they listed that as a feature, that was not part of their game and still is not part of their game on Steam. .....they copied their legal agreement from League of Legends apparently......
  8. Finished The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition on PC, on HARD. Didn't change difficulty once!.....aaaaand its not like that gets me anything.... Great game. Just really well put together. Loved it. Wish I'd finished it faster as a lot of the first half of it blends together.
  9. Bah, the EU versions of Virtue's Last Reward have only the Japanese sub voice over. I was looking forward to playing the dub version of it.

  10. Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition didn't come to EU Plus. Bah.
  11. I absolutely loved it but I do agree it has flaws, it was such an engrossing piece of story that I couldn't stop playing. Let me try and explain some of these things.....
  12. Lets show 'em all here and give criticism! COVER 1! Seems really rushed this one. Not much going on and not that stylish. cover dos! Now that looks nice. Great piece of artwork, but something tells me it won't be popular as the other, more stylised covers. COVERRRRR TRI. This is rubbish. Exact same as the original cover, only a different background. Imagine if this one won eh?.....hehe cover cuatro! That looks lovely. love the art style, the design of that creature, the cloud going past the logo....awesome. COVER V Yeah this one kind of sucks. That brightness doesn't work, and Elizabeth looks like she's just slapped on there with no rhyme or reason. The worst one me thinks. Cover SIX (Given up on the different numbers language thing) That's awesome. You know I think the original complaining about the cover was a bit overblown for what was just some silly generic box art, but these alt covers have shown some fantastic art off, so maybe it was a good thing. OR MAYBE.....THIS WAS THEIR PLAN ALL ALONG.
  14. Got a 30 day code, spent the next 3 days downloading games.....so so slow. And the installs. So long. Ratchet and Clank All 4 One took over an hour to install. Installing Infamous 2......they are both 16GB games. Its not that bad I suppose.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I might as well get it. Always been curious what is so great about the game seeing how the intro kinda turned me off. And it IS free if you like their facebook page.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Excel has the jist of it.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      That was my initial thought, but it seems kind of early for that given that Last Light isn't until March. That seems like something to do in like February.

  15. Was back at my folks home today and watched 2 episodes of Doctor Who from Season 5. Vincent and the Doctor, and The Lodger. The Vincent episode was near perfect, and that ending had me crying. So good. I'm like nearly at the end of the first season and nothing I've seen comes close to that.
  16. EA doesn't have much push with Nintendo. Ubisoft do, but Ubisofts main Nintendo game is Just Dance, a game not really affected by the limitations. ZombiU and Assassin's Creed were being far more pushed than Just Dance 4 is on Wii U. In fact, Just Dance 4 is also out on the Wii, so its pretty much already going to be bought most on that, and its been out on that since October. If the store restrictions effect people buying those titles on Wii U then Ubisoft will have a problem, espically since those two titles would have cost a lot more money to bring to Wii U.
  17. If you are planning to download full games on the Wii U then you would know how to get that space to download games. That's bollox blocking that content though, I assume it won't last long considering how it effects EA and Ubisoft games, which are the biggest 18+ rated titles.
  18. http://www.getloadedgo.com/ Get games get loaded deal, choose any 2 games from a group of 6, for €12 Ubisoft deal. Or the whole lot for €24. Not available to North America unfortunately. Driver San Francisco Deluxe Edition (No DRM listed for this one, looking up its just sign into the game at launch and you can choose to play offline) Might & Magic: Heroes VI Deluxe Edition (DRM: U-play) Assassin's Creed Revelations!!!! (DRM: U-play) Settlers 7 Paths to a Kingdom (DRM: U-play) Rayman Origins (DRM: Tages) Anno 2070 (DRM: Tages) Its a shame Ubisoft don't just do Steamworks with their games. This bundle would have loads more interest if these were all Steam codes.
  19. Bought this for my girlfriend and bought this for myself, was on sale on shopto for like a tenner!
  20. Steam ID/Wishlist/Country (in case of regional restrictions) Steam ID: excel_excel Wishlist Background Open to everything really. I like long walks on the beach, a hot cup of coffee, the gentle calls of birds on a summer morning, a warm cuddle.....aahhhhh. First console was the NES, with Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt being my first games, and I've been gaming ever since. RIght now I'm unemployed trying to find a passion again and get a jawb. I like to draw and even write sometimes! I want to do more....but I'm unmotivated a lot. Working on that! General criteria In general I'm up for everything. I guess except for sports games. What are your favorite genres? Platformers, JRPGs, RPGs, Racing, Adventure, Action, doesn't matter I'm into anything really as long as its quality. I like story driven games as well, and I'm not opposed to visual novels either. I'm also particularly into stealth games. What are your favorite games? Super Mario 64, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, Hotel Dusk: Room 215, The World Ends With You, Super Meat Boy, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario Bros 3, No More Heroes, Final Fantasy VI and IX, Xenoblade Chronicles, Uncharted 2, Terraria.....list goes on. Are you okay with getting games not on your wishlist or other digital gifts? Yes, sounds groovy!
  21. oh! Tickets and flights and hotel bookings for Wrestlemania. That would be kind of a once in a lifetime thing. ITS STILL REAL TO MEDAMN IT!
  22. I'd liiiikkkkeeeeeee......hmm stuff that you can't really buy........ dunno. Job. A true passion! OH! The chance to go back in time and correct mistakes you've made!
  23. if these songs don't help me get more sexy times, so help me God Chewy. SO HELP ME GOD.
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