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About ZTF

  • Birthday 04/03/1989

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    Zero The Fool

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  1. Eagle Epsilon, for his classic anime design.
  2. It was either Commander Keen or Zelda 2.
  3. The only ending that I've experienced that I felt didn't deliver was the Sonic Chronicles ending. It was literally "Tune in next week to find out more!!" The hurt is all the more palpable knowing that a second Sonic Chronicles will never be released.
  4. Anyone know where you can grab a Dusk Stone? I need it for my Lampent.
  5. Just evolved Archen into Archeops, completing one sixth of my team. She's friggen deadly with Acrobatics if you can keep her HP up.
  6. I could do without the righteous indignation that is usually just a vain attempt to stir up controversy (because if there's anything good for pageviews, it's controversy). Also, I frankly don't see anything wrong exploitive entertainment. If the meatheads who watch/play/read these things actually think that this stuff is tolerable in the real world, I don't feel the need to put any blame on the creator or publisher. Entertainment is escapism. What a person wants to do with and take away from that entertainment is entirely his or her own choice and responsibility. Fuck that, we're getting Sengoku up-ins'.
  7. Megane Homura-chan HNNNGGGGH

    1. McBeeferton




      Oh, Homura.

  8. People who pick up a game that features a sexualized female on the cover or predominantly in the advertisements and are somehow SHOCKED AND OUTRAGED by the DISGUSTING amounts of MALE SHOGUNISTIC SEXISM in the game. It's like picking up a porno and raging about the nudity in it.
  9. Don't believe in your Pokemon! Believe in your Pokemon that believe in yourself!!
  10. I've watched this so many times...
  11. Assuming there is a sentient and sapient god, I still see no reason for worship or reverence. If an entity had the power and the intelligence to create and maintain a universe I seriously doubt that entity would be concerned with dogmatic prayers and rituals. You might say that religion and worship frames a person's morals and this is true. However, it is no more effective at creating a functional member of society then virtually any other type of education. I believe that the best form of "worship" for such a being would be to strive for a perfect, harmonious, and non-entropic state within the universe.
  12. I really dislike pretty much all of the DQ games. The plots and dialog tend to be far too cheesy for me.
  13. In no particular order: Skullgirls Card Saga Wars (Maybe? I doubt it will come out this year though) Mass Effect 3 TERA Dragon's Nest (Again, maybe?) Skyrim
  14. Saw this on Giant Bomb. Many WTFs were had.
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