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Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

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About Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

  • Birthday 07/14/1991

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  1. A few final things before I take off... Thursday, while you're right that leaving the site doesn't have to equal leaving the forum, I don't really have the same time I used to spend here. I have a site, a full course load, a club, and a group of friends nearby that I'm morally obligated to check in with every week or so. I could have just stayed silent and avoided turning this into a big deal, but then I would be tempted to return here. And keeping up with forum topics is so much more time-invasive than direct communication through a place like Steam. Waldorf, you're right, there ARE a few other reasons, but I don't feel comfortable talking about them at this time because I don't like to talk shit about people. I might talk about it privately if you ask nicely, but I'm not interested in defecating on the carpet before I go outside. Dean: We have the desire to start our own thing because it gives us the most control over what we can do. I know that may sound confusing because you were more open than a lot of site owners, but we have our reasons. Everyone: I'm sorry if this came across as melodramatic, but I really have to move on and this seemed like the most sensible way to do it. If you want to stay in contact look for me on Steam (thecheese33 is my Steam ID). You can also find me on Twitter (@jbu3). Thanks for the well-wishes, and for making this forum a pretty awesome place to hang out. And that's everything. Bye. (image embed isn't working so here's the URL https://www.dropbox.com/s/iqs20pfng00ce3f/2013-02-20%2007-28-13.769.jpg)
  2. So, I wasn't really planning on saying anything, but people have been asking, and I want to set the record straight. Yes, I left Press X or Die. I left because of creative differences. No, the reasons don't boil down to "Six and Dean yelled at each other on Twitter." I've felt like this was a necessary step to take for a while, and while that particular conversation was a factor, it was far from the reason. No, the discussion isn't as clear-cut as "this person was wrong and this person was right." There was a lot more to it, but all I'll say is that it was a stupid debate that should have never happened, and that everyone in it was at fault in a way. That includes myself. Six and I ARE starting our own site. No, it is not an attempt to poach X-Talk users or even Press X or Die readers. We just decided we wanted our own thing. We want our own name, our own rules, our own format... we want to try out some exciting things that Press X or Die couldn't let us do. I'll stick around here for a bit to field questions, but after that I'm gone. It's been nice spending time with you all, and I'm sure I'll see most of you on Steam, PSN or some other place.
    1. Mal


      So about the allegations of the West chemically sterilizing or infecting with serious diseases in Africa via the aid-workers or whoever...


      Holy shit, such a huge thing to cite in favor of those allegations.

    2. TheRevanchist


      Yep. Never trust a government. The mis-use of The Patriot Act is a good example of how a government can act when not properly checked. They fuck the 4th Amendment right in the ass!

  3. That Dead Island figure is pretty gross, and pretty shameful. Even worse is they're getting a bunch of publicity for doing something despicable.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. excel_excel


      To me, its just so god damn gross to look at. The big bone coming out of the neck.....blergh.

      I guess the bust looks like an attractive purchase in game stores? Like facing directly out in the packaging.

    3. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      If anything it's the low quality that offends me.

    4. Strangelove


      Eh. The only offensive and shameful thing about it is how tacky its going to look in someone's living room/bedroom. Who would own something so lame?

  4. An Ouya competitor? Who would want to compete for a nonexistent market?
  5. It got great reviews, if I recall. Also, Takashi Miike is an incredible director, even if this isn't exactly his usual sort of movie.
  6. Published my first article of the year (and in at least 6 months). Feels good, man.

  7. Les Miserables. It's a disaster. Awful staging, awful cinematography, sub-par singing, and the source material itself isn't very good to begin with. Oh yeah, and Jack Reacher.
  8. PXOD writers, assemble! I've posted a draft to GDocs. Needs your critical eye ASAP.

    1. deanb


      Technically with the Writers Board we shouldn't need to do this anymore.

  9. I beat Assassin's Creed III on January 1. Probably the worst way to begin any year. What a piece of shit.
  10. Started to dig into Persona 4 Golden two days ago. Fallen in love with P4 all over again...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pojodin


      Once he maxes out his social link with you, then you can see other people.

    3. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      Papa P4, why does mommy Thorgi have to live somewhere else :c ?

    4. Pojodin


      Motherboard Thorgi has an AM3 socket. She's not compatible with P4, or any other Pentium processor.

  11. Man, Miiverse during Christmas time is pretty adorable. I'm seeing "Merry Christmas" in several languages and a bunch of holiday doodles. Made me crack a smile.

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