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Everything posted by Toshi

  1. He hates many things. He is our resident raging bear after all.
  2. Loverholic Robotronic

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ixa


      what is wrong with it that you are unable to like it? at least you tried I guess.



    3. c hoertjes

      c hoertjes

      Fucking Zuckerberg!

    4. Toshi


      yeah, status updates rule

  3. korean emotes you say...
  4. Let's see... adept with blue hair who must be prince kid's dad.. wonder who...
  5. I'd like to point out here that it wasn't my .gifs that destroyed the forum, humanity is too fucked up for this sort of thing.
  6. but hearty, you were our heartfa in our glorious quest
  7. Asian.gif now exists, the forum is ruinedddddd!

  8. I've been playing this during my free time and am loving it. I get annoyed though when I miss out on djinn and get to a checkpoint that I can never return. Sigh, it's aggravating. Also, who are you fooling Alex?
  9. Hi, I'm Toshi.Hi, you're not Toshi.
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