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About Connorrrr

  • Birthday 08/22/1992

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  1. So, MGS 5 is really good. The gameplay just feels awesome. It's kind of corny, but I love it when a plan comes together, and the gameplay demos are not inflating that sense of planning your infiltration.

  2. I showed that trailer to my other half, it was so cool. I've never played EVE online but it always fascinated me. I never will play it, either. I do not have the patience to learn a game so complex. Hats off to those that are deep in it though.
  3. Thanks all for the kind messages on my last status, I've been recovering from routine surgery so have been off the PC for a while... I've been really enjoying my new Xbone. Sunset Overdrive is fantastic.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Connorrrr


      Hmm, no one is giving me shit? You guys know I have a Wii U too, right? I can take it!

    3. Eleven
    4. Vecha


      Missed your last status...Sorry man. That's rough.


      Enjoy the One man! I'm thinking of getting one in a year or so.

  4. My grandfather passed away last night, at 69 years old. We were all pretty blindsided by it, he was a very fit man for his age until he got ill, and deteriorated very quickly. What I'm saying is, relish the time you have because it actually does happen, and it's crazy!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. toxicitizen


      That's awful. My condolences to you and your family.

    3. Pojodin


      I'm sorry for your loss. My sympathies to you and your family. You are definitely right, it can happen so quickly.

    4. Alex Heat

      Alex Heat

      Sorry to hear that. I know how you feel. My grandma died back in August after getting ill about a month prior.

  5. I'm probably going to buy an XBone on Friday just to play Sunset Overdrive. I'm the worst kind of person.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TCP


      I'll buy an Xbox One the day Mr. GOH! says something positive about Nintendo.

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I bought mine because I could even if i have barely touched it.. until Sunset Overdrive. Amazing game.

    4. Connorrrr


      I suppose the way I look at it is one way or another I'll probably end up having more games on there that I want to play eventually so if I wanna play Sunset Overdrive so bad, now may as well be the time to dive in.

  6. I've not been posting much here, here's my progress. I started as a hunter, got her to 19. Then I decided to start a Titan and got that to 20. Now I'm watching some footage and think the warlock looks pretty awesome... Bah. I think I'm gonna stick with my titan for a bit and try and grind and get into the endgame stuff but I dunno what any of it is like and know more or less nothing about it. Destiny intrigues me like no other game. The shooting is great. I'm just not completely sold on the endgame yet. The grind and all that. But we'll see.
  7. Pillars of Eternity got pushed back. I know a couple of you are looking forward to that.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Nah. I've expected it. Feargus from Obsidian mentioned it in an interview a while back.

    3. Vecha


      I still need to get through wasteland 2 and divinity, I'm good.


    4. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      Ah, that's too bad. Pushed back to when? I hope it isn't too close to The Witcher 3.

  8. They did recently do an update called the "mercy update" that takes out all RNG for anyone frustrated by it all (optional mode called puzzle mode) which is neat but I dunno. I'll get back to it at some point.
  9. It's a neat little game for sure. The art style is fantastic. The gameplay is indeed very basic, but pretty fun for the most part. As Thursday says, it is more or less perfect for cross-save because of the short missions.. I'll find myself running one or two before bed, but the load times and frame rate can be a bit janky on the Vita, I've found. (gen 1, dunno if that matters). Looks great on the PS4. The game has a decent sense of humour and style. I wish the stealth was a bit more robust. Maybe I'm being stupid but it seems hard to get through without killing anyone and it's kinda beneficial to do so anyway... They should've given you scores for bypassing guards undisturbed ala Mark of the Ninja. I will continue to play for some time yet though, I imagine.
  10. I mean she has been getting more "patrons" since this drama but eh, who can say.
  11. As far as I can tell, none of the people she slept with have helped her career in any way. None of them seem to have reviewed Depression Quest and save for a very passing allusion to the game (I cannot be bothered to go dig up the article but a list of greenlit titles, one of them being Depression Quest, and so forth). Not to mention she can't profit from it because it doesn't cost money to play! I understand the idea of generating positive buzz but c'mon. This is all a big old shitstorm because there is a woman in the industry who did some shitty things and cheated on her boyfriend. It happens all the time. It is a dangerous situation with journalists but nothing was published so That's how I see it, anyway, as a complete outsider. She did fuck over her own morals at some point, by the sounds of it, but people do that all the time and she's getting SO MUCH ABUSE for it, it's insane. I'm trying to stay out of this conversation on Twitter, in particular because it seems anyone who defends her is very swiftly attacked by people who are name-searching her, and I may as well shout into a wind tunnel on Twitter. Anyway it's not really anyone elses business. She shouldn't have cheated, just like no one should cheat on anyone, but it happens and it sucks but she should let her sort her private life out in private. Shame on her ex for sharing the amount of information that he did. I understand wanting to rant in a cathartic manner, but he published all kinds of chat logs and really sullied her name, it was awful. No one is really a winner here.
  12. Finished it last night, as well as Left Behind which I did not play the first time. Beautiful addition to the main game. That game still manages to make me feel like someone has punched me right in the gut. Stunning, stunning game. I want to take the challenge of going through on a harder difficulty. I think I may give it a week or so and then go back in for Grounded mode.
  13. I still haven't been able to play it anymore. I'm a wimp.
  14. So no doubt everyone is aware of P.T by now. It went viral, everyone realised it was a Playable Teaser for a Silent Hill game with at least some involvement by Hideo Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro. Holy shit, right? So I downloaded P.T and fuck that. Me and my girlfriend turned out the lights, got snug and started playing. At one point I screamed so fucking loud, seriously. I turned it off. My heart was beating through my chest. It's fucking awesome. I daren't go back yet. Anyone played it? Anyone excited? Anyone have any experience with other Silent HIll games? Go nuts!
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