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  1. I had a Charmander named Mander. I was a terribly creative nine year old.
  2. Rey is such an obvious egomaniac and possibly a little racist. I like that the only new guy he has put over really well since in his time in the WWE has been Alberto Del Rio. No knock on Del Rio, I think he's amazing, but I just find it funny that Rey is only willing to put over a Mexican guy.
  3. Just be forewarned. The battle system is kind of clunky and there's a decent amount of back tracking. But it really is a game that sticks with you and evokes a real feeling in you while you play it.
  4. Can't directly link to it. Go to this post, and keep expanding comments until you get to Pretty Pink Pwnie's comment with a bunch of hungry African kids. Then read my response. http://ca.kotaku.com/5493996/raise-a-toast-to-toast-mario
  5. Anyone else download and love Ufouria? It definitely shows its age, but once you up your health (and learn to do the primary attack) it's a really cool game.
  6. Yeah, Little King's Story is my cause. I need to sing its praises whenever possible. I also forgot to mention Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon. That game is horribly archaic in some aspects, but just brilliant in almost everything else. It all comes together into a package that is far more than the sum of its parts.
  7. There will probably be some stuff that is big, but I honestly don't see anything being bigger than The Rock coming back.
  8. The Rock's return was awesome. Not a lot of people picked up on it, but the fact there was one aspect of his entrance that really got to me. They turned out all the lights and screens, and only when Rocky came back did anything get power. The effect was that he was literally bringing his electricity back to the WWE. Brilliant.
  9. It's a shame no one has mentioned Little King's Story yet. It is literally the best game I have ever played. Everything about it is perfect.
  10. I just got this game this past Summer. I beat it in about a week because I literally could not put it down. I went downtown looking for some Doc Martens one day, and I was so tempted to play it as I was walking around. I knew I couldn't pay adequate attention to either, but man was it tempting. Definitely top 5 DS games.
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