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About Swordfyre

  • Birthday November 13

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Oregon, United States

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Swordfyre's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. La langue française est belle.

    1. jimmuhpage


      Eu prefiro o português :P

  2. The demise of Phoenix Wright and the introduction of Apolo Justice - Capcom's biggest mistake. I love the Phoenix Wright games, although I love AAI: Miles Edgeworth a whole lot better :3
  3. I'll let you guys decide what these games are.

  5. Kotaku sucks. Kotaku's community The people part of the Kotakuites don't. Comment to end all comments.
  6. This... Add it... Now. This. Lulziest emoticon ever
  7. My laptop keeps decreasing in performance. I used to be able to max out a lot of games but I've had to lower a lot of settings.
  8. I must have spent hours burning games on CDs and I've only played my Dreamcast collectively for about maybe...10 hours at the most. Most of that was spent on Street Fighter 3 Alpha, which is god tier.
  9. When the PS4 or whatever comes out, I intend to buy a PS3 used and a ton of games used. I simply do not have the money right now to buy all the games I want for the PS3 right now. I generally buy PC games new on Steam...because it's not like you can buy them anyway else on Steam lol.
  10. In ME1 I have 2 playthroughs. James Shepard, a Paragon Infiltrator, and Gustavo Shepard, a Renegade Engineer. In ME2, I also have 2 playthroughs. I've imported James from ME2, then I imported him again through ME2. Truly awesome experience. I also have a Renegade Vanguard named Jamie Shepard. Pics later.
  11. I'm hooked to TF2 again, after taking a hiatus (with some sporadic playing) for about 3 months or so. I've also kinda been playing Super Meat Boy.
  12. Yo. I'm Swordfyre (also known as JD, but just call me Swordfyre). You may know me from the Kotakuites Chat, TF2 server and Minecraft server. I'm the guy who was permabanned by Ashcraft on Kotaku like 4 months ago for no reason. I'm predominately a PC gamer, although occasionally I'll play New Vegas on the Xbox 360, because for some reason the mouse control in Bethesda games just bug the hell out of me.
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