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  1. The more I hear about Mass Effect 3, the more annoyed I get.

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    2. RockyRan


      ^Exactly. I mean, ME1 was the first game in the series. It was a massively ambitious IP and there were big problems but those always exist in completely new IPs. I wanted to see them fix and expand rather than discard and restructure.

    3. deanb


      Yeah the reason folks said it was more TPS than RPG in Me2 is because everything RPG-like that they fucked up on, they just removed instead of improved. Instead of planetary exploration you get scanning instead. And the "missions" were just corridor shooters. Not helping with ME3 was that DA2 wasn't well received either n TOR is looking a bit pants. (Different studios but it's all "bioware" as far as EA wants you to know)

    4. Chewblaha


      What and every mission in ME was a fucking science lab underground or some derelict vessel with the exact same corridors. There are MANY things done better in ME2 at the expense of planetary exploration and t he inventory. You have actual missions where you go to unique looking planets to do some different things. Anomalies are much more advanced, the conversation system show you doing more things than just scratching your head or moving your head around the same time for 30 seconds straight....

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