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  1. Skyrim is the only game that has made me want to play more of it after finishing the main quest. On every other game, as soon as the main "quest" (campaign, mode, playthrough, whatever) is complete, my desire to play it drops like a stone.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Arkham City's core gameplay is so tight that I find myself going back to it. Plus, I spent hours doing all the other side missions and Riddler challenges.

    3. madbassman39


      I'm now a level 44, and just started the main quest because I just kept putting it off. Its actually a great main quest so far.

    4. RockyRan


      elev3n, trust me I'm exactly like that. Credits roll (or ending plays) and I'm done with it, without any desire to keep playing at all, but for some reason I want to play Skyrim more now :s


      madbassman, the quest starts off great and sputters toward the end. I won't spoil anything, but there's about 4 hours that made me just roll my eyes.

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