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Everything posted by RockyRan

  1. I think it's a damn good idea, but it'll depend all in the execution. I really hope the game doesn't eventually devolve into SHOOT THE GUYZ, because that'd be a really big waste of the whole idea.
  2. Not to mention the first couple of years Nintendo most likely milking the whole "Look! Mario in HD!" "Look! Metroid in HD!" thing instead of actually working on new IPs.
  3. Stupid summer classes, getting right in the way of the E3 live conferences. Second year in a row this has happened, too >:|

    1. TCP


      I work as a video journalist (sort of) and somehow, EVERY frigging year, I book a shoot during Sony and Nintendo's pressers. It's terrible. Next year I will remember.

  4. Finished another one (hooray!): Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood. Err, it's just. There. I liked the game enough, but overall I think it'll be one of those games that you won't remember a thing about. Nothing particularly standout from the campaign, and there were more than enough issues with the presentation (unpolished transitions, etc.), character facial animations were hilariously bad, and the "cover" mechanic was a complete disaster when using a mouse. Not to mention a whole bunch of BS deaths where I'm hiding behind cover and yet I'm still getting shot at for no good reason. Though I did like the way the story ended (yes, I do pay attention in game stories), music was pretty good, graphics were good (when not looking at people talking), the game ran super smooth at all times on my PC, and the overall theme I thought was executed pretty solidly. Overall, I'd say pretty average, with some moments of frustration. Could've done with more polish, though, that was the standout problem.
  5. I already have Civ V but don't have any DLC. Is any of it worth it or should I just skip it?
  6. It's not bad, the framerate is just inconsistent and I couldn't get anti-aliasing to work all that well for some reason. I'd still prefer the PC version since it still played at 1080p and above 30 FPS (Most of the time anyway).
  7. I thank your deity of choice that I find MMOs mind-numbingly boring. If grinding lasts for literally longer than 10 minutes in any game I automatically turn it off. I despise random repetition and I'm completely immune to the Skinner Box effect. If it's not backed up with quality gameplay I'd find the most addictive MMO boring. I couldn't play WoW for longer than 2 hours before I was dozing off. It's great because I think I have an "addictive" personality and if I actually liked MMOs I'd probably be dead by now
  8. I don't think that's a glitch, just something Sucker Punch overlooked for some reason or another.
  9. Finished two more (hooray for summer!) Serious Sam 3 and Darksiders. First, SS3. Er, weird ending. Quite weird. Loved the over-the-topness, though, if only presentation-wise. Gameplay-wise the game went into complete-clusterfuck mode that kind of killed the final moments for me, if only they would've made the final boss a bit more straightforward it would've saved some confusion and a little headache from all the shit going on. But the overall game is ace for me. Played through it in co-op with my bro and we both had a pretty good time. It was a bit overwhelming, though, we couldn't play more than one level at a time. It's a great game, but it drains you, something that I can't say for many games Darksiders. Well, ain't this a little gem. First tried it in an OnLive 30-minute trial and liked it enough to buy it at $5 at the soonest Steam sale, then played about 3/4ths of it before shelving it for a while and coming back to it now. I can't say how well this game clicked for me. Loved the God of War inspired combat system inserted into Zelda fare, loved the puzzles, I actually liked the art style (a lot of people absolutely abhor it for some odd reason), and the story got surprisingly good toward the end. A couple of obtuse puzzles and gruffy-mc-gruff-gruff-let's-make-everyone's-voice-gruffy kept me from jumping off the walls with this game, but it was so good despite being so derivative that I gotta hand it to Sigil for borrowing from so many games yet making a great cohesive, and above all FUN experience. And after Rage and Bulletstorm, I was VERY happy to learn that this game had a PROPER final boss battle and, above all, a PROPER ending cutscene that lasted longer than 30 seconds and didn't only go "GAME'S DONE, GET OUT NOW"! I'm really pleased about that. I'm a fan now, and I'm looking forward to Darksiders II without a doubt. I just hope the PC version won't suck as much this time, what with the maddening microstuttering and nonsensical framerate drops. That's what bothered me the most, actually.
  10. When devs got access to achievements and metrics that showed only something like 30% of people actually finish games (if that). Bulletstorm did have a sucky ending because it was made to be a trilogy or whatever, which means it doesn't end properly which I think is a shame. Especially considering the unstable industry atm. SL is pretty spot on, when all you have to use most o the time is a gun your boss fights are going to be pretty simplistic. There ARE boss battles in Bulletstorm, though, like the plant one. Yes, you shoot-shoot-shoot-shoot at it, but it's actually a battle. Hell, I would've taken that helicopter battle with the huge monster thing with the gash on the back of its head as an acceptable "final boss battle". There's just zero satisfaction in not having an out-of-the-ordinary battle right at the end. Not having one makes a game feel incomplete.
  11. Finished Bulletstorm, RAGE, and Sonic Generations in the past week (lots of freetime!) By far the most spent time was on RAGE. I generally liked the game and definitely liked the gunplay, but good god the rest of the game is a mess. It's extremely obvious they wanted the game to be more of an open world but had to cut down the game to a linear shooter halfway through development. It's ridiculous how many mixed signals the game sends you, repeatedly imploring you to "explore" but practically the entire game world is dead in the water unless you've got a quest that "activates" it. Best example was Crazy Joe's place, which I discovered after reading an in-game tip asking me to "explore because you never know what you might find". So I go and I find it and there's really nothing of interest there. I find a strange plant that is fully rendered (as opposed to cardboarded like all the other foliage in the game), and I can't do anything to it. I can't pick it up, shoot at it, ask about it, nothing. It's just a weird, 3D plant randomly at Crazy Joe's place. Hours later I go back to Wellspring and find an old guy who wants a plant from Crazy Joe's place and sure enough, it's that plant. Except now that I have a quest enabled for it it's got little stigmas sticking out of it and now I can pick it up? Did the game seriously just micromanage a PLANT in that it doesn't exist until the game WILLS it so? This happens all the time, everywhere. All the levels are riddled with invisible walls, painted-on doors, and a whole bunch of areas that are entirely devoid of life or activity until a quest activates them, then they're all super active and teeming with life. With the way the game is laid out there's simply no way this was the intended final product. I also hated the fact that there was no final boss at all --- So then I move on to Sonic Generations and I do like it. It's really quite nice. Granted, this is actually my first Sonic game I've ever finished (never been a Sonic fan personally), but it was definitely fun and it's certainly a bit of a breath of fresh air to get a platformer since the genre is pretty much dead at this point. Not much to say here since it was so short (didn't mind the short length, though. I noticed there's a whole bunch of side stuff I didn't bother with), and the absolutely horrendous voice acting, but that's not too much of an issue for me. I did have to skip most of the "movies" (which I never do) because the VA was so terrible, though. They really ought to look just a little bit into maybe getting actors that don't suck ass. --- Finally, Bulletstorm. I fired this up yesterday after having played like the first 2 hours then stopped, and I was surprised to know that I stayed up until 1 in the morning blowing past the vast majority of the campaign. It keeps a really good pace like that, in that there's no point where I'm bored enough to shut it off for the night. I practically had to force myself to stop and when I booted it back up this morning I realized I had like 5 minutes left anyway. I'm surprised at how well I think they did the villain. Not to spoil much here (though, honestly, who'd be bothered by story spoilers in this game?), but the way they have you interact with the main villain and the way they continue to build him up as an asshole was actually pretty effective. I genuinely hated him, which doesn't happen often in games since most of the time these kinds of games go "yeah, bad guy, shoot him. Grr, we angry at him. Whatever, you'll do whatever we tell you to finish this game anyway", but People Can Fly actually put effort in trying to make you hate the villain. Though towards the end it got a little too spamming-the-enemies, they did a really great job with the setpieces and the "resort" backdrop was just beautiful. I hated, however, the lack of final boss battle. I honestly don't get this trend. Where did it become acceptable to just "forget" to have a final boss and an actual ending? Happened in RAGE too. I'm seeing an alarming trend in shooters in particular, where devs think they can just end the game at any point in time and so long as they "close" the game with a prerendered cutscene (of any length and any quality. RAGE's closing cutscene was pathetic. The audio compression sounded like I was watching a 240p Youtube video and the cutscene lasted like 30 seconds), that it's perfectly fine to end the game with absolutely zero closure in terms of story AND gameplay. It devalues the entire experience if they're really that lazy to not properly finish up a game. It annoys me when devs just assume they're going to get oodles of sequels and thus don't even bother wrapping anything up in the game proper. With Bulletstorm being cancelled now they have basically a half-finished product
  12. I was coming in here to post that I got to the middle and lost interest. >_< Yeah. Despite it being one of my favorite games of all time I honestly couldn't tell you what happened in the middle third of the game because I really don't remember any of it.
  13. The middle gets a bit boring but stick with it. The end more than makes up for it.
  14. What'd you mean by that? Windows games that don't run well on modern OSs are way harder to "tweak" to get them working, whereas DOS games (the vast majority of games on GOG) just use custom versions of DOSBox and away they go. I believe the only Windows games that appear on GOG are ones that work with very little or no tweaking for modern OSs, like RollerCoaster Tycoon. SimCity 3000 doesn't have a DOS version, so I don't think GOG has any way to get it to work on modern OSs reliably.
  15. Problem with SimCity 3000 is that I can't seem to get it working at all on modern OSs (namely, Windows 7). It's a Windows game too so it's not likely to appear on GOG anytime soon Edit: Especially sad for me as 3000 is my favorite SimCity.
  16. Got my wisdom teeth out. Now with 100% less wisdom!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Luftwaffles


      Have fun eating no solid food for the next week! I know I did...

    3. RockyRan


      Yeah, I got gassed. I stayed (barely) conscious but I didn't feel anything and my eyes were closed.


      It's going really smooth. I haven't been in serious pain this whole time and I stopped using gauzes within 2 hours. :D

    4. FredEffinChopin


      OOF. Good for you. I've been on the fence on getting that done for years now, but can't bring myself to actually go through with it. It involves some slicing of the gums... Ugh... *shudder*

  17. Neat. I'll do this just for the games
  18. Well, MS fucked up the past two E3s by going KINECTKINECTKINECTKINECTKINECT!!!! God only knows what'll happen if they do the same thing yet again.
  19. Can't catch a single fucking break with my uni stuff. >:|

  20. I want to upgrade my GTX 460, on a budget of about $230 (give or take $20). Anyone have recommendations right off the bat? I'm leaning toward nVidia, BTW, since their drivers tend to be a lot less of a headache.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Luftwaffles


      I'd wager it'd probably be slightly more than the current 560 Ti. You could see if you could pick up a 570 on the cheap, too. It'd definitely be an improvement, as I'd guess the 660 will likely be on about the same level as the 570.

    3. Johnny


      You're upgrading FROM a 460? I'd hold out a bit longer. That's not a bad card.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, I'm with Johnny, hold out. I'm on a 470 and I haven't run in to any problems yet.


      God bless 7 year old consoles holding back the graphics.


      That said, damn do I want a 690...

  21. OH LAWD That used to say "Enter". I'm thinking they dun goofed on that with this last update. BTW, the new CTF map, that forest one, is amazing. SO. MUCH. GREEN!
  22. 10 hours into RAGE and it's pretty damn obvious the game was meant to be more "open world" but was very severely cut for some reason or another. I'm thinking that reason is physical space (~20 GB as it is already) or budget, but this most definitely wasn't the intended final product.

    1. deanb


      Yeah it was cut to fit on the 360. They removed an entire area too iirc. Fucking MS and their use of DVDs this day n age.

    2. Maritan


      I'd say "fucking consoles".

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      ^It just would have been a giant install on PS3.

  23. Portal 2 editor out, and I spent the last three hours making my first puzzle. Trai, plz! http://steamcommunity.com/id/mrpantaloons/myworkshopfiles?appid=620

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Connorrrr


      It was good! A bit back and forth, and I hated having to wait for the lifts (a pet peeve of mine in any portal level, community created or otherwise) but yeah I enjoyed it :)

    3. Johnny


      Yeah, waiting around for the moving platforms made it much more tedious than it would have been otherwise.


      The rest of it is good though.

    4. RockyRan


      Thanks! I'm thinking of changing the platforms to those spring things. It got tiring testing the thing over and over with those slow platforms <_<

  24. Downloading LoL, my first MOBA ever. Not sure if I should be playing with fire <______>

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Chewblaha


      True. I like LoL because you have actual items that enhance your abilities. Most items in DotA are just either health/mana boosters or ultimates slapped onto items. I just thought it got really boring that casters pretty much fall off a cliff while ranged/melee are the only things you can enhance.

    3. Johnny


      I'm the opposite; I absolutely despise being item-dependent. I'd rather be the support caster helping the carry get kills than the guy farming for the next big item.

    4. VicariousShaner


      That kind of applies to both games though. In LoL, most supports only really build aura items, which are also usually health/mana.

  25. The hell is wrong with my Steam? It keeps re-downloading Gemini Rue. This is like the 4th time today >:|

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I've had that happen before. Can't remember if there's a fix.

    2. Eleven


      Good thing this bug didn't happen to their Witcher 2 copy!


      oh wait... :(

    3. TheMightyEthan


      You know you want to play it...

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