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Everything posted by RockyRan

  1. You are. Let me correct my statement: I can't comment on how unbalanced the game is at the 100+ hour mark so I might be talking out of my ass as to how bad the unbalancing can get at that point, but I certainly wouldn't take a diehard MMO fan's opinion seriously over it. Skyrim's about the experience and an entirely different philosophy in gameplay mechanics (which I DO feel qualified enough to point out since they're so fundamentally different even at a basic level), I wouldn't expect that audience to catch those nuances. Doesn't help much that I don't respect the MMORPG genre at all.
  2. Stupid girl posted this on Facebook: "If you want to go to college to become TOOL for a JOB, that's fine. Do it. Go get your degree in engineering or fashion merchandising or business management. If you want to go to college to CULTIVATE your MIND, look to the humanities. Don't claim you got the better deal because you read C++ while I read Moby Dick."

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. RockyRan


      Johnny, I define productivity in the same way that the world defines it: "the quality, state, or fact of being able to generate, create, enhance, or bring forth goods and services" (Dictionary.com)

    3. fuchikoma


      Entertainment and literature could be viewed as services. That said, I pretty well agree with you - I wouldn't call them ESSENTIAL services, but luxuries. In part, because humans really can't help but produce art whether we educate and fund it or not.

    4. Battra92


      Haha bitches! I learned C++ code (which I never use) and a bunch of other IT stuff AND I read Moby Dick (on my own.) Who's the loser now?

  3. I haven't played to the point where it becomes unbalanced, but I'm definitely starting to see enemies become more powerful for some reason. Before, enemies had to hit me a good 10 or so times to kill me without me healing, now those Dwarven sphere things can kill me in 3. Dunno if this was intentional, but circle strafing around them makes them miss a lot of their swings so I don't die as easily. Gives it a bit of a Demon's Souls vibe where I had to observe powerful enemies and work up on a technique to beat them. Call me crazy, but a game getting harder as you go along isn't that bad an idea. I mean sure, it might be the result of shitty balancing more than anything, but I ain't complaining. I hate it when RPGs (especially the Japanese kind) where the real difficulty for the player remains flat throughout, they just up the numbers so instead of you doing 10 damange and the enemy doing 5, your THUPER POWERFUL WEPUNZ do 184,302 damage and the THUPER PWRFUL ENEMEEZ do 91,151. The game having a difficulty curve is probably the result of shitty balance I admit, but at least it's there and it hasn't gotten (yet) to the point where it's unbearable. I can't comment on how unbalanced the game is so I might be talking out of my ass here, but the Skyrim ED article's complaints weren't too convincing, IMO. Oh noez, you can find obscure ways in which to exploit this incredibly large game! How horrible! /s MMORPGs being balanced isn't much of an accomplishment here, considering how 90% of those damn games are braindead Skinner Boxes with braindead gameplay somehow hypnotizing people to spend a depressing amount of time on them, with maybe 20 hours max of gameplay hammered to thin the gameplay out so much you hardly accomplish anything even remotely in the realm of "fun" after dozens of hours. Woo, this collection of Skinner Boxes is VERY well balanced! A star to the forehead of the designer! Ugh. Gimme a rich, developed, immersive, delightful world to lose myself in, thankyouverymuch. Something irritates me about diehard MMO fans (who I can hardly call "human") take their robotic, joyless attitude on playing RPGs and "laughing" at Skyrim, a game rich on the "experience" and shit on it because their mechanical optical sensors homed in on some random exploit. Calm down, crazies, you can't farm for gold in this game and sell it overseas, Skyrim is going in a slightly different direction in case you haven't noticed. /rant
  4. One setting above the default one. I really don't have a problem with the difficulty in general, it's just the AI. I'd be fine with the horse's HP being finite and not too high, but making a 1000-gold perishable "item" dead-prone because it blindly charges to enemies and tries its hand and killing them for no reason despite the fact it wasn't even provoked? Do real horses even behave that way?
  5. It's only a matter of time until Idiocracy becomes real. We've now started seeing the small hints in society that actually knowing more than 1 language is "bad".
  6. Weird how much jizz that E3 Zelda WiiU tech demo produces in some forums. Apprently they haven't realized just how generic that image really is. They're just jizzing at HD Zelda footage (that's not even a real game), despite many fanboys perpetuating that whole "YOU'RE A GRAPHICS WHORE IF YOU'RE IMPRESSED BY HD GRAPHICS" BS several years ago. Take that same footage, replace Link with any random character, say it came from some random 360/PS3 3rd party and that foot...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RockyRan


      I mean, if that footage had been even slightly informative of anything at all about a new Zelda game I might see some merit in the excitement, but just seeing completely random tech demo footage of a game that isn't even going to exist and saying "HNNNG ZELDA IN HD!!!" really strikes me as superficial Pavlovian love. I thought most Nintendo fans hated "graphics whoreness" yet they get excited for a non-game just because it has Zelda looking pretty in it?

    3. Battra92


      Well Zelda fans were pretty excited about the Gamecube Demo that never existed as a real game (which is part of the reason so many disliked Wind Waker's style)

    4. madbassman39


      I'm sad that they said they wont be using the skyward sword artstyle agian

  7. What is WITH horses in this game? I bought a horse awhile back but I don't even know I want one anymore. 90% of the time I have to babysit the damn thing healing it while it goes off getting its stupid ass killed or attacked by wolves and I don't think I'm actually going that much faster than on foot (though I bought a Whiterun horse so there's probably faster/better ones in other towns). If anyone knows of a mod/console command make horses basically stop acting idiotic I'd appreciate it.
  8. A dragon attacked a town in Skyrim for no reason. All the guards took up arms while all the civilians left yelling things like "I'm outta here!", and after it was dead the whole town ran to the corpse and commented on it. After Oblivion's braindead NPCs, this moment seriously made me smile :)

  9. I, too, find it amusing that a gaming website has to make a spinoff site for gaming news. I hope at least one editor over there has realized the irony in this.
  10. Crecente AND Johnson left? That's easily the best thing to happen to that site in years.
  11. Yeah one thing I most definitely notice is the overabundance of gold in the game. Why in the world is a helmet that weighs 5 units sells for 60 gold is beyond me. And this after being a measly 10 hours in the game and getting base-grade loot. I'm up 700 gold whereas in Oblivion it'd easily take me twice as long to get half that much. I guess I'll have to look into a mod that balances for that (if there is one right now) because I've been hearing you have consistently more gold than you know what to do with through the course of the game.
  12. Does anybody know of a mod that removes quest-related text from blathering all over the screen? It's pretty damn annoying to click on a dialogue option and see "GO TO WHITERUN NOW PLX KTHXBAI" in bigass letters before the NPC actually TELLS me to go there.
  13. HAI GAIZ. Back from my 2 week vacation and I love everyone. :D

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      I am merely 90% covered in burns. This report of my death was an exaggeration.

    3. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      Fuck, RockyRan loves us. The forum is worthless now.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Has no one told you yet Hot Heart? You're 90% covered in *fatal* burns...

  14. Forget Bethesda games. I haven't played a game as unpolished, poorly designed and downright buggy as fuck as Crysis, especially the second half of its single player. Jesus they really phoned that in.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fuchikoma


      Crysis... is by Crytek? I was always scared off by the bugs in their TES games, but I'm having a blast in Skyrim 1.1...

      I used to swear I'd given up on R* until GTA4 hit. I never could have predicted it would be playable.

    3. Luftwaffles


      Crysis was a tech demo with a game patched in, IMO. Never was a fan.

    4. RockyRan


      I liked the first half. Definitely solid and had a clear direction (an open take on the standard shooter formula, etc.). The second half, though, wasn't at all like the first and it was all the worse for it.

  15. Live Vita stream: http://www.twitch.tv/redsungamer (DAT UI)

    1. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      The comments are giving me cancer, hurrrgh.

  16. Gotta love the system. They get to make bribes public AND legal.
  17. Jesus god, someone get Remedy (Alan Wake devs) a new PR guy, because the current one is fucking terrible: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/12/16/additionalan-remedy-on-couches-gfwl/

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      PC people feel like they're entitled to the game. Remedy got a chance to release it on a console where it could sale [if at all] and it did. Now it's coming to the PC. Move on.

    3. MasterDex


      Ahh, the old entitlement shtick. I was wondering when that would appear. It has nothing to do with entitlement and everything to do with respect. I couldn't give two shits if they never released it for PC but I don't like being patronised. Why is it that if a PC gamer says "hang on a second!" when they're being patronised, they're entitled, elitist and mouthing off?

    4. RockyRan


      Here's a tip: If you want me to stop listening to anything you say automatically, include the word "entitled" in your argument. It's FDA-Certified RockyRan Repellent.

  18. What the hell is steamgifts.com? I keep hearing about it but I have no clue how it works or what exactly it is

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RockyRan


      Unhelpful, snarky responses? Did I walk into GameFAQs by mistake?

    3. RockyRan


      (I did eventually read the FAQ once I found it)

    4. Luftwaffles


      It's a bunch of people vying for gifts via steam. Kind of a spinoff of r/playitforward. Because of all the people, though, the chance of winning is kinda a needle in a haystack.

  19. I don't know who the fuck is deciding the curriculum for engineering, but they're tripping balls. After picking classes for next semester I realized I'm not even close to graduating despite this being my 4th year. I was like "WTF" and went to look at the "suggested" plan of what to take (which I wasn't following). In order to finish in 4 years they're fucking asking for ~17 hour semester, each semester. My favorite was their "suggested" second semester of Freshman year, where they suggested 19 hours that semester. When signing up for classes the hard limit for hours is 18.
  20. Still, though, AdBlock is far, far more detrimental to a website that relies on ads and nothing else as a means of revenue (and that's a TON of websites out there), but in exchange to selling basically "you" as a commodity to sponsors they provide you with a service for free. It doesn't really matter if the ad isn't incredibly annoying with those retarded FUKNG EXPAND on Xbox Live, they're still using "you" as a commodity for them to make more money, for a service that you're already footing the bill for. I wouldn't mind at all if there was a "free" version of Live that would shove ads in your face, but if you're paying for it you shouldn't be seeing ads period. I don't think anybody really wants to follow the footsteps of cable TV for anything. Lack of content, crazy price, 3 minutes' worth of ads every 8 minutes of show content (or less in some cases), the works. There was a time waaay back in the day when a big draw to cable TV was that it was completely ad-free since you were paying for it. Then there came in-channel ads that would advertise only shows from that same channel, then came a couple of regular ads, and then it grew and grew until we have this clusterfuck today. Give an inch, take a mile, etc. That little ad on the bottom right corner's gonna get bigger and bigger over the years if everybody just waves it away. (Though I shouldn't even be getting worked up about this. I don't even use Live <_______<)
  21. I really hated Witcher 1 despite me trying my hardest to like it. But holy fucking jesus, Witcher 2 is absolutely amazing. To say they fixed everything wrong with W1 would be a huge understatement.

  22. Uh, lots of people? You know, considering how AdBlock is still one of the most popular and widely used plugins of every web browser that has it. That's what I don't get. I thought through the YEARS of AdBlock being highly popular that it was common knowledge that people...DON'T want little squares on their viewing space delivering advertisements while they're reading other, non-related things? I don't know how people can be offended that other people don't like ads, considering how there are plenty of ways to get rid of ads on other venues and nobody says anything about it. Millions and millions of people use AdBlock every day. I bet the majority of the "GRR! YOU SHOULDN'T BE BOTHERED BY ADS ON XBOX LIVE, EVER!!" camp have AdBlock installed on their browsers too. And we're all blocking ads that show up in websites that are free to use, that rely on ad revenue to support their servers. Yet here's a service that's absolutely NOT free AND you still get ads. Is there any rhyme or reason? No. I don't see how something that isn't beating you over the head can't possibly bother you. It's pretty clear Microsoft is selling its own paying customers as commodities to advertisers for the sake of extra bucks, cluttering up your space with things that have absolutely nothing to do with the console itself. That little square on the bottom right corner of your screen can be used for a wide variety of shortcuts, and yet it's wasted on ad space. I don't think anybody wants to raise torches and pitchforks over this, but being peeved at ads for a service you already pay for is perfectly normal. Getting angry that people don't like unsolicited ads on a paid service is really quite silly.
  23. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Amendment 1: Constitution of the United States. This also applies to stuff that you disagree with. It also applies to stuff that I disagree with. The answer to speech you don't like is more speech. Banning "hate" speech (who decides it anyway) is an abridgement of our basic Liberties. Unless you are inciting a riot or spreading defamation ALL speech ought to be protected. We're talking about the United States here, the country that glorifies greed and selfishness. Nothing significant would come out of public programs funded purely by people's volition. Remember that a big chunk of people donate for the tax breaks and little else, and remember that a very big reason why the economy is stalling is due to the fact that big corporations absolutely refuse to invest in their own companies and create jobs simply because it's not profitable. Nothing gets done for the greater good unless someone or something forces it so. That is the way the US has always worked. EDIT: Also, somebody should let Rick Perry know his campaign is over already, unless he wants to supply comedians with great material for years to come with his incredibly poor rhetoric.
  24. Bastion = purchas'd. I also purchas'd Witcher 2 yesterday but I want to get into that too. How long is Bastion?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Bastion is well worth your time. It depends on whether you upgrade every single weapon. I upgraded a large portion of them and it took me around 5 hours to beat... and that's without the new game+

    3. RockyRan


      5-7? Neat. Bite-size enough that I can play through it without feeling the need to rush it.


      Chewie: I'm sowy. I've been keeping an eagle eye on the game for a while now and jammed the "OMFG BUY" button the instant I saw it. Thanks for the offer, though :)

    4. Saturnine Tenshi
  25. How is the in-game Xbox Menu? Any different from the previous UI? Because that'd be my only reason to lug my 360 all the way to my room to update and haul it back afterward. Also, I presume ads are still generously shoved in your face at launch? One of the big reasons why I don't connect my 360 to the 'net. Well, that and the fact that I refuse to pay for online functionality. I get to save money AND not be subjected to ads. Neat.
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