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About CyberToyger

  • Birthday 03/15/1989

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  • Interests
    Cats, Video games, Anime, the destruction of the New Gawker sites layout

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Beefday!, McBirthdayto... ...wait a minute.. strike that, reverse it

  2. "Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging items in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and intellect." Ergo, video games are art. Whether or not you personally appreciate any given video game is irrelevant -- if it contains imagery, text and/or sound arranged in a way that "affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and intellect", its freakin' art. End of story, case closed, lock it up and throw away the damn key.
  3. Imma be honest, I find it hilarious that people immediately call me a conspiracy nut the minute I call bullshit on the Government's "official version of the story". I find it more likely that Bin Laden died back in 2001 and the powers-that-be have been perpetuating this war for a multitude of reasons. I won't go into them as I know no one will care or take me seriously. Call me naive, stupid, crazy, un-American.. I don't care... the fact of the matter is that it took nearly 10 years, at LEAST $1.3 Trillion dollars later, and supposedly the most advanced, well-equipped military from allegedly the most powerful nation in the world, to supposedly find one guy in the middle of arguably one of the most barren parts of the world. Not only that, but neither the attack on the compound, nor the after-math, nor the freakin' BURIAL AT SEA, a short 3 hours later, were recorded in any way shape or form. Unless someone here has a video other than that damn 3D chinese news thing... or non-photoshopped images, color me cynical. I would like to say however, that I would not begrudge immediate victims of the 9/11 attacks their joy/closure after hearing of their murderer's death; I am not that heartless or selfish of a bastard, I'm just a plain old bastard.
  4. Two fun pix! Don't worry, they're not furry pr0n lol :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      Its Pokemon soft porn. Look at their asses. *_*

    3. AgamemnonV2


      Thanks for the warning, Mal.


      Bad furry! Bad!

    4. Johnny


      It's not even close.

  5. I'd say everything on dat article ( http://www.destructoid.com/huge-load-of-wii-successor-project-cafe-rumors-199298.phtml ) seems plausible. If the controller does in fact have a screen on it once this baby comes out, according to the blurry words on the pictures themselves: "The TV can then be turned off or left on to alternate camera views of the action", then I can see this selling like crazy as it would be great for people who live in small housing/apartments or who cannot afford an HDTV. Hell, you could plug the console into anywhere in the house/apartment/dorm/library/cafe (lolol) and turn any room into a game room since the screen(s) would be right there on the controller(s). I would also imagine it would take less electricity than a full-size tv + the console, so you've got a bit of green right there.
  6. I converted and tagged from a high-quality .wav file I got from here -- http://www.mediafire.com/?mgme66s119nu5e5 And yeah, Youtube generally rapes audio on videos that only go up to 360p or 480p; if you ever want some help finding music just give me a shout, I've spent the better 8 years of my life being a music-hunter XD
  7. Oh lordy lord Deanb, 64kbps is murder on the ears man XD Have some lush 320kbps instead :3
  8. Seeing as how today is the 18th; Day 01 - Your first video game - Super Mario Bros. (NES) Day 02 - Your favourite character - I have too many favorites; old-skool Sonic, Gordon Freeman, Alyx Vance, Felicia, Taokaka, Katt, Mew, Mewtwo, Beef...Pikachu, ...I'll stop there XD Day 03 - A game that is underrated - Trine Day 04 - Your guilty pleasure game - Trickster Online Day 05 - Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were) - Not a specific character but a Beast Tribe Laguz from Fire Emblem or maybe a Mithra from Final Fantasy :3 If I had to stay away from the cat fetish, then Joe Barbaro from Mafia 2. Day 06 - Most annoying character - Day 07 - Favourite game couple- Mario & Luigi. ...OH F*CK.. you mean like.. dating/lovey-dovey couple.. scratch that!.. Gotta go with Alyx + Gordon Day 08 - Best soundtrack - The old-skool Sonic series as a whole Day 09 - Saddest game scene - A bunch of times in Heavy Rain Day 10 - Best game play - tied between Super Smash Bros. Melee and L4D2 Day 11 - Gaming system of choice - PC Day 12 - A game everyone should play - Black Mesa Source... once it freakin comes out! Day 13 - A game you've played more than five times - Sonic the Hedgehog 2; Left 4 Dead 2; Super Mario Bros. 1 + 3; Super Mario 64; Pokemon Red + Blue + Yellow Day 14 - Current (or most recent) gaming wallpaper - Day 15 - Post a screen shot from the game you're playing right now - Day 16 - Game with the best cut scenes - Lets talk about pre-rendered scenes instead; Blur Studio is God-tier when it comes to CGI. <3 Day 17 - Favourite antagonist - GLaDOS, f*ck all the haters who call 'overrated' on this just because its Portal. :3 Day 18 - Favourite protagonist - either Ethan Mars or Norman Jayden. Ethan Mars is the best dad ever, though his children were born with Derp-itis, obviously from their mother. Norman Jayden is the epic underdog and such a softie by default. He's also got those bitchin' A.R.I. sunglasses.. I freakin want those!!
  9. Japanese movies and Western movies are both movies, though each are distinguishable. You would not call a Japanese movie, a Western movie. You can however call either of them by the umbrella term -- movie. Animes and Cartoons are both Animated Illustrations/Pictures; or animations. Calling an anime a cartoon is incorrect as they are separate forms of animation. You can call either of them by the umbrella term -- animation. Macs and PC's are both computers, but good luck calling one by the other without getting savagely attacked or ridiculed. You can call either of them by the umbrella term -- computer.
  10. The majority of people have come to know American animated shows as cartoons, and Japanese ones as animes. To them, its the equivalent of vans and SUV's. While vans and SUV's are large, gas-guzzling vehicles, they are different. The same applies to the former. American cartoons are made in America (usually) and have English audio natively. Japanese animes are made in Japan and have Japanese audio natively. Also, there is no real consistency to American cartoons while most Japanese animes follow a general drawing + coloring + shading process. While I personally would not spazz out, I would politely correct/point out that cartoons and animes are indeed, different breeds of creature. Just as vans and SUV's, bananas and plantains, potatoes and sweet potatoes, or even Macs and PC's are all separate entities.
  11. It's been awhile...



  12. "That's against the rules, isn't it?!" Yami Yugi yelled at Seto Kaiba. "Screw the rules! I have money!" Seto Kaiba said with a smirk. "My voice gives me super strength!" Tristan yelled, running towards Kemo hastily. "Attention Duelists! My hair is hungry!" Kemo the guard said while nomming. "Make yourself a hamburger, they're American!" Bandit Keith loudly proclaimed.. In America!
  13. Meh, I need to redo my wallpaper, I was bored one night and messed around with 'shop. XD
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