Imma be honest, I find it hilarious that people immediately call me a conspiracy nut the minute I call bullshit on the Government's "official version of the story". I find it more likely that Bin Laden died back in 2001 and the powers-that-be have been perpetuating this war for a multitude of reasons. I won't go into them as I know no one will care or take me seriously.
Call me naive, stupid, crazy, un-American.. I don't care... the fact of the matter is that it took nearly 10 years, at LEAST $1.3 Trillion dollars later, and supposedly the most advanced, well-equipped military from allegedly the most powerful nation in the world, to supposedly find one guy in the middle of arguably one of the most barren parts of the world. Not only that, but neither the attack on the compound, nor the after-math, nor the freakin' BURIAL AT SEA, a short 3 hours later, were recorded in any way shape or form. Unless someone here has a video other than that damn 3D chinese news thing... or non-photoshopped images, color me cynical.
I would like to say however, that I would not begrudge immediate victims of the 9/11 attacks their joy/closure after hearing of their murderer's death; I am not that heartless or selfish of a bastard, I'm just a plain old bastard.