Since the Human Centipede 2 was brought in and I know people who banned 'that filth' in this country aaand I know a bunch of people who worked on that film I suppose I can talk about it to some extent.
Censorship is not an easy thing and the BBFC is actually a very liberal organisation that doesn't just ban each and every thing. We've long moved past days when we found the word Ninja offensive due to our cultural history and thus the Ninja turtles were the Hero turtles here.
However censorship here in the media works like this - if there is content depicted that they believe can negatively affect a large number of people it will be banned. It's not to do specifically with violence, drug use, horror, stereotypes and such. The depiction of someone being anally raped by a dick covered in wire gauze was too much for the censorship board. That's one of the things why they banned it. There was also something about sandpapering a penis. There is a reason why snuff and torture porn isn't depicted in mainstream media and it's illegal - there is actual physical harm and illegal activities involved. When they released or were on the verge of releasing the Human Centipede 2 - they were interested in pushing the bar just to get a shock reaction. They wanted to disturb people and the purpose of it was to disturb people and make them as uncomfortable as possible. I'm not sure of how much content was cut in the versions released, however there's a lot of things in the film that they did not want to expose the general public to. HC2 wanted an 18 rating and the BBFC at best would give them an R18 because of the content. This isn't to do with freedom of speech as much as the unwillingness to be a ratings body that would expose the public to some of the film's content. Had it been released, the reaction would be to pretty much shit on the BBFC - trust me a lot of the content in that film was downright horrid. I do recall someone working on the film and someone who saw the film telling me that it was pretty vile. Also based on what happened it's unlikely tom six will be allowed to film here in the UK before his content is extensively reviewed because of reports by some of the actors (would've been fine otherwise). This isn't like the Middle East where you aren't allowed to negatively depict some of the states and if you do face a lifeban.
When it comes to media there is such a thing as expression and public expression. Freedom of speech when it comes to media content needs to work with both of them. However that said, the UK has done some fairly silly things of late when it comes to hate speech, particularly in terms of punishment.
The biggest issue with gaming is that software and entertainment are married in a really shitty relationship. Hence ratings are always going to be an issue in many countries. Plus as discussed, we live in a global world - what is kosher in your culture may not be kosher in mine and honestly people of that nation are fine with that. For instance Gravure, while being weird, is perfectly acceptable in Japan because of the way their culture works. I doubt people give a shit. Bring that here to the West and because of the way our cultures have evolved we'd be pretty much going 'ban this filth'.
Let's take for instance the UK, does anyone remember the very furry orangina advert that was aired a few years ago with all sorts of sexual references. The Ad council obviously didn't have a problem with it. People complained to OFCOM and it was banned from being aired. Freedom of Speech for all rights and purposes is a very flexible thing. Some people want a lot and some people want nothing - the thing we should accept is to give a society the choice to choose how much freedom of speech and expression they choose to have. Otherwise what's the point of giving such powers to organisations like OFCOM and FCC?
The problem with these silly ratings in Australia is that people do not have a choice. People don't like the ratings and there are several organisations that consider these ratings silly. However there are those in power who are pushing their agendas in order to push their views forward. Should we not allow these idiots to not have their freedom of speech or expression? Of course not. But that said we should prevent them from encroaching upon someone's freedom of 'choice'. If they want to be restricted in expressing themselves then so be it - it's their personal 'choice'. If there are enough complaints to the regulatory then perhaps they can ban it. But for that they have to release it uncensored first. This holds true in the case of some of those games - particularly since the reason for censorship doesn't seem to be something that majority of the people would object to or care to object to.